Player housing

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Housing comes in the form of Node housing, Apartments and Freeholds.[1] A player may own one of each type of housing.[2]

Player housing (pre-alpha)

Kaelar and Empyrean freeholds (pre-alpha)


  • Owning housing makes it possible for a player to claim Citizenship to a Node.[3]
  • Prized items can be displayed within a house.[4]
  • Houses can be used to carry out crafting.[4]
  • Houses provide an amount of storage.[4]
  • Achievements and trophies may be displayed.[4]
  • May provide proximity based bonuses.[4]

Carcasa del nodo

Alojamiento persistente provides non-instanced player accommodation within a node, also known as in-node housing.[6]


Los apartamentos son zonas instanciadas dentro de un nodo que ofrecen funcionalidades e alojamiento .[6] Habrá un total de 50 apartamentos disponibles para comprar cuando un nodo avanza a la fase de Aldea (fase 3). Se pueden construir edificios de apartamentos adicionales en la fase de Pueblo (fase 4) si el alcalde decide construirlos y si hay terreno disponible para hacerlo.[7][8]

  • El número de apartamentos disponibles aumenta como el nodo avanza.[8]
  • Se dijo anteriormente que los apartamentos estarían disponibles en la fase de Pueblo (fase 4) y superior.[6]

The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.[8]Steven Sharif


Parcelas in Alpha-1.[12]

The whole goal of the freehold system is to give everything a purpose and not just have it be like "oh this is my pretty design", but it's a design towards something for your character- towards something for the world.[13]Jeffrey Bard

Las Parcelas son zonas de alojamiento de jugadores de un tamaño considerable que se pueden ubicar dentro de la zona de influencia (ZOI) de una Aldea (fase 3) o superior.[6]

  • Las parcelas están limitadas a una por cuenta.[15]
  • Las parcelas tienen un tamaño aproximado de half an acre|medio acre.[16]
  • Las expansiones y mejoras estarán disponibles a medida que el nodo avance allows.[16]
  • Las parcelas no se pueden vender a otros jugadores.[18]
  • Se requieren planos para la construcción de los edificios de las parcelas que sirven para procesar recursos y convertirlos en bienes procesados.[19][20][21][22][23]
    • El mejor nivel de procesado solo se puede realizar en parcelas, por lo que obtener una parcela requerirá un gran esfuerzo.[24]
    If a player wants to achieve a freehold they can achieve the freehold, however the amount of effort resources and time that's required in order to achieve that freehold is a large amount. It is something that is a monumental achievement for you to to get that freehold; and the reason why is because freeholds tie in very heavily to the processing artisanship aspect. Some processing can be done in nodes, but the best processing is done on freeholds; and we want to make sure that there's a little bit of a throttle or gate on the amount of effort that's necessary to achieve that influence over the processing market.[24]Steven Sharif
    Just because the freehold is very difficult to attain doesn't mean that you don't have a space for housing and furniture that you can achieve through our apartment system or an inn or the static in-node housing. Those are alternate methods as well but they do not have that aspect of the best processing is done on the freehold.[19]Steven Sharif

El sistema de parcelas interactua con otros muchsos sistemas del juego.[25]


When a node reaches stage 3 and a player run government has formed, all player housing will pay tax.[26] Tax money goes toward funding node development. A player's tax charge will be determined by the number of structures built on their plot.[27]
