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Render 3D de un personaje Vek hembra.[1]

Los Vek son una raza jugable de los Orcos Kaivek en Ashes of Creation.[3]

Celestial. Propósito. Destino. Cuando uno mira las estrellas, encuentra belleza fuera de nuestro mundo. Cuando los Vek miran las estrellas, ellos ven destinos más allá de nuestro tiempo. Los mapas estelares, la numerología y la profecía son partes integrales de la vida de cada Vek. Los grandes líderes leen los cielos en busca del resultado de las guerras y qué imperios se alzarán y caerán. Y muchas veces, los Vek se preguntan... "¿es demasiado tarde?".

Los Vek son astrólogos.[4]

Artistic influence

Los Vek están influenciados por las culturas mesoamericanas.[6]

Kaivek Orcs

Los Orcos Kaivek están divididos en dos razas: Ren'Kai y Vek.[3]

The Kaivek have always adhered to a strict code of tribal loyalty... Roughly thirteen centuries [before the fall], a leader named Ran'Kal united the clans into a nation called the Kaivek Protectorate. Kal taught that all Orcs answer to the protection of the divine order. This teaching expressed the belief that it was the will of the gods that all Orc kind should have superiority over the nations of Verra. For it was only through the unity of the clans that the people of Verra would be lead to enlightenment. It was the teachings of Kal that lead the Kaivek to pursue campaigns of conquest across the lands of Verra. Where the Orcs were once nomadic and divided before Kal, through his leadership they became a powerful nation united in conquest. Trophies of each city conquered is found in the capital city of Ren. [Just before the fall] the Kaivek Protectorate have adopted a policy of peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. Having endured centuries of conflict, leaders rose among them echoing the teachings of peace. These recent reformations have once again begun to lead to a fracturing of the Protectorate. Some unrest among the clans have called for a culling of those who are unworthy of the protection from the divine order.[7]Steven Sharif

Vek diviners

Through scalding sun or biting winter, the Vek diviners persevere in the pursuit of astral knowledge as they have for hundreds of cycles. To the diviner, the stars contain the weave of all future histories; the threads only need be touched and followed to understand. Thus, they roam the land in search of the outer realm's most ancient secrets.[8]


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