POI events

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Alpha-1 preview pirate themed dynamic point of interest flythrough.[1]

One of the core functions of these points of interest across the world is that dynamic level up. As the world grows, these points of interest grow: Additional buildings will spawn, additional monsters and leaders, and quest hooks. All of these things start to grow with the world.[1]Steven Sharif

POI events are events that relate to specific points-of-interest (POI) as they level up with node progression.[2]

POI events typically tell stories of the particular POI, like, why does this POI exist? Why are there monsters here at this point of interest that might be some tower, or might be some dungeon. How does that population interact with the rest of the world outside of just its point of interest? And those things could be precursors for node attacks themselves. It could address the story of nearby threats as antagonists to civilization in general. Enemies can only really grow stronger as the node grows, becoming outposts essentially for exiled or rivals of the existing order.[3]Steven Sharif

Adaptive content

Alpha-1 preview pirate themed dynamic point of interest.[1]

This is actually a dynamic POI. This one will evolve as players evolve the node that it's attached to. So this is its final state.[1]Jeffrey Bard

Los nuevos puntos de interés (como las mazmorras, jefes de mundo, y zonas corruptas) aparecen conforme los nodos se desarrollan.[4][5]Este contenido se adapta a la progresión del nodo de la zone donde se encuentra.[1][6]

Certain dungeons and other points of interest across the map will all be affected by the server’s node development. Some dungeons will only be unlocked if nodes are developed to certain stages. The storyline objectives for players inside dungeons will also be dependent on the story arc paths chosen through the node system. The drop tables in area and dungeons will also be tied into the progression of certain areas. For example, let’s say that the humans have developed a node in Region A, and a storyline has opened up that leads players to inspect the ruins (dungeon) of a nearby area. And let’s say that this node was developed in a scientific (crafting) zone… Well before the node developed, this dungeon was accessible… But now the dungeon has propagated new monster assets that include a drop table catering to a crafting emphasis because of the development of that academic node. And perhaps, a new boss appears in different rooms of the dungeon that includes different adventure quest starts, like a mysterious item with a storyline that can only be progressed if a node develops to the metropolis stage in a certain region, across the world. Our system is so vast, when it comes to interconnectivity and how the world reacts to the players.[7]

Nivel de los eventos

El nivel de un evento en particular puede basarse en el nivel del elemento que lo desencadena, o puede ajustarse en un nivel superior para impulsar el interés hacia zonas de nivel inferior.[12]

For example, if the event takes place in a zone that has a base population of let's say average level 25, then one of the trigger conditions might be that 10 monsters of level 25 have been killed recently in that zone and the level 25 event will now spawn additional content designed for level 25 players. So these events aren't always going to be end-game they're going to be obviously appropriate based on the content in which the predicate system is informing, but they also could be something completely top level that is introduced at a lower-level area and brings population traffic of the players back to those types of things.[12]Steven Sharif

Zonas corruptas (Corrupted areas)

Work-in-progress Alpha-1 preview corrupted area on Alpha island by Mia DelCasino.[4]

How the world reacts and changes to the nodes, you see these intrusions of corruption beginning to pervert and infest the lands; and these are obviously going to be sources by which NPC events are driven based on player progression within the world. And these sources of evil need to be addressed by the players, or else they'll grow out of hand.[13]Steven Sharif

All of our POIs and just the world in general can react to the node- we don't have to but we can- and this is one of those places where as civilization grows this will grow in contest with it.[4]Jeffrey Bard

Las áreas corruptas (zonas/puntos de interés) pueden evolucionar dinámicamente con la progresión de los nodos.[13][4]

  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[14]
  • TEstas son causas de eventos eventos que los jugadores deben abordar antes de que se les vayan de las manos.[15][13]
    • Los jugadores necesitan participar en estos eventos para detener la propagación de la corrupción y frenar la intrusión en el plano material.[14]
    • Si los jugadores no se ocupan de estas zonas corruptas, aumentará la frecuencia de los eventos contra su nodo. Estos eventos pueden provocar que los edificios y servicios del nodo queden inutilizados, aumentando la vulnerabilidad del nodo a los asedios.[16]
    It can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed; and that's the intent of corruption, is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and a problem over time.[16]Steven Sharif
  • Las áreas corruptas no confieren corrupción al jugador.[17]

There are certain things that can happen, such as the spawning of dragons or hordes of zombies that are going to come out and attack those installations, those nodes, those points of interest; and... communities that don't respond to those in an effective way might see the disabling of certain services, the reduction of certain quest lines for particular organizations. The idea is to keep this as part of a believable living response from world, so those can get pretty significant the bad effects that can happen for the community.[15]Steven Sharif

Narrativa impulsada por el jugador

El mundo de Verra será el mismo en cada servidor, pero los Nodos se desarrollarán de forma diferente. Cada servidor tendrá diferentes narrativas. Las cosas que sucedan en un servidor pueden no suceder en otro.[18]

We want as many people as possible to experience the main server Narrative. These will branch at different scales, but largely at the personal level. Where things change is at the Node level – different parts of the story will be unlocked based on where and when Nodes grow. Unlocking a part of the story in a certain way locks out progression of the story in a different way. You’ll see different antagonists, different NPCs, and different calls to action depending on what’s happening with the server at that time.[20]

It redefines what the players will experience in an MMORPG to come into a wilderness that is devoid of really any structure outside of what the community creates themselves; and then what can be created can be changed, if they want to experience a storyline that's been seen on another server, but you're fighting a dragon because you're near a mountain and the other server's fighting a Kraken because they're near the coast and you want to fight that Kraken because of its drop table. If you want to meta it or because you just want that under your belt: to be the server first to take out that Kraken and you have yet to develop the node there, it's incumbent upon you to manifest that in the game.[21]Steven Sharif

Event types

There are a variety of different types of events that are triggered due to certain conditions (predicates) being met.[23][24][2][25]

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