Puntos de habilidades

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Alpha-1 preview skills user interface.[1]

This is where players allocate skill points into either their active skills, their passive abilities- which can augment their usage of weapons and armors and health regeneration and passive stats and stuff like that-- but on the weapons side of things, that's where you will spec into certain types of procs based off of weapon groupings. So we've talked a little bit about this in the past: If you have a dagger, daggers might have a chance to proc a bleed on your weapon attack and that would synergize with an active skills' ability like let's say Backstab that does additional damage if the target is under a bleed effect. Now we have said in the past that players will be able to allocate skill points into their active skills that are more geared towards either action combat or tab targeting.[2]Steven Sharif

Los jugadores obtienen puntos de habilidad conforme suben de nivel. Estos pueden ser usados para mejorar habilidades (subir su rango) ya sea en el árbol de habilidades activas, pasivas o de combate/armas.[3][4][5][6]

  • No será posible subir al máximo todas las habilidades de árbol.[6]
  • En cuanto a la progresión de habilidades, los jugadores pueden elegir entre "ir horizontal" y conseguir una serie de habilidades diferentes, o "ir vertical" con unas pocas habilidades específicas.[7]
  • Los jugadores pueden resetear y reasignar sus puntos de habilidad.[8]
  • Los aumentos no cuestan Puntos de habilidad.[9] Anteriormente se había dicho que algunos aumentos requerirán más gasto en puntos de habilidad.[10]
Making active skills capable of receiving additional skill point allocations and unlocking additional features so that from a player agency standpoint it's going to be up to you whether or not you want to be more diverse but less depth- wider and not taller, in some of these skill choices. Or if you want to be very very tall, that's going to be something that is up to the player in that regard.[11]Steven Sharif

Habilidades primarias

Preview de las hablidades principales en el Alpha-1.[12]

Si elijes uno de los ocho arquetipos secundario, sea cual sea, vas a recibir una selección de aumentos que se relacionan con algunas de las ideas principales de esa clase. Ya sabes, como un tanque se centra en controlar el campo de batalla, en sobrevivir. El mago trata de infligir daño y usar los elementos y habilidades en área. El pícaro se centrará en el sigilo y el daño crítico. Por lo tanto esos aumentos van a jugar con esas identidades.[13]Steven Sharif

La idea detrás de este sistema, es que estás tratando de bordear la línea de esos aumentos en tu rol, ¿Verdad?. Tenemos la clásica santísima trinidad que está presente en los diseños de las clases para los MMOs y, a menudo, no se desvían en absoluto de ella o bien se desvían completamente. El aumento sirve para ofrecer un equilibrio mediante el cual mantienes la apariencia de ese sistema mientras ofreces la oportunidad de personalizar tu experiencia de juego hacia uno de los otros lados del triángulo..[14]Steven Sharif

Las habilidades primarias (habilidades de clase) están basadas en el arquetipo del jugador.[15] Los jugadores pueden personalizar sus habilidades primarias con el aumento de un arquetipo secundario[16][15][17]

The design behind augments is to not just change the flavor so that it reflects the secondary archetype, but it also fundamentally changes the core components of a skill.[18]Steven Sharif
  • Cada arquetipo secundario ofrece cuatro escuelas de aumento diferentes.[19][20][16][21] Cada escuela de aumentos afecta a las habilidades primarias de un arquetipo de forma distinta.[22]
    • Por ejemplo: Un Mago ofrece aumentos de teletransportación y escuelas elementales. Estos aumentos afectarán las habilidades primarias de un Luchador de forma distinta que a las de un Clérigo.[16][22]
    • Cada aumento tiene un requisito de nivel.[10]
      • Los aumentos no tienen un coste en puntos de habilidad.[9] Anteriormente se había afirmado que ciertos aumentos requerirán más puntos de habilidad que otros.[10]
There's going to be a certain threshold at which you can no longer augment your active abilities based on the decisions you've augmented previous abilities, so you'll have to pick and choose which ones you want to apply the augments towards.[10]Steven Sharif
  • Elegir el mismo arquetipo primario y secundario aumenta el enfoque en ese arquetipo.[23]
  • Los aumentos a las habilidades primarias cambiarán fundamentalmente la forma en la que funciona dicha habilidad: Adaptará aquello que la habilidad hacía para incorporar la identidad del arquetipo secundario.[24]
  • Para cambiar los aumentos de tus habilidades, deberás ir a un NPC en un nodo de nivel Aldea o mayor.[26]
  • Algunos colores y efectos especiales|FX pueden cambiar dependiendo de los aumentos elegidos.[27]
    • Las habilidades activas pueden verse completamente diferentes después de que se les ha aplicado un aumento.[28]

Se espera que las habilidades primarias en el Alpha-2 sean muy diferentes a las del Alpha-1.[30]

The ability list in Alpha One is nowhere near what the ability list will be, especially from like a level/progression standpoint. So you can expect it to be incredibly different.[30]Steven Sharif

Habilidades activas

Los jugadores pueden peronalizar su personaje con las habilidades activas que prefieran en su barra de acción (hotbar).[32][33][34]

Some people like to have a very minimalistic number of hot bars. They don't need necessarily to have three, four, five hot bars that are available; but some people do like that: They want to have all their items listed on their hotbar as well as their abilities, as well as as their mounts, as well as anything that they can essentially interact with as an icon.[38]Steven Sharif
  • Los jugadores no obtienen habilidades conforme suben de nivel, deben elegir que habilidades quieren adquirir.[7]
  • No hay libros de hechizos que requieran memorizar.[39]

There will be multiple hot-bars that you obviously have available, because you're going to have consumables, you're going to have active skills and whatnot. But the number of active skills are not going to overwhelm necessarily the character and be irrelevant especially at certain stages.[32]Steven Sharif

Progresión de clases

Si un luchador eligiese ser mago como arquetipo secundario, el luchador se convertiría en "Spellsword". Ésta combinación crea aumentos que pueden ser aplicados en habilidades de su árbol de habilidades primario. Los luchadores tienen la habilidad Embestida que les permite embestir a sus objetivos; y una vez los alcanzan, infligirles una cierta cantidad de daño con una posibilidad de derribarlos. Un aumento en destello puede ser aplicado a la habilidad embestida, lo que teleportará al jugador al objetivo; eliminando así el tiempo de la carga de la habilidad.[15]

La progresión de clase no tiene nada que ver con la progresión de artesanía del jugador.[44]

Los eventos del mundo no afectan directamente a la eficacioa de la clase pero puede haber efectos secundarios en términos de disponibilidad de equipo, encantamientos o tatuajes.[45]

Habilidades de arma

En Ashes of Creation se emplea un sistema de combos de armas (también llamado Combo system[47], y habilidades de uso de armas[48]) en lugar de la habilidad clásica de auto-ataque .[49][47][50]

Let's say for example you're using a two-handed warhammer or something and you have a number of weapon combos that play animation style based on how many combos deep you go into an attack with that warhammer. So the first is going to be like a forward swing. Second is going to be a back swing. The third is going to be swing down and the fourth is going to be some twirl that you do; and that's what we call the combo animation montage.[51]Steven Sharif
The way that the weapon skill tree works is that at different stages of that combat montage you have available procs that can occur. The first swing might be a small stagger that decreases your opponent's accuracy by 15, that could be a proc that you could that you could spec into that decrease in accuracy- might be a status condition called stagger or bewildered or whatever- and that might exist for three or four seconds. Your second option from a skill tree perspective might be on the swing back. You have some type of tapering slow effect that lasts over three seconds- some type of tapering snare; and then the third step strike down might be some potential one second stun status modifier; and each of these you can spec into additional points to increase the chance that these proc.[51]Steven Sharif
  • Dependiendo de la habilidad de clase elegida, estos efectos tendrán efectos combinados con el montaje de combate.[51]
Depending on what your class skill choice has been those are going to have synergy effects with the weapon skill tree. So my skill called spin-to-win might do 30 additional damage on a staggered target. So I see when my proc occurs with the stagger effect on my first swing, like for me as a player I might be only interested in landing that first swing, so every now and then I'm gonna swing once and then I'm gonna use a skill and then I'm gonna come back and swing again because that'll play my first swing montage, because it's been interrupted. So I won't move to the second one because I'm really just wanna hit that stagger effect. So that's going to be how my rotation lines up. However I might have some skill that on a stun target it might be an immediate cast and it's like some power you push or power hit; and that does- it knocks back a stun target. So if the target's stunned when this skill plays, it has an added effect of knock down and now they're gonna get knocked down for an additional two seconds. Now I might spec into that and as a result I want to finish through: swing, swing, and then knock down. So I get my chance at stunning that target with that weapon skill.[51]Steven Sharif
You may have items or set bonuses that change at what level those proc occurs. So I may have a full set of battle armor that changes all third hit combo procs to second hit requirements and now I have a chance not only on my second hit to land that tapering slow but I also have a chance to land my one second stun proc because I have the full set that changes my weapon progression. So that's the way itemization works with your weapon skill tree, is you can enhance when those weapon skill trees become available in your combat montage and that can be a relevant factor in how your skill rotations come to play; and mixes with your weapon attacks.
  • La elección y rotación de las habilidades de las armas variará en función de si el jugador está más centrado en Pvp o en PvE.[51]
Right now some people might just say, "I don't care at all about my weapon attacks. I'm not going to invest a lot of points into that. And if I do, it's going to be primarily PvE focused where I'm more comfortable using just swinging my weapon, and I may not use them as much in PvP. I'm just going to be focused on skill rotations." That's okay, but the reason for those skill montages- back to your question- is they have a very relevant role in when certain procs come online from a weapons skill tree perspective.[51]Steven Sharif
  • Usar una habilidad que no sea un ataque básico reiniciará el combo por norma general.[52]
    • Los desarrolladores están considerando la posibilidad de usar habilidades específicas sin reiniciar el sistema de combo.[52]

It acts similar in the sense of the core loop of what an auto attack is so to speak; where typically your other skills have a cooldown period, they have a rotation or whatever: Our combo system is a repeatable skill effect that you can continually attack with but it's a little bit more involved than what a traditional auto attack is; and it has components from a from an advancement standpoint when it comes to the types of procs that your weapon can have during that combo system... It's not going to have the quick time event that you guys saw early on in PAX and gave great feedback on, but it is going to have development with regards to the power of the weapon the type of weapon you're using, the additional proc effects that you can skill into: Those types of things are going to make it a little bit more complex of a system capture.[47]Steven Sharif

Clases de armas

Armas 3D renders. These are depicted in the Threads of Fate cosmetic costume but are not part of that set. Models by Eli Hurst.[54]

Las clases de armas (también denominadas tipos de armas y grupos de armas) en Ashes of Creation.[55]

  • Armas contundentes
  • Armas blancas
  • Armas punzantes

Progresión de armas

In-game achievable sword and polearm 3D renders.[56]

Power creep is a balance issue... When it comes to gear progression specifically, the idea is to create an open market that is not heavily dependent on soulbound items; and having many item sinks and gold sinks within that economy that allows for the potential degradation and loss of assets within that closed economy; and not introduce items from the market that companies put in from a pay-to-win perspective or from a pay-to-convenience perspective that undermines the economy that players have built. That is a huge mistake that companies have made in the past and that lends to the imbalancing of what designers maybe have actually balanced well.[57]Steven Sharif

Las armas tienen su propio progreso.[47][58]

Q: Are weapons balanced towards a proficiency system (i.e. the longer I use a sword, the better my damage will be), or will it be a normal RPG stat system with no long-term scaling?
A: We will not be using a proficiency system as described, but players will have passives available in their skill tree that will increase effectiveness of certain weapons. Becoming a master of swords will be something that is possible, just not in that particular manner.[24]Sarah Flanagan

Ashes of Creation is all about providing many progression paths... The reason why we don't like the term endgame is because with the amount of progression that's available with the amount of diversity and player agency that impacts the world... We want the weapon system [to] add an element of that as well... You can determine special effects that proc from currently the combo system; you can determine ancillary effects that proc based on enchantment types; you can power stone weapons to add different either elemental types of damage and/or energy that play rock-paper-scissor with player defenses ... and then you can skill tree out how those effects that are granted ... you can make them better you can branch them off into a different direction.[62]Steven Sharif

Habilidades pasivas

Las habilidades pasivas se usan para aumentar el uso de armas, armaduras, regeneración de salud, y estadísticas pasivas.[2]

All these passive abilities: mana regen, attack damage, critical hit damage, health regeneration, defense mitigation, maximum health: A lot of different changes from the passive side of things and these are based on what archetype you've chosen.[1]Steven Sharif

info-orange.pngEsta sección contiene información de las pruebas Alpha-1. Se actualizará cuando haya nueva información disponible.
Passive skill Icon Archetype(s) Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
Blade Twist Blade Twist IconAlpha.png Adds Wound to Greatsword Combo finishers and Extended Finishers.[64]
Burning Blade Burning Blade IconAlpha.png Add Burning to Greatsword Combo finishers and Extended Finishers.[65]
Caravan Trail Speed Bonus Trail Speed Bonus.png Minor speed boost for travelling on a simple trail.[66]
Greatsword Hit 3+ Greatsword Hit 3+ IconAlpha.png Weapon Combo Finisher. Greatsword Hit 3+ Unlocked. Has 25% chance to proc. Increased damage.[67]
Greatsword Hit 4 Greatsword Hit 4 IconAlpha.png Weapon Combo Extended Finisher. Greatsword Hit 4 Unlocked. Increased damage.[68]
Greatsword Hit 4+ Greatsword Hit 4 IconAlpha.png Weapon Combo Extended Finisher. Greatsword Hit 4+ Unlocked. 25% chance to proc. Increased damage.[69]
Guard Guard IconAlpha.png Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Guard. Guard: Your next weapon combo finisher grants 6 seconds of temporary health equal to 1-3% of your maximum health.[70]
Keen Edge Keen Edge IconAlpha.png Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Keen Edge. Keen Edge: Your next weapon combo finisher has +100% chance to critically hit.[71]
Perfect Timing Perfect Timing IconAlpha.png Adds the Perfect Timing proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: Perfect Timing Reduces the Cooldown of the next ability you cast by 5 seconds.[72]
Refreshing Followthrough Refreshing Followthrough IconAlpha.png Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Refreshing Followthrough. Refreshing Followthrough: Your next weapon combo finisher restores 3-5% of your maximum mana.[73]
Second Strike Second Strike IconAlpha.png Adds Second Strike proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: Second Strike When you strike a target for physical damage with an ability, it gets struck again.[74]
Swordmaster: Endurance Swordmaster Endurance IconAlpha.png Adds Swordmaster: Endurance proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: 25% chance to recover 2-4% of your maximum health.[75]
Swordmaster: Swiftness Swordmaster Swiftness IconAlpha.png Adds Swordmaster: Swiftness proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: 25% chance to gain 25% attack speed for 1.5 seconds. Stack up to 2 times.[76]
Weapon Training: Deflection Weapon Training Deflection IconAlpha.png Increases your Evasion by 0.5%.[77]
Weapon Training: Followthrough Weapon Training Followthrough IconAlpha.png Increases your Mitigation Penetration by 0.5%.[78]
Weapon Training: Power Weapon Training Power IconAlpha.png Increases your Critical Damage by 0.5%.[79]
Weapon Training: Precision Weapon Training Precision IconAlpha.png Increases your Accuracy by 0.5%.[80]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (23:08).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-08-28 (1:12:50).
  3. Entrevista, 2020-07-29 (55:44).
  4. 4.0 4.1 Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (53:59).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:07:51).
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-07-28 (19:05).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-11-16 (30:02).
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Entrevista, 2020-07-29 (54:44).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Forums - Livestream Q&A 2022-08-26.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:07:06).
  11. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-08-28 (1:19:24).
  12. toast-keybinds-skills.png
  13. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-10-16 (1:00:44).
  14. Entrevista, 2018-08-08 (22:27).
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 progression.png
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:05:04).
  17. class secondary.png
  18. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-07-25 (1:47:55).
  19. Pódcast, 2021-09-29 (30:04).
  20. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (1:05:01).
  21. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-02-09 (41:56).
  22. 22.0 22.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2019-12-17 (1:13:14).
  23. class same.png
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  25. Transmisión en vivo, 2019-07-26 (1:09:22).
  26. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-04-8 (PM) (20:45).
  27. augmentcolors.png
  28. Entrevista, 2018-05-11 (53:15).
  29. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-11-19 (50:38).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-09-24 (1:18:06).
  31. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-08-28 (1:21:03).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-08-28 (1:24:29).
  33. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-03 (15:15).
  34. 34.0 34.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:41:42).
  35. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-10-14 (57:45).
  36. 36.0 36.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-03 (17:59).
  37. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-10-14 (9:02).
  38. 38.0 38.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-02-24 (53:48).
  39. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (43:09).
  40. 40.0 40.1 Ashes of Creation class list.
  41. archetypeclass.png
  42. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-03 (50:50).
  43. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-07-18 (37:43).
  44. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-07-31 (1:31:11).
  45. Pódcast, 2021-04-11 (54:35).
  46. Twitter - Take a look at our new basic weapon attack combos!
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-01-30 (1:28:40).
  48. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-01-18 (22:46).
  49. 49.0 49.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-09-30 (43:45).
  50. steven-auto-attack-definition.png
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 51.6 51.7 51.8 Pódcast, 2021-09-29 (47:57).
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-02-28 (1:10:21).
  53. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-09-24 (1:19:17).
  54. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-08-27 (1:04:30).
  55. 55.0 55.1 Entrevista, 2021-02-07 (49:18).
  56. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-04-30 (53:08).
  57. Entrevista, 2018-10-20 (2:53:52).
  58. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-05-04 (45:37).
  59. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-06-30 (1:12:38).
  60. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-09-30 (53:15).
  61. Vídeo, 2022-09-30 (24:49).
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-06-04 (1:11:19).
  63. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (1:29:39).
  64. Blade Twist Weapon Tree Description.png
  65. Burning Blade Weapon Tree Description.png
  66. Trail Speed Bonus Description.png
  67. Greatsword Hit 3+ Weapon Tree Description.png
  68. Greatsword Hit 4 Weapon Tree Description.png
  69. Greatsword Hit 4+ Weapon Tree Description.png
  70. Guard Weapon Tree Description.png
  71. Keen Edge Weapon Tree Description.png
  72. Perfect Timing Weapon Tree Description.png
  73. Refreshing Followthrough Weapon Tree Description.png
  74. Second Strike Weapon Tree Description.png
  75. Swordmaster Endurance Weapon Tree Descriptions.png
  76. Swordmaster Swiftness Weapon Tree Description.png
  77. Weapon Training Deflection Weapon Tree Description.png
  78. Weapon Training Followthrough Weapon Tree Description.png
  79. Weapon Training Power Weapon Tree Description.png
  80. Weapon Training Precision Weapon Tree Description.png