Los Antiguos

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A Lieutenant of Los Antiguos 3D render.[1]

This is one of the lieutenants that exists of the Ancients; and you can see they have an almost alien look to them and that is because they have deviated over such a long period of time from their original creation, which looked something very very different: more akin to the Elven and Human races that we have now. But over time through their manipulation of the Essence and the corruption that has ensued within their race, they have taken the form that you can see.[2]Steven Sharif

Suffering Wanderer 3D render.[3][4]

You're going to see really a dark, more insidious creature that's present as the primary antagonist within the storyline of Ashes of Creation. You know they don't have the typical physical attributes you come to expect from a bipedal species like eyes and a mouth, but more something alien- that exists something that is just not natural in its appearance.[5]Steven Sharif

Los Antiguos (las creaciones originales de Los diez dioses) y Los Otros (los dioses desterrados) son los principales antagonistas dentro del lore; son los que profanaron y pervirtieron toda la creación[1][6][7]

  • Los Antiguos aprendieron de Los Otros como usar La Esencia para lograr la inmortalidad. Esta era una forma pura de inmortalidad, más parecida a la divinidad que existe entre el Panteon. Esta inmortalidad les prohibía abarcar la "no-muerte" tal y como hizo el Rey Atrax.[8]
  • Los Antiguos estaban imbuídos con todos los rasgos de los Dioses, mientras que las cuatro razas de Verra tenían esos atributos repartidos entre ellas.[9][10][11]

If the Verran races were combined they’d be the ancients.[11]Steven Sharif

  • Los Antiguos llegaron a Verra a través de Los Heraldos, que son cuerpos celestes similares a los cometas, alimentados por una fuente de magia muy poderosa que actúa básicamente como un puente entre El Vacío y el Plano Material donde existe Verra.[1][6]

You're going to see lieutenants, captains, generals, and raid bosses and they're all going to take different forms because their whole perversion of Essence through the corruption is to take creation on the material realm, that the Pantheon of good Gods did, and twist and bend it to the corruption that exists within the Essence, because they view that as a more powerful form, a more raw and arcane form of what magic is meant to be used for. There's no point in these false constructs of morality when utilizing and harnessing the power that comes from the Essence. That is a social construct that was created by inferior gods, according to the Others; and it limits the ability of their creation to really capitalize on what the Essence is to be used for in its pure, innate nature.[13]Steven Sharif

  • La raza de Los Antiguos ha sido pensada con formas tan variadas porque La Esencia tiene un profundo efecto biológico, físico y visual en la apariencia de las criaturas que la manipulan y que son corrompidas por ella.[14][13]
    • Los Grunts son los peones o soldados rasos de las líneas del frente que están específicamente equipados para el combate, la utilización de la magia, o para entornos o climas específicos.[14][13]
    • Los tenientes tienes una fisionomía alada y más asimétricos.[14][13]
    • Capitanes y generales son rangos en el sistema de castas.[13]
    • Los grandes jefes de raid y/o los jefes de mundo tienen una apariencia monolítica, y no se parecen a las criaturas normales. Son enormes e imponentes.[14][13]

The gods... wanted to represent their qualities, their characteristics, their attributes within creation with the creation of something, so they started with a race that are now known as The Ancients; and they imbued them with all of their qualities. Essentially now that that turned out to be a mistake because with those types of qualities all in one species there was a a pride that happened- a desire to become more; and that led a little bit of conflict between the Ancients; and actually there was a partition created between some of the gods within the pantheon that embraced the idea of introducing the Ancients as part of essentially their plane of existence and teaching them the ways of the Essence, in all of its facets: not just what can be used for good, but also what could be used for evil as well. And three of the gods split off and went against the quorum that was established about not interfering with the Ancients after they started this down this road of learning more of the essence and how to manipulate it; and these three gods are known as The Others. So the others really embraced teaching the Ancients knowledge of the essence that they had learned through their eternal existence; and this caused a celestial battle to occur; and the pantheon of the Seven were able to defeat the others; and they banished the Ancients and the Others from the material plane and from the plane of the gods to the void which is the furthest from being connected to the essence.[6]Steven Sharif

List of Ancients mobs

Panteón de los dioses

"Planetarium" concept art by Ryan Richmond.[15]

The beginning of the creation of the universe that exists within Ashes of Creation was a result of a group of god beings. There were ten of them and there was a celestial struggle in this universe that resulted in a fraction of those gods. And there exists within this story two components of good and evil.[16]Steven Sharif

Las diez deidades dentro de Ashes of Creation formaron un panteón de los dioses que existían en un reino fuera del plano material.[6][17] Hubo una lucha celestial entre los dioses que los dividió entre el bien y el mal.[6][16] Algunos dioses influencian en la parte corrupta de los seres que existen en el Universo.[1][6]Es posible, mediante las propias misiones y las decisiones como jugador, unirse o adorar a estos dioses.[18][19]

The gods are an active part of the story; and each of the cultures have their own interpretation of the whims and desires and focuses of the Gods.[20]Steven Sharif
  • Los Otros son tres de los diez dioses que se encargaron de la enseñanza de todas las facetas de la La Esencia (tanto las del bien, como las del mal) a Los Antiguos, elevándolos al Plano de los dioses.[6]
  • La oposición de Los siete dioses restantes con Los Otros condujo a una gran batalla celestial. Los Siete fueron capaces de derrotar a Los Otros, desterrándolos a ellos y a Los Antiguos al Vacío. Ellos procedieron a crear cuatro razas divinas, dividiendo sus cualidades entre ellas.[6][16]

Los Dioses son seres de La Esencia, que es una energía metafísica o una especie de fuerza vital que puede manipularse para crear lo que podría verse como magia.[6]

  • Los Dioses son capaces de alcanzar el plano material a través de las almas de sus seres divinos. En el caso de Los Siete estas son las cuatro grandes razas y sus descendientes.[12]

There were these pantheon of gods that existed in a realm outside of the material plane that Verra exists in and they were really beings of what's called The essence. The essence is essentially this almost metaphysical energy or life-force that can be manipulated to create magic and/or what we would we would view as magic; and different planes have different degrees of strength when it comes to their proximity to the essence. The material plane is not the highest on that on that scale of being close to to the essence; and the gods exist on a plane that is the most connected to the essence.[6]Steven Sharif

Los Dioses en Ashes of Creation representan diferentes aspectos del universo, así como sus sentimientos.[21]

Each god... has a specific realm that they relate to in the world and its creation.[16]Steven Sharif

We have a very rich lore on the pantheon of gods, but it's something that I want to make sure players discover in-game, not told about.[21]Steven Sharif

Historia de la creación

The story of creation tells us of a race of beings known as The Ancients. Created in the likeness of what was once The Ten. The Ten imbued all of their qualities into one race to have stewardship over all of creation. The power of the Ancients grew and a rift divided the Ten in how to accommodate their new creation. Three of the Ten separated from the others and began to teach the Ancients the Secrets of the Essence. When the Seven learned of this, a great celestial battle ensued. Eons passed and you watched as the fight continued within the celestial kingdom. Some say it was the fight that created the stars and heaven we see today. With every blow between the Ten a star was born. When the battle was complete, the others and the Ancients were banished by the Seven into the Void. The Seven found the error of their ways and decided to split their qualities into four races instead of one; and this is how the Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves came to be. You watch as the Seven created Verra and placed each of the races within their respective locations. As the story came to an end, a dark figure at a distance grew closer to you. Until all you could see was the darkness. And you wake up in a sweat after a nightmare.[29]Steven Sharif

La Esencia

The essence is a stream that exists across all planes of existence, but it exists at different levels of strength essentially at different levels that can be utilized; and the void is the furthest... There is a very minute amount of essence that can be found within the void. However the planes of existence that are in Ashes of Creation- they are connected across bridges created by the essence. So these ley-lines in a sense that exist within the different planes provide conduits of access and on Verra, which was a planet that was made after the ancient- the celestial battle.[6]Steven Sharif

La Esencia es una energía metafísica o fuerza vital (Chi) que puede manipularse para crear lo que podría verse como magia. Hay diferentes planos de existencia (reinos) con diversos grados de intensidad (de magia), en función de su proximidad a la Esencia. Los planos de existencia en Ashes of Creation están conectados a través de puentes creados por la Esencia[30][6]

  • Los Dioses existen en el plano de los dioses, que es el que se encuentro mejor conectado con la Esencia.[6]
  • El plano material no es el más alto en cuanto a proximidad a la Esencia. Verra existe en el plano material.[6]
  • El vacío es el plano mas alejado y menos conectado con la Esencia. Solo una pequeña cantidad de Esencia puede ser encontrada dentro del vacío.[6]
  • No ha habido una comprensión clara acerca de cuantos planos de existencia hay.[30]

Souls acting as conduits is a very integral component of some broader features in the storyline. If you think about souls being a conduit for Essence and you think of the gods as masters of the Essence: If you think of the Essence being separate from the Gods- let's say they're parallel to eachother- one didn't create the other, but they coexist in this almost symbiotic form with one another; almost to the point where their manipulation of the Essence is perfection: They can perfectly manipulate it and lesser beings; and I say 'lesser' in a sense of their alignment or closeness to Essence. They're still perfecting that manipulation and some never achieve perfection almost to the degree of ascendency or enlightenment- Essence being that sort of Chi that exists. In that regard, when a perfect being such as the gods- and I'm not saying 'perfect' as the correlation between sin and not sin, I'm thinking perfect in the sense of how you can control and manipulate the Essence: That control is perfection for them.[30]Steven Sharif

When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages; they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance.[30]Steven Sharif

Las almas son un canal para La Esencia para viajar entre los diferentes planos de la existencia. Esta idea está es un componente integral dentro de las propias características de la historia.[30]

  • Los dioses son maestros de la Esencia, pero se encuentran separados de ella. Ninguno fue creado por el otro, pero existen juntos, como una simbiosis; donde los dioses han logrado una manipulación casi perfecto de la Esencia y de los "seres menores" que existen más allá de la Esencia.[30]
  • La Esencia es tan poderosa que fluye a través de los planos casi como un río Los canales del alma ayudan a mantener e incluso lo magnifican. Los detalles que rodean todo esto no se han revelado, pero se dice que tienen algún sifnificado en la propia historia.[30]
  • El rey Atrax fue el primer gobernante de Verra en descubrir el propósito de La Esencia, permitiendo la manipulación de la material y el uso de la magia por cualquier medio..[12]
  • Los Tulnar tienen almas, y estás actúan como canales para La Esencia.[31]

Durante el Apocalípsis, Los Antiguos crearon monstruosidades y pervirtieron la naturaleza con corrupción, que es el aspecto negativo de La Esencia.[32]

  • El cambio de forma (changeling) se realiza a través de La Esencia centrándose en ese tipo específico de magia.[13]
Any form of changeling or shape shifting that's capable is done so through the Essence. There’s a few ways that a soul can become attuned to a specific type of magic in manipulating the Essence; and overtime as you manipulate the Essence in the same way, your soul can start to develop a tendency to gravitate towards that type of magic. So in that sense- those shape shifters and/or changelings that are capable of changing their form- they do so because they have mastered to a degree that type of magic; and their souls have become attuned to that type of magic.[13]Steven Sharif
  • Los propios Antiguos son más sedentarios en su forma física y menos capaces de formar instantáneamente. Sus manifestaciones físicas como tenientes, capitanes generales y jefes de incursión se perfeccionaron con el tiempo a causa de la perversión de La Esencia através de la corrupción.[13]
They are literally bred into a role and that role has perfected over time because through the delineation of specific subsects of the soul of the conduit that this race has, those different castes become attuned to different roles. That's why they are traditionally in a caste society.[13]Steven Sharif

The Harbingers

Dillia's diary concept art.[33]

The Ancients and The Others they found their way to Verra at some point and they came through what we call the Harbingers, which are essentially these celestial bodies- these almost comet-like structures that were traveling through space to find the location of the new creation; and within those harbingers is a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between the Void and the Material plane where Verra exists.[6]Steven Sharif

Los Heraldos son cuerpos celestes parecidos a cometas, impulsados por una poderosa fuente de magia que actúa como puente entre El Vacío y el Plano Material donde se encuentra Verra.[6]

  • Los Antiguos y Los Otros se sirvieron de Los Heraldos para viajar a Verra, iniciando así El Apocalipsis.[6]
  • Los Antiguos surgieron de los túneles que se abrieron en el centro de los Heraldos y empezaron a conquistar Verra.[1]
  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[5]
    • Hay eventos que provocan la propagación de la corrupción y contra los que los jugadores tendrán que luchar. Los jugadores tendrán que participar en los eventos para ayudar a combatir la invasión.[5]

The worst thing that the Harbingers brought was not the Others, but the corruption that they spread. It twists and distorts everything it touches. It whispers in the ears of men, and guides their hands toward terrible ends. There does not seem a means to stop it - our prayers do nothing, our spells are ineffectual. The awful truth is that the Others could simply watch as we burned Verra to ash ourselves.[34]


Religious temple in a Metropolis node.[35]

Estamos hablando de un panteón, no necesariamente de religiones separadas. Hay todo tipo de opciones y sobre quien es el mejor dios, o quien es el dios que se identifica mejor contigo.[16]Jeffrey Bard

Hay seis religiones principales así como una religión Tulnar/en el Reino Subterraneo[36][37][38]

  • La religión pretende ser algo inspirador, no algo estético.[39]
  • Elegir una religión permite a los jugadores recorrer un camino más iluminado u oscuro mediante las elecciones de sus misiones y otras acciones.[18][19][16]
    • Los jugadores no podrán adorar a Los Otros en los templos, pero ciertas misiones abrirán ciertas formas de adoración más oscuras.[40]

Habrá diferentes misiones. Ciertas acciones que los jugadores podrán tomar para, quizá, perseguir el lado más oscuro del metaverso, por decirlo de alguna manera.[18]Steven Sharif

A veces, en el pasado, los juegos han tratado de evitar enfatizar demasiado en la religión por los posibles paralelismos que pueden ocurrir entre lo que está en el mundo real y este reino de fantasía. Realmente no comparto esta teoría. Creo que la religión juega un papel muy importante en la historia de Ashes of Creation y se trata en gran medida, de esta idea casi monolítica del bien contra el mal; así que ese es realmente el quid de lo que será la narrativa general del juego. No estoy tratando de encasillar a los jugadores en "todos tienen que ser buenos"; como dije antes, habrá oportunidades para que los jugadores puedan desviarse de ese camino, si así lo deciden.[36]Steven Sharif

La religión Tulnar es una combinación de las creencias religiosas de las razas principales, así como de las creencias paganas de las razas menores a lo largo del tiempo, ya que coexistieron juntas en El Reino Subterraneo.[41]

The progression of the Tulnar- while they are still the staples of what were once the primary deities of the good pantheon remained for the Tulnar, over the time they existed and evolved into the society that they are at the return to Verra. It's much more similar... to the way the Creole religions advanced, with using components of Christianity as well as Voodoo and other smaller, more "paganesque" religions; and incorporated them into one. To that degree, you can correlate the way that society around the Tulnar has this almost combination of what were pagan beliefs from the minor races as well as the introductions of the major beliefs and religions from the major races, because they all came together in the Underrealm and survived in that regard. So you’re gonna see naturally a combination of those two things.[41]Steven Sharif

Las órdenes de los Siete

Las órdenes de los siete son los organismos religiosos correspondientes a los siete grandes templos de Verra.[26]

  1. La Orden de la esperanza es una orden Aelan con sede en la capital de Aela. La deidad principal es Resna.[26]
  2. La Orden del destino es una orden Kaivek con sede en la capital de Ren. La deidad principal es Norlan.[25]
  3. La Orden de la verdad es una orden Pyrian con sede en la capital de Amera. La deidad principal es Shol[27]

Within the temples of the seven there exist different levels of organizations that call on only the most devout followers to serve. Depending on the follower's skills, services could mean many things. For those among the followers who hold a certain set of skills, there are the orders of the seven. Each of the orders answers to a different hierarchy within the various grand temples of the seven that are found throughout Verra.[26]Steven Sharif

El rey Atrax

A staff of the Ancients 3D render.[43] [44]

A glorious staff of the Ancients that we revealed during November's development update![44]

The last ruling house of the Toren empire, which oversaw its downfall was the house of Atrax. King Atrax was actually its longest ruler, also its last ruler, and he was a very powerful and advanced wizard for his time. He dedicated the vast majority of his early rule to seeking out artifacts, knowledge, the focal points of essence; and he discovered its purpose as it becomes the manipulating matter behind exploiting magic for any means. He became obsessed with the pursuit of that knowledge as a very accomplished wizard and one of the ways he pursued that ever-longing learning was to try and achieve immortality; and in his pursuit of immortality he discovered that manipulating the life-force of a soul essentially is to greater increase your ability to focus the essence, because each person's soul acts as, in some way shape or form, a conduit of the essence across the plains. So that's essentially how the gods are capable of reaching into the material plane- one of the ways- is through the souls of their divine beings, which are the four great races and their descendants. In his pursuit of immortality he came across some more dark applications of the essence and in doing so- discovering these artifacts along the ley lines that are in Verra- he came into contact with forces that existed outside of the material plane in the void itself. Now these were unbeknownst to him The Ancients as well The Others and manipulating that contact.[12]Steven Sharif

King Atrax began to manipulate the essence in a way that was trying to capitalize on everlasting life, on immortality. So in doing so he came into contact with the ancients; and the Ancients took advantage of this- was their first contact with any of the divine races actually- and this is what led the Ancients to begin their pursuit of Verra: to start that process of the Harbingers eventually finding Verra and coming to the planet to pervert what the gods- the seven gods- had created through their second creation. Now the Ancients created this contact with Atrax through summoning rituals that Atrax had learned through manipulating the essence; and it was through these contact rituals that Atrax learned how to achieve immortality. But the Ancients were deceptive in actually not informing Atrax how this would deform his conduit, his soul essentially that exists with the Essence. So he underwent a process of essentially lichdom where he was the first lich and the first undead on Verra; and it was from him and his pursuit of immortality that undeath became a reality on Verra; and it was his subjects that suffered as a result of his desire to become immortal. So he began different rituals on his subjects, which allowed the undeath to propagate across the world in his population over time. So he would- before he became a lich he experimented on his citizens; and that's what really was the origin of the undead and this undead the Ancients- one of the unique things about the Ancients was in their first discovery of how they could use the Essence and what the Others taught them was they became immortal themselves. But they became immortal in a more pure form, essentially akin to the godhood that exists among the Pantheon; and that prohibited them from encompassing this undeath component. But they did not teach that to King Atrax. So that talks a little bit about the origins of the undeath on Verra and undeath in general.[8]Steven Sharif

El rey Atrax fue el último y más longevo regente del antiguo imperio Toren, que fue de una de las primeras y más grandes civilizaciones de Verra[12]

  • El rey Atrax fue un poderoso mago, adelantado a su época, que dedicó la mayor parte de su gobierno en buscar artefactos, conocimiento y las bases de La Esencia. Descubrió su propósito, manipular la materia y explotar la magia por cualquier medio.[12]
  • Su objetivo era alcanzar la inmortalidad; y en esta búsqueda descubrió que manipular la fuerza vital de un alma, aumenta la capacidad de concentrar La Esencia, ya que el alma de cada persona actúa como una ruta de la misma a través de los planos de existencia.[12][8]
  • En su búsqueda de la inmortalidad se encontró con otras aplicaciones oscuras para La Esencia, y al hacerlo, entró en contacto con fuerzas que existían fuera del plano material: en El Vacío. Estos eran Los Antiguos y Los otros, y sin que él lo supiera comenzaron a manipular ese contacto a través de rituales de invocación que el propio Atrax había aprendido en sus estudios de La Esencia.[8][12]
    • Esta conexión llevó a Los Antiguos a comenzar su búsqueda de Verra, lo que propició que Los Heraldos encontraran Verra y llegar al planeta, pervirtiendo lo que Los Siete dioses habían creado(en su segunda creación).[8]
  • A través de sus rituales de invocación, Atrax finalmente aprendió como conseguir la inmortalidad. Pero fue un engaño de los Antiguos, al no informarle sobre como esto deformaría su alma en la propia Esencia. Atrax, eventualmente, se sometió a un proceso para convertirse en el primer Lich y por lo tanto el primer no-muerto de Verra.[8]
    • Fue a partir de esta búsqueda de la inmortalidad que los no-muertos se convirtieron en una realidad en Verra: Atrax había iniciado diferentes rituales en sus súbditos, lo que permitió que los no-muertos es propagaran por todo el mundo, causando sufrimiento entre todos sus súbditos.[8]
    • Los Antiguos habían aprendido de Los otros como usar La Esencia para lograr la inmortalidad para ellos mismos. A diferencia de Atrax, se volvieron inmortales de una forma más pura, más parecida a la divinidad existente en el Panteón, los cuales tenían prohibido jugar con la "no-muerte". Esta forma pura de inmortalidad no se le enseñó a Atrax.[8]
  • Después de que Atrax dominara su forma de Lich, continuó esclavizando a sus súbditos no-muertos, obligándolos a adquirir artefactos antiguos por todo el mundo para poder continuar con su manipulación de La esencia y de la magia.[45]

El imperio Toren

El imperio Toren se puede comparar a lo que fue el imperio romano en la Tierra en el sentido de que eta fue una de las primeras civilizaciones importantes; y en parte el motivo por el cual la zona se consideraba una especie de tierras baldías o fronterizas. Estaba plagada de ruinas durante la épica anterior al Apocalipsis en Verra[46]Steven Sharif

La antigua capital de Torall... fue el centro de una de las primeras y más grandes civilizaciones de Verra. Esta era en realidad una extraña civilización conocida como el imperio Toren. Los Toren eran básicamente medio elfos. Una mezcla de lo que fuera el predecesor del reino de Aelan: los humanos y los elfos pirianos.[12]Steven Sharif

El imperio Toren fue la primera gran civilización de Verra. Su capital era Torall.[12]

Fallow's Hold

Fallow's Hold es una de las grandes mazmorras de Ashes of Creation ubicada cerca de la capital del antiguo imperio Toren, Torall.[45]

  • Fallow's Hold fue encargada por el rey Atrax y construida por los maestros constructores de los enanos Dünzenkell con los que estaba aliado.[45]
  • Fallow's Hold se construyó originalmente como una gran cámara para albergar poderosos artefactos antiguos que los esclavos no-muertos de Atrax conseguían por todo el mundo para que pudiera continuar con su manipulación de La Esencia y de la magia.[45]
  • Fallow's Hold es una mazmorra muy peligrosa con muchas trampas que cambian constantemente.[45]

The ancient civilization of the Torren empire and their capital city of Torall, which houses one of the great dungeons of Ashes of Creation; which is the Fallow's Hold. Fallow's Hold is essentially where many of the artifacts that had a close alignment to the Essence on Verra because of their proximity to these ley lines and these sites that exist throughout the world: They were all brought here to King Atrax even after his lichdom was achieved, because he continued to enslave his subjects, the undead essentially, to procure these artifacts from around the world so that he can continue even in his immortality to learn about the use of Essence and magic and manipulation of it; and he constructed a great vault here through his affiliation with the master builders essentially of the Dünzenkell dwarves to create a massive complex underground from the city of the capital of Torall. Now Fallows hold is a very dangerous dungeon and there are constantly changing traps that exist.[45]Steven Sharif

Artefactos antiguos

A staff of the Ancients 3D render.[43]

This is not the Staff of the Ancients per-se, it's a staff... Here in the curvature and design of this staff you'll see that it has a very specific and unique looking type of mold so-to-speak. So there could be some relationship between these designs of the staves and/or weapons that you'll see, which are used to harness or focus the use of the Essence, or magic; and how perhaps those structures relate to the types of magic that those creatures are using.[43]Steven Sharif

Los cuatro artefactos antiguos de Verra fueron descubiertos por el Rey Atrax en su búsqueda del poder de La esencia.[47][12] Estos artefactos estaban muy vinculados a La Esencia de Verra debido a su cercanía a las Líneas Ley de La Esencia esparcidas por todo el mundo.[45] Estos artefactos fueron almacenados originalmente en la cámara de Fallow's Hold, que es una de las grandes mazmorras de Ashes of Creation, ubicada cerca de la capital del antiguo imperio Toren, Torall.[45]

  • Se creía que el Cáliz Dorado otorgaba la vida eterna, pero en realidad permitía que la corrupción de La Esencia entrara en el alma a través de la propia representación física de beber algo.[47]
  • La Corona representaba el vínculo directo que Los Antiguos tenían con los propios hilos de pensamiento del rey Atrax; y que ellos mismos podían manipular.[47]
  • La Espada trajo un poder a través de la manipulación del lado oscuro de La Esencia, que es como Atrax mantuvo su dominio sobre su pueblo; a través del poder físico. Básicamentederribando a cualquier enemigo que se opusiera a él.[47]
  • El Bastón permitió a Atrax proyectar su magia a grandes distancias, lo que le permitió extender su poder y manipulación por las tierras de Verra, así como mantener su reino bajo vigilancia[47]

El pacto de la luz

concept art|Arte conceptual de la Capa del Pacto Roto cosmetic.[48]

Esta capa de seda, proveniente del Pacto de la Luz, inspiró esperanza en todos aquellos que la veían durante los terribles días del final de Verra. Luchando incansablemente contra la inminente oscuridad, las capas ondeantes eran a menudo los últimos rayos de luz que se podían ver antes de escapar a un lugar seguro. Por desgracia solo la capa en si pudo ser recuperada.[48]

El Pacto de la Luz fue una alianza de las Órdenes de los Siete, creada por las cuatro razas principales de Verra para resolver el misterio de los Heraldos.[49]

  • Aunque estas órdenes pertenecían a diferentes templos y religiones de los dioses principales, su objetivo era trabajar juntos para subvertir las aspiraciones de Los Otros y de Los Antiguos, así como de aquellos que buscaban pervertir La Esencia a través de la Corrupción.[50]
  • Hay personas clave dentro del Pacto de la Luz, y dentro de las propias religiones que tienen un objetivo superior vinculado con la meta narrativa general, relacionado con el motivo del regreso a Verra.[50]

A pesar de que los seguidores tienen diferentes motivaciones por las que adorar a dioses específicos, al final del día, todos pertenecen al Panteón del bien. Por lo tanto, hay una motivación para que trabajen juntos para subvertir las metas y/o aspiraciones de los Otros y Los Antiguos, así como a aquellos que buscan pervertir lo que la Esencia es capaz de hacer por medio de la Corrupción.[50]Steven Sharif

Enfrentándose a los heraldos de la corrupción, El Pacto de la Luz llevó las esperanzas de todos los habitantes de Verra sobre sus hombros. Sus llamas finalmente se estrellarían contra el muro de la traición y de la destrucción. La corrupción, la muerte y el mal, se aferran y consumen ahora a luz que una vez iluminó el camino. Con el resurgimiento de las puertas divinas ¿Se encenderá una vez más el faro de la fe?[51]

Las Ruinas de Carphin

Las Ruinas de Carphin zone.[52]

Carphin was a large city of the Aelan Empire, which housed the Empire’s most prestigious university. At the university stood a tall tower used by the most prolific mages in their studies of the essence. That tower now serves as an expansive vertical dungeon with lost treasures and antiquities fraught with dangers and terror not for the faint of heart.[53]Steven Sharif

Las Ruinas de Carphin es una zona en el bioma de Riverlands.[52]

Carphin was one of the great cities of the Aelan Empire and it's now in ruins.[52]Jeremy Gess
It was a focus of the mages and study of the Aelan Empire. Carphin was a city that had a great mage population, so it had a university there. And things went bad there in the last days of the fall. They made some desperate measures in a really awesome quest series that Scott's written up.[55]Jeremy Gess
The story behind the tower at Carpin is that it is actually a part of the University complex that was initially brought to the Aela humans by the Pyrian elves; and they helped establish and taught the humans how to master The Essence and how to master magic; and this was one of the great universities of the Aelan Empire, so a lot of the experience and encounters there are going to be arcane in nature. They're going to be representative of that Essence magic and it's going to have some powerful foes.[56]Steven Sharif

First floor - The Arcanium

Bridge over the river near the Wreckage of Carphin in Alpha-2.[57]

The Tower of Carphin actually rests upon a river... The Tower of Carphin event actually trickled out through the Riverlands because of the rivers; and the Undead began to form around these rivers, but you'll learn more about that during the story arc.[57]Steven Sharif

We are about to reveal the first two lore tidbits. Now this is reflective of what the point of interest shall have, called the Wreckage of Carphin in Alpha two. You might even see some of this in a little while.[59]
First of all, the first piece of lore. During the Apocalypse, the tower you saw before you and that the party is about to enter was known as the Mage's Tower at the University of Carphin. Home to the Head Mistress and Dean of the University of Carphin, Laria Lemonte.[59]
Laria Lemonte was a powerful mage. Well, actually, as you enter the tower, the wailing you heard on the night sky, just the previous evening returns, but is whimpered to a degree and only encompasses now the tower. But you hear these wailing moans coming from above.[60]
During your transit here to the Wreckage of Carphin, you observed the rivers as being impassable; except of course by bridge. The reason for this is the fires that you saw- these magical fires that were encompassing the entirety of the river. In addition, you saw burned bodies devoured by the blazing water. You also saw as you exited the Underrealm some of these bodies moved as dark figures shambling in the distance: their burned corpses still moving even beneath the water and crawling ashore with violent intents. This you can only assume after having recovered from the Lich's body a number of notes detailing what the Dean was attempting to accomplish at the tower.[61]
Laria Lemonte, one of the most important mages that the Aelan Empire had at the time, being the Head Mistress at Carphin. She was attempting to cast a spell that would buy time for the capital. And that in the process of that attempt, the letters read that she requires a willing participant. Someone by the name of Veric Pulsifer volunteered his essence to expend in the ritual as a blood sacrifice. Only the most desperate of acts that would be undertaken in the last moments of time escaped them. And as the legions in the letters detailed walked past the tower, Laria Lemonte decided to do a desperate act and listen to advice from an unknown origin that she was able to communicate with. Taking that risk unfortunately proved fateful, because what came to be was the despair you see now at Carphin, the root of which you have yet to discover.[62]
As you walk into the interior of level one, you discover the Arcanium. It is shaped as a large library. The large library with a grand hall running throughout. Its spiral staircases lead up to floor two. This ornate space was devoted to research and magical exhibits, however, now are which in disrepair. The walls house alcoves, which contain various sizes of statues. Stone bookcases, pedestals, and benches dot the grounds. By the way, this is all accurate visually as I'm describing to what the actual point-of-interest in Alpha 2 contains. Pedestals and benches dot the grounds. Blood pools along the floor, appearing to emanate from the floors above, trickling down the walls along the interior and exterior of the wreckage.[63]
You see, before entering, a large, explosive, and destructive event has occurred near the top of the tower. You don't know what and cannot tell from this distance. As you navigate into the first level, you discover a number of animated statues missing from their alcoves. They assault the party.[64]

Second floor - The Administratae

As you advance further, you discover that the second floor, known as the Administratae, has various private offices where wizards and professors could work on their studies in peace. A large lounge area is on the floor for wizards to have meetings and take breaks. Historical archives are magically stored here as well as the paperwork containing a number of topics on all sorts of things, such as history of the local area, and wizardly research papers on various topics and studies within the essence. There is also the entryway to an arcane elevator, which rises up through the rest of the levels in the tower. It rests at the center of the second level. A number of flying arcane books come out of the bookcases and mimics attack your party. Mimics of all sorts from laboratory equipment to study materials.[65]

Third floor - The Crystal Halls

As you ride the arcane elevator to the third floor you do not exit because you must make haste to the top. But you see out from the elevator a collection of viewing galleries, remarkably well preserved. Older construct models and previous foundational magical theories are presented here in a format reminiscent of a museum. Meant to impress would-be magical students, patrons, foreign dignitaries: the advanced crystals architectures and lavish decorations are on display.[66]

Fourth floor - The Sacrificial Chamber

Undead mobs near the Wreckage of Carphin in Alpha-2.[67]

These particular undead are a result I believe- for those of you who are watching the livestream of the Wreckage of Carphin- the event that occurred there just before the Exodus from Verra all those years ago.[67]Steven Sharif

Okay, third piece of lore. Unknown, Laria and Varric during their ritual in desperation to grant more time to the capital, as was requested by the council and the royal family both, they performed an unknown repercussions from this ritual. The mass killing of so many burned victims from the explosion of the ritual caused a corruption to grip both Laria and Varric. This corrupt mist began flowing down from the tower, its source unknown to you just yet. But its effects have turned the residents of Carphin undead. And in the surrounding areas and along the river's edge. It did, however, have the effect caused the Ancients the inability to cross the waters. And so they began to construct an apparatus of their own to get their legions across to the capital. But this bought the time necessary, you would assume. These levels open up; and at the fourth floor, you see halls reserved for only the most private of wizards. These artisans use these halls as research labs and also a construct boundary. Built to be deliberately secure and private, the winding halls lead into an open experiment room where mages would tinker with ways of improving construct through more unethical means. A number of them have been left unattended, but you are able to sneak around them to reach the Nexus Gate.[68]
This floor contains a large summoning and sacrifice room. The mages here originally used it as a teleport nexus, but as the world fell into ruin, this was transformed into a sacrificial chamber. The small quarantine and customs rooms changed into jailing cells as the mages over recent weeks turned to more desperate rituals to deal with the collapse of Verra. Compromising their ethics and their conscience, they perform forms of magic none should ever see: Long forbidden, long forgotten, only to the Ancients was this known. And it turns out the unknown voice from which was aiding and abetting her pursuits, was indeed an ancient: one familiar with this world, one who treated with a member of the world- With a member of your kind in the past, known as Atrax, the one beyond the void who was giving Laria the information she needed to perform the ritual she did had ulterior motives. Its effects now seen on the grounds around the tower as undead roam the countryside.[69]

Fifth floor - The Observatory

The top of the elevator resides in the center of the room as you exit. The explosion that occurred has rendered the remainder of these stairs- the elevator may go no further- the remainder of these stairs are narrow and in disarray.[71]
This floor is used to channel what appears to be large amounts of Essence from the summoning room directly- that's the sacrificial area. The orrery acts as both a container and map to focus summoning rituals of the Nexus on the floor below. The spiral staircase you see now that lies in disarray winds up the open chamber, occasionally giving way to platforms, now partially collapsed and in disrepair. The floor directly above this is an observatory: The observation level. It has large open view areas and a lounge that according to the maps that you've received. However, it appears from the outside that this area has now been exposed to the exterior, as large portions of the wall have been deconstructed, destroyed. Wizards would likely gather here to discuss the state of the world and to perform their auguries as well as their scrys. The area is filled with the red mist that emanates from the floor even above that. You hear, as you ascend these stairs, footsteps: large, deep, coming from the floor. As what is known as the Eye of Ayla at the top. According to your understanding, this was the roof of the tower. It acted as a conduit for magic to amplify their spell effects across the land. Here is where you assume according to the letters retrieved off the body of the Lich, the right-hand man of Lamont, that the sacrificial altar for the most powerful blood magic ever to be seen on the face of Verra up to this day was done just a few days earlier. The footsteps continue. What do you do? And those are the lore reveals[72]

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  4. Blog: Creative Director's Letter, January 2021.
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