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Adventurers arrive on Verra through great divine gateways.[1]

For those of you who are unaware of the lore of how you get into the world of Ashes of Creation, essentially actually Verra was your ancestral home and when you play the MMORPG you're going to be stepping through what are called these Divine Gateways from a planet called Sanctus; and Sanctus was really a safe haven that was forethought by the Goddess of Fate and Creation as a sanctuary to provide the people of Verra who could survive the fall- the apocalypse- the exodus, essentially.[2]Steven Sharif

El regreso comenzó cuando se reactivaron los portales divinos en Sanctus permitiendo el regreso a las cuatro capitales de Verra, que han permanecido en ruinas durante siglos tras El Apocalipsis.[3][1][4]

You are returning to a world that has essentially been destroyed and left untouched for many millennia, and as a result those old capital cities are essentially the ruins of which you're returning to; and the new cities that you are developing- the node structures that exist- these are brand new cities. They might be couched within ruins of old empires so to speak, but they will not be representative of the old capital cities.[5]Steven Sharif
Ancient evils lie in wait for hapless adventurers.[1]

The Ancients exist within the Void until there is a conduit that opens for them to enter into the material plane, so a lot of the Harbingers that still exist on Verra as dungeons essentially is where the Ancients are capable of pushing into the material plane; and they can continue to do so under the guise of the effects of corruption as it spreads; and there are events that lead to the spreading of corruption that players will have to fight back against. These events that occur, players are going to need to participate to keep the intrusion on the material plane back.[6]Steven Sharif

Se enviaron inmensas expediciones a través de los portales para descubrir este hermoso y peligroso reino mágico.[1] Los jugadores llegan a Verra para explorar, reconstruir y repoblar su lugar de origen. Antíguos tesoros y maravillosas aventuras aguardan a aquellos que se atrevan a perturbar los oscuros vestigios del mal que habitan esta tierra.[1]

  • Los jugadores comienzan en Verra pocos meses después de que los primeros expedicionarios fueran enviados a través de los portales divinos cuando se abrieron desde Sanctus.[7]
The Ancients have been on Verra for a long time prior to your return; and it's important to note that players who are starting in the world of Verra, they're coming in actually a few short months after the very first expeditionaries were sent through the Divine gateways when they opened from Sanctus. And the early days on Verra with the return were not super easy. They were difficult. There were struggles with the food supplies. There were a little bit of mutinies that occurred. There were certain artifacts that were found by some of these NPCs that were your predecessors in the return; and some of them decided that they would be better off on their own, or that they had a more powerful thing or creature that they could follow and be rewarded from.[7]Steven Sharif
  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el plano material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende. Hay eventos que provocan la propagación de la corrupción y contra los que los jugadores tendrán que luchar. Cuando estos eventos aparezcan, los jugadores tendrán que cooperar para detener la intrusión en el plano material.[6]
  • A partir de ahora, las elecciones de estos aventureros influirán en el desarrollo de la historia.[8]
I heard a lot of people asking was, from a technological standpoint where do the people returning stand in relation to what their civilization was before the fall; and I think that in some regards they haven't quite even attained what their people were able to achieve before the exodus.[9]Steven Sharif


Verran map scroll.[10]

Verra was created to house four separate... divine races and they're called divine races because the remaining seven gods imbued their characteristics within each of these different races. They didn't put all of them into one and make the same mistake. They had focuses really that these races took essentially.[2]Steven Sharif

El nombre del mundo de Ashes of Creation es Verra[11]

Continentes de Verra y sus localizaciones:

Océanos de Verra:

  • The Fortunic Ocean.[10]
  • The Umbral Sea.[10]
  • Tradewind Sea.[10]
  • The Avaric Ocean.[10]

Mapa del mundo

Updated Ashes of Creation map.[14][15]

The new world map in all its 1,200 square kilometer glory. So you're gonna see some names here- a little bit of a reveal of some of these locations in these areas- and you're also of course seeing similar biomes that are present as well. But more importantly what you are seeing is the orientation of these continents and these islands that are facilitating specific types of inter-continental trade gameplay; and they support the relevance of these caravans moving across the land mass to locations that will now incorporate these harbor areas, which aren't identified on the map here... But the important part was providing a lot of coastal naval gameplay between these zones and trade routes between land base.[15]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 work-in-progress map UI.[16]

El mundo de Verra cuenta con un mapa del mundo visible en el juego. Este mapa no se genera aleatoriamente, y comienza cubierto por una niebla de guerra.[17] Los jugadores no podrán ver el mundo hasta que lo hayan explorado o recopilado información sobre el mismo. el mundo está llenod e información imprecisa, lo que requerirá que el jugador indage y la utilice para verificarla.[18]

For example, you may hear a rumor in a tavern that tells you the location of a cave full of weak Kobolds, but this was not accurate as the rumor was started by well-equipped bandits in order to waylay overconfident adventurers.[18]

Cuando se recopila información o el jugador ha explorado con éxito un área, los puntos de interés se marcan en el mapa.[19]

  • Estos puntos de interés están determinados por la progresión del nodo; y no todos los servidores compartirán el mismo mapa, ya que las decisiones de los jugadores variarán de un servidor a otro.[19]

Además de que la progresión de los nodos es un factor en la generación de mapas, las zonas en Ashes of Creation se adaptarán a todos los niveles.[21]

El mapa tendrá zonas geográficas impasables ocasionadas por obstáculos (como montañas).[22][23][24]

Even though we're an open-world that doesn't mean that from a design perspective, especially with the way our economic systems work, that we will want to create Geographic choke points.[23]Steven Sharif

Áreas de inicio

Alpha-1 - Área de inicio.[25]

Esta no es una experiencia sobre rieles estilo theme park. Los jugadores tendrán la oportunidad de elegir su propio destino en ese sentido, lo que significa que no tendrás que seguir una serie de misiones específicas o participar de los eventos o experiencias en la zona de inicio. Ahora, eso podría ser más beneficioso y es posible que en ese sentido se forme un meta, pero también serás libre de ir a otras áreas y hacer otro contenido.[26]Steven Sharif

Cada raza tiene su propia área de inicio.[27]

  • Habrán pequeños asentamientos de NPCs en las áreas de inicio. Estos representan partidas de reconocimiento que fueron enviadas por las expediciones principales de vuelta a Verra. Estos asentamientos están diseñados para aclimatar a los nuevos jugadores al mundo.[28]
  • Cada área de inicio se encuentra cerca de al menos una de las cuatro puertas divinas, localizadas en ciudades en ruinas de las 4 razas antiguas.[29]
  • Aunque pueda resultar beneficioso, los jugadores no están obligados a pasar por el contenido de las zonas de inicio.[26]
  • Las áreas de inicio tienen cierta distancia entre ellas.[30]

Un problema que tienen muchos MMOs es que las áreas de inicio terminan vacías, lo cual es muy triste, porque el mayor aspecto de un MMO es el sentido de comunidad que puedes experimentar. Así que, unos de los puntos fuertes del sistema de nodos es que funciona muy bien desde el punto de vista de los jugadores nuevos, pues varios de estos nodos van a desarrollarse cerca de las zonas de inicio alrededor del mundo. Esto traerá a los jugadores de vuelta a estas áreas si son ciudadanos y quieren utilizar los servicios de su ciudad. Así que cuando los jugadores nuevos entren al mundo, es muy probable que se encuentren rodeados de gente, pues los jugadores querrán visitar estos grandes nodos.[34]Steven Sharif

Nota del traductor: Esto también permitirá encuentros y relaciones más naturales entre jugadores nuevos y veteranos.

Portales Divinos

Empyrean divine gateway concept art.

When you play the MMORPG you're going to be stepping through what are called these divine gateways from a planet called Sanctus and Sanctus was really a safe haven that was forethought by the Goddess of Fate and Creation as a sanctuary to provide the people of Verra who could survive the fall, the apocalypse, the exodus essentially.[2]Steven Sharif

Los portales divinos se encuentran en las ciudades en ruinas de las cuatro razas antiguas de Verra.[29]

Where players start, they enter this portal from another world called Sanctus. Sanctus is a place of no magic, low technology; and players are the first expeditioners that are coming through this portal into the world of Verra.[37]Jeffrey Bard

Cuentos de un regreso a casa

Written by Kyrie Patrika Arisanna


"Know then that the unforgivable sin of Atrax was his unbridled hubris. In an attempt to unlock the secrets of immortality the Toren king began an obsessive study of ancient artifacts and profane magicks. This drew the attention of the Ancients, a fallen race banished into the Void in ages past. For the first time since their exile, the ancients became aware of the four races created by the Seven to replace them as the Stewards of Creation.

When the ancients saw that these races were growing, multiplying, and conquering the world that had been taken from them, they became envious and spiteful. In a fit of pique they unloosed the Harbingers -- great balls of ice, dust, and corruption from the heavens -- and hurled them upon the face of Verra.

As Verra fell, the Seven activated the divine gateways. These ancient portals transported the four races to safety on the tellurian, non-magical world of Sanctus, to await the day they could safely return to Verra."

-- Minerva Arisanna, Purian Emissary of the Lightpact THE BOOK OF THE VERRAN EXODUS

These words were put to parchment over four thousand years ago by my great,great grandmother, Minerva Arisanna. I know her only through her writing, and through stories told to me by her daughter, Kyrie Esmane Arisanna, my maternal grandmother, for whom I was named.

My name is Kyrie Patrika Arisanna, Chronologist and Scrivener for the Lightpact. I am eight hundred and sixty-three years old. By Elven reckoning, I am rapidly approaching mid-life, yet Sanctus is the only world I have ever known.

The Lightpact was originally an alliance created by the four races of Verra as we fled the Harbinger Apocalypse and settled on the mundane, non-magical world of Sanctus. In the intervening millennia, tales of our exodus and the legends of Verra have slipped into the realm of folklore and mythology for most of the races. Fortunately thanks to the protracted lifespans and long memories of the Elven races, those teachings have not been lost forever. The Lightpact has endured, and its members have been secretly preparing for the day the divine gateways would finally reopen.

That day has arrived. At long last the ancient pylons -- those enigmatic monuments of sculpted stone that pepper the surface of Sanctus have awakened and paved the pathway home. These living conduits of channeled Essence will transport us across the cosmos and return us to Verra, the mystical world of our ancestors.

This collection of essays is one humble scrivener's admittedly idealistic, but well-intentioned attempt to peacefully chronicle that Homecoming. Upon its completion, multiple copies of this manuscript will be created by Lightpact scribes and read aloud at our arrival encampments across Verra. It is our sincere hope that this might foster cooperation and goodwill between our disparate races, for we are one people in the eyes of the Seven, and Verra is our common birthright.

Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist and Scrivener for the Lightpact.[38]

The Alchemist's Apprentice

I met the most astonishing individual today! Initially, I had set out to speak to Krelzenus Vagesh, the renowned Vek alchemist and inventor. I had heard that he had come through the divine gateway some time before, and I desired to pick his prodigious brain in regards to any discoveries oddities, or inspirations that had surfaced since hi arrival on Verra. I met up with Vagesh at his local market, which would be more aptly described as a makeshift campground. This bazaar featured an odd assortment of dead things, live things, and crude things to make live things dead things.

After making a proper greeting and introduction, I began to interview him from the list of questions I had prepared. At once he stopped me and bade me to follow him to his laboratory. He said he had someone there that was far more fascinating than his old self.

He lead me to his workshop at the edge of the settlement. I was somewhat disappointed to find that it was just another large tent given a wide berth by the other inhabitants of the area. Seeing my disheartened face as he lifted the front flap, he assured me that the facility was only temporary until a more suitable structure could be built.

Stepping in, my eyes had to adjust to the very low light of the interior, provided by only a few flickering candles. After a moment I could vaguely make out a shape moving about, here and there, sniffing and what sounded like an occasional licking and tasting of objects in the dark.

"Tish, we have a visitor," Krelzenus said in a gentle, calming voice to the creature.

The figure stopped momentarily, uttering a simple "Hejo" in what sounded like a purr, or perhaps a hiss, and then continuing on with its activity.

"Hejo?" I asked Vagesh curiously.

"Yes, it seems to mean 'hello' in the Tulnar Language. A combination of the Common 'hello' and the old Orcish greeting 'vajo.'"

"Ah yes, 'vajo' meaning 'no harm', correct?"

Krelzenus nodded cheerfully, obviously a little impressed with my limited knowledge of an old Orcish dialect.

Turning back toward the creature in the dark that I no knew as Tish, I called out my own little "Hejo!" I heard a slight wuffle of what I took as positive acceptance.

"Tish seems to have quite a talent for alchemy. Her knack for ingredient selection, measurement, mixing and brewing appears to be highly instinctual and productive! Without any instruction at all she whipped up quite an array of potions, poultices, and powders!"

"Simply marvelous!" I exclaimed. I leaned forward to get a better look through the obscuring darkness. As I wrapped my fingers around one of the two small candlesticks, an appendage shot out of the dark to slap my hand away.

"No touch!" I recoiled instantly from the reprimand, struggling to comprehend what had struck me. I could not deduce through the darkness and with the speed of the strike whether it was a hand, or paw, or claw, but I could tell that it was small, about half the size of my own.

"She doesn't like it when you touch her things while she is experimenting, and for a good reason. Some of the mixtures she has created have reacted quite explosively when touched with flame," Vagesh informed me apologetically.

"How old is she?" I asked, fascinated.

"About five years old, or so. Truly a prodigy," Krelzenus beamed. "Also quite resilient, too. I've seen her ingest holly berry, mistletoe, oh, and nightshade without even the slightest signs of discomfort. She does much of her experimentation by smell and taste."

Still stunned by the revelation of her very young age, I inquired whether her dietary fortitude was part of her phenomenal talent, or a trait of her Tulnar biology.

"I do not have enough evidence to say one way or the other, but I have observed others off her family eating spoiled meat and a wide variety of wild mushrooms without so much as a belch. If not indicative of Tulnar as a species, at least I have theorized it runs in her family."

"Fascinating..." I hummed.

"You talk to much! You go now! Can't make with talking!" Tish hissed at us.

"Apologies, Tish!" Vagesh called as he ushered me out quickly.

"It is well to keep her happy. She can throw quite a tantrum when she's frustrated... or tired," he said as he instructed me outside. "Apart fromt hat, I am highly intrigued with the alchemical possibilities she could uncover, and upsetting her would likely cause her to depart."

"So much potential for the future of this new world," I nodded.

I said my goodbyes to the Vek, assuring him that I would return in the future to see what amazing creations Tish had conceived. He shook my hand enthusiastically and ducked back into the tent without so much as a backward glance.

Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist and Scrivener for the Lightpact.[39]

The Bodabodaga

When the sun sets behind the canopy of the Crystalbough forest, it becomes difficult to tell where the sky ends in the treelines begin. Under the branches, rustling with leaves of orange and yellow despite the seasons, motes of essence-charged pollen flutter through the air like fairies, flickering white. For three days, I rode the path that wove through diamond-white trees between Oleander Reach and Mariam amongst these woods and found myself captivated time and time again.

One unusual evening, while I updated my notes on the banks of an unmarked creek, I spied a peculiar, overlarge stag as it emerged from the golden brush. As it bowed its head to zip from the stream, its conutenance was reflected in the prismatic light from the essence-charged stone bed beneath the surface-- and I saw the face of something else entirely. It was angular, drawn into a point of the nose, with eyes set too far down the sides. A kirin. As it drank, its antlers-- thicker than a buck's and shaped more like branches-- crackled with the raw energy of its sustenance, and I could see the essence arcing between the prongs.

I stood, entranced by its otherworldliness and the grace of its motion. Drawn forward by some inexplicable urge, I'd only taken two steps before an unfortunate footfall cracked a crystalline twig. The beast raised its head, looking directly at me-- and in a blink it shattered into an ephemeral, shimmering mist that retreated across the water.

"Gods be damned!" A voice boomed and sent a flurry of small, white birds into the ochre clouds overhead. The gruffness of tone alerted me to look for a Dünir, and my instincts were true. She pushed through the copse out onto the bank just past where the creature drank, holding her thick arms out wide in a gesture of pure exasperation.

"Why'd you go and do that?" The arch in her brow conveyed her dismay, and as she approached, the water pooled on her eyelids, belied the depth of her frustration. She had golden hair, the color of the leaves of the trees here, though it was wild and in desperate need of a brush and oil. Her beard was neater and woven into short braids at her chin with flowers worked in, and though wayward strands poked out here or there, it seemed more from circumstance than negligence.

I had at first assumed she was a hunter and started to apologize for startling her quarry, but found that notion subverted as she lifted what looked to be a small golden orrery whirring in rapid circles. It shook her arm to the elbow as she held it in the direction that the mist-creature had retreated. The odd device slowed until it stopped, and she fell to her knees in consternation.

She interrupted my apology: "Months wasted. I'll have to start all over again." Carefully she packed the device into a satchel at her hip, and looked over at me with sagging shoulders.

I stood there for a while, unsure of what to say. I felt bad to have startled her prey, but something was strange about this turn of events. While it was true I'd never before seen a kirin, in all my readings of them I'd never encountered anything about them wielding essence with such intention. The hunter seemed to notice my confusion, and as she stood, she concealed the wiping of her eyes in part of the motion of dusting the forest's detritus off her knees.

"You didn't know. I understand." She drew in a long breath, and then exhaled, forcing much of the tension from her posture. "You didn't know, and most importantly, tlegi, you still don't, so i'm going to let you all look here."

I admit I winced at the word, reminded of my early misstep. "Twig"-- a reference to how easily the Empyrean Glitterwall formations broke in early conflict between our peoples during the initial struggles for resources on Sanctus. It's a tale for another time, but our military manuals were worthless after we lost access to magic, needing to be rebuilt from the ground up. This would have been more generations ago than even her eldest relative's great, great, grandparents would recall.

"That's you," I replied, making an effort not to sound so dry. I've readied my pen and notebook, asking if she cared to enlighten me further.

"How could you know? It's clear you're new to these parts, or you'd have come more prepared. You're lucky, in fact, you started the bastard the way you did. It could have killed you with a wink or a sneeze." She straightened herself up, which brought her to approximately half my height, and held out a calloused hand for me to grasp. As I did so, she introduced herself. "Aeri Goldmane. On account of my hair." She ran through it with a quick comb of her fingers.

I wondered how often she'd said that line as I returned my own introduction. "How is it that it takes months for a hunter to track a kirin in their native woods?" I asked perhaps, less kind with my tone here than I should have been, but Aeri seemed too distracted to take offense.

She pulled the device back out of her pouch and held it aloft in nearby pockets of air seemingly at random. "Not just a kirin, tlegi, but the kirin. One of the first ones, older than the apocalypse. A Bodabodaga. Most powerful being in these woods, it's true, though you wouldn't know from how flighty he is."

Never have I heard of it, I wrote it down to verify another time. I confirmed to her, somewhat wryly, that I had not understood the gravity of my mistake until just now. She continued as though I hadn't said a thing.

"The thing is, you can't just hunt a Bodabodaga. They survived by becoming essence itself. They break apart, you saw it. Bringing them back from that requires precise ritual, and I'll be honest, I tried a whole lot of things to make it happen before, and didn't take the best notes, so I have no idea how to recreate the feat."

"You spent months on this and have no idea how to force it back to corporeality?"

She snapped a sharp look at me but sent her braids wobbling. "Well, I'm not scientist or a mage! That's the business of your kind!" And my handwriting is too messy to bother with notes anystone."

"And the device you use?"

She glanced at it, then pulled it to her chest and wrapped her other arm around it. "Ah. I see now." Narrowing her eyes, she slowly backed up to the brush behind her. Though the creek passed between us, she seemed convinced I might lunge for it. "Just stay right there. And don't try to follow me. Now that you know the stakes, I won't be as forgiving if you ruin it again."

In bewilderment, I lowered my book as the dwarf picked her way back into the woods without taking her eyes off me, I returned to my perch beside the stream to record the events of the evening before night had fallen entirely.

Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist and Scrivener for the Lightpact.[40]


Narratives (Meta-stories) that play out on a particular server are driven by various story arcs.[41][42][43][44]

There is of course a meta-story. That meta-story gets informed by regional stories and regional outcomes; and depending on how players progress within their personal stories, that could be either racially based or could be their class-based. They could be a per-node basis. All of those things support a grand structure of the meta-narrative.[42]Steven Sharif
Q: What is your vision for the overall player story when comparing the more emergent personal stories versus the more curated story arcs?
A: The narrative keeps in mind what the meta narrative is of the server; and that's something we have generally kept relatively close to the chest. It's something that we don't want to spoil leading up to our testers participating in Alpha-2 and Beta and eventually launch. It is however true that there is a meta narrative that exist within Ashes. There is a purpose why you are on Verra again; and the supporting narrative structures are there to reinforce what that meta narrative is. So, players will have insight into that as they travel and adventure within the world.[41]Steven Sharif

Arcos argumentales

Depiction of Laria Lemonte, an important character in Ashes of Creation lore.[45]

Los arcos argumentales impulsan la narrativa que se desarrolla en un servidor en concreto. Dentro de estos arcos argumentales hay puntos específicos que pueden cambiar para contar diferentes historias basadas en los parámetros del mundo.[42][43][44]

Within the context of these story arcs, there are specific points that they can pivot to tell a different story. That different story can be based on predicates that are in the world: from a player decision standpoint, from a cultural representation standpoint, from situational to which node gets developed. There's a lot of different components that interact with the way the dialogue and narratives play out on a particular server; and what that means is- and I've said this from the beginning many sandbox MMORPGS, they do not create as much curated content as theme-park MMORPGS; and their excuse for doing that is because they incorporate player-driven mechanics. But that's a bit of a cop-out and it's the opposite approach that we've taken with Ashes of Creation; and the reason for that is, if you give the player a door and there's nothing behind that door then opening the door is meaningless. So what we have to do is we have to create a very functional story arc system that provides content in many different ways, but is behind a door of world progress or world development that is then executed by the player population. And that's how we construct our narrative systems.[43]Steven Sharif
Even player driven mechanics will still have story components. There will be a reason why the player driven mechanic is available or required of the player; so every system that's created touches a story.[46]Steven Sharif
Every stage a node develops it's unlocking narratives, storylines, it's changing the spawn population of the area around it, changing what bosses exist, it's triggering events where you may have legendary dragons attack the city. It's basically writing the story of the server based on the actions and determination of the players. So, you may experience a dungeon one month earlier and have a completely different story that relates to this location the next month, because something has changed either geopolitically or from the node standpoint.[48]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngParte de la siguiente información no ha sido confirmada recientemente por los desarrolladores y es posible que no esté en la hoja de ruta de desarrollo actual.

Algunos arcos argumentales se pueden desbloquear a través del sistema de tablón de anuncios.Para poder acceder a las misiones de los arcos argumentales será necesario cumplir ciertos requisitos.[49]

Narrativa impulsada por el jugador

El mundo de Verra será el mismo en cada servidor, pero los Nodos se desarrollarán de forma diferente. Cada servidor tendrá diferentes narrativas. Las cosas que sucedan en un servidor pueden no suceder en otro.[50]

We want as many people as possible to experience the main server Narrative. These will branch at different scales, but largely at the personal level. Where things change is at the Node level – different parts of the story will be unlocked based on where and when Nodes grow. Unlocking a part of the story in a certain way locks out progression of the story in a different way. You’ll see different antagonists, different NPCs, and different calls to action depending on what’s happening with the server at that time.[52]

It redefines what the players will experience in an MMORPG to come into a wilderness that is devoid of really any structure outside of what the community creates themselves; and then what can be created can be changed, if they want to experience a storyline that's been seen on another server, but you're fighting a dragon because you're near a mountain and the other server's fighting a Kraken because they're near the coast and you want to fight that Kraken because of its drop table. If you want to meta it or because you just want that under your belt: to be the server first to take out that Kraken and you have yet to develop the node there, it's incumbent upon you to manifest that in the game.[53]Steven Sharif

Historia en el servidor

El historial de cada servidor será registrado y se encontrará visible para los jugadores en la biblioteca de los nodos.[55][56]

We're gonna keep track of the history of the world so that we can tell people the story up to the current day. A player who's brand new, who's come in at the six-month mark can take a look at each server, what each server has done, how each server has tackled the storyline; and they can decide for themselves what community they want to join; what version of the world that they want to take part in.[56]Jeffrey Bard
info-orange.pngParte de la siguiente información no ha sido confirmada recientemente por los desarrolladores y es posible que no esté en la hoja de ruta de desarrollo actual.
  • Los escribas pueden recopilar y registrar información sobre los acontecimientos del mundo tal y como los han vivido y desde su punto de vista.[57]


Backpack sockets (slots).[58]

A big component of the MMORPG that - half of that acronym is RPG role-playing game. And in order to role-play you need to be able to represent what your character is doing in that world and part of what animation is doing is creating these sockets on the let's say the belt or the back that can plug in certain types of props or items that are created by the character team, like Carson, might be a scroll tube, it might be a potion, it might be whatever: Those players will have the ability as we've discussed in the past will have the ability to select what they want to be represented in those sockets and then animation will make sure that jibe well in movement.[58]Steven Sharif

Existen diferentes sistemas que permiten contar historias en Ashes of Creation.[59]

A MMO lives and breathes on its community and we don't really want to give short shrift to any one of those types. All of them are important: the RPers are important, the people who just want to hang out in the Inn and talk are important, they all add to the game and so we want to make sure that we take care of all of them... You can run a business based on RPing.[63]Jeffrey Bard

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Unreal Engine Interview, 23 May 2017.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (0:00:00).
  3. 3.0 3.1 Entrevista, 2020-07-20 (13:33).
  4. Ashes of Creation - A world with consequences.
  5. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-03-31 (1:18:49).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (12:47).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-12-02 (1:16:19).
  8. A reactive world - Nodes.
  9. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-10-16 (17:09).
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-08-26 (50:40).
  11. Vídeo, 2017-09-04 (1:16).
  12. Vídeo, 2022-12-02 (11:11).
  13. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-02-25 (1:15:50).
  14. Blog - Development Update with New Map and Feature Discussions.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-08-26 (46:52).
  16. Vídeo, 2023-01-27 (4:39).
  17. Entrevista, 2017-05-22 (22:54).
  18. 18.0 18.1 The mighty beard!
  19. 19.0 19.1 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  20. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-05-27 (2:33).
  21. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-15 (30:53).
  22. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-08-26 (53:26).
  23. 23.0 23.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-06-26 (1:25:11).
  24. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-10-30 (1:19:13).
  25. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-03-28 (32:30).
  26. 26.0 26.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-07-25 (1:03:03).
  27. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  28. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-07-28 (25:20).
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 mapportals.png
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-10-16 (53:58).
  31. 31.0 31.1 underrealm-gateway.png
  32. 32.0 32.1 tulnar-gateway.png
  33. steven-tulnar-pois.png
  34. Vídeo, 2018-04-05 (40:08).
  35. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  36. starting gateway.png
  37. Entrevista, 2018-04-20 (5:46).
  38. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-11-6 (part 1) (0:0).
  39. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-11-6 (part 2) (0:0).
  40. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-11-6 (part 3) (0:0).
  41. 41.0 41.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2024-02-29 (1:23:07).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-04-29 (1:05:37).
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-03-31 (1:15:29).
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-01-18 (39:08).
  45. Forums - Dev Discussion #49 - Lore Characters.
  46. 46.0 46.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2019-05-30 (1:18:16).
  47. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-26 (15:37).
  48. 48.0 48.1 Vídeo, 2018-04-05 (35:01).
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-10-31 (29:50).
  50. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (37:03).
  51. Transmisión en vivo, 2019-12-17 (1:10:30).
  52. Interview: Ashes of Creation on Building Their Virtual World, 2017-04-13.
  53. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-22 (28:02).
  54. Kickstarter packages.
  55. Blog: Know Your Nodes - Scientific Node Type
  56. 56.0 56.1 Entrevista, 2018-04-20 (9:20).
  57. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-26 (51:37).
  58. 58.0 58.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2019-05-30 (1:09:13).
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-17 (44:42).
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 Entrevista, 2021-02-07 (55:22).
  61. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-01-29 (1:20:05).
  62. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-07-28 (37:25).
  63. 63.0 63.1 Vídeo, 2018-04-05 (44:06).