Progresión de armas

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In-game achievable sword and polearm 3D renders.[1]

Power creep is a balance issue... When it comes to gear progression specifically, the idea is to create an open market that is not heavily dependent on soulbound items; and having many item sinks and gold sinks within that economy that allows for the potential degradation and loss of assets within that closed economy; and not introduce items from the market that companies put in from a pay-to-win perspective or from a pay-to-convenience perspective that undermines the economy that players have built. That is a huge mistake that companies have made in the past and that lends to the imbalancing of what designers maybe have actually balanced well.[2]Steven Sharif

Las armas tienen su propio progreso.[3][4]

Q: Are weapons balanced towards a proficiency system (i.e. the longer I use a sword, the better my damage will be), or will it be a normal RPG stat system with no long-term scaling?
A: We will not be using a proficiency system as described, but players will have passives available in their skill tree that will increase effectiveness of certain weapons. Becoming a master of swords will be something that is possible, just not in that particular manner.[13]Sarah Flanagan

Ashes of Creation is all about providing many progression paths... The reason why we don't like the term endgame is because with the amount of progression that's available with the amount of diversity and player agency that impacts the world... We want the weapon system [to] add an element of that as well... You can determine special effects that proc from currently the combo system; you can determine ancillary effects that proc based on enchantment types; you can power stone weapons to add different either elemental types of damage and/or energy that play rock-paper-scissor with player defenses ... and then you can skill tree out how those effects that are granted ... you can make them better you can branch them off into a different direction.[14]Steven Sharif

Class weapons and armor

Las armas y armaduras no estan limitadas por tu clase, pero ciertas clases son mas eficientes con ciertos tipos de armas o armaduras.[16][17] Ciertas habilidades requieren que ciertos objetos estén equipados.[18]

Las armas están diseñadas para ser "agnósticas" de cierta manera, en el sentido que el jugador puede hallar la forma en la que un arma sea utilizada por diferentes clases. No sólo el pícaro será capaz de usar dagas. Porque si aplicas este tipo de restricciones, se hace más difícil que la economía tenga una buena sostentabilidad a través del mercado de objetos.[19]Steven Sharif
P: Habíamos declarado que íbamos a permitir que las personas usaran cualquier combinación de clases, que serían ambos arquetipos juntos, pudiendo usar cualquier arma. ¿Vemos problemas que podrían ocurrir con eso, por ejemplo, como un bow tank (tanque que use un arco), un orb tank (tanque que usa un orbe) o cosas similares- habrá alguna extrañeza allí, o hay problemas que primero están previendo en el futuro?
R: Estamos dando mucha flexibilidad a los artesanos en nuestro juego. Ayudan a definir el bloque de estadísticas que tiene un objeto, arma o equipo en particular; y ese bloque de estadísticas puede ser relevante para cualquier combinación de clase o arquetipo en particular. Entonces, en ese sentido, la idea es no ver ninguna extrañeza allí o no ver ningún elemento que disuada a una persona de esa perspectiva de personalización.[20]Steven Sharif

Armas y armaduras raciales

Apariencia según raza de la Armadura en la Alpha-1.[21]

Violet light y yo estamos usando exactamente la misma armadura: mismas estadísticas, todo igual, pero si le cae a ella tiene una apariencia y si me cae a mi tiene otra; y... una pequeña parte es por el género, pero la otra parte es la raza. Por lo tanto, debido que era un Vaelune en esa partida, mi armadura es del estilo de Vaelune; y cuando ella la cogió era de estilo élfico, porque era una elfa. Así que eso te da un ejemplo de la variedad de looks que estamos buscando y como tratamos de capturar quién eres como personaje y te permite construir tu look de esa manera..[22]Jeffrey Bard

Las armas y armaduras no están bloqueadas por raza, pero la armadura cambiará en función de la apariencia de la raza.[24][25][26]

La personalización del equipo en funciónd e la raza se centra en las armaduras, no en los accesorios o armas. Los modelos visuales de las armas y accesorios serán muy parecidos sino iguales entre todas las razas[27]Steven Sharif

La personalización del equipo por raza está más concentrado en los sets de armaduras más que en las armas. Las armas, desde el punto de vista de los modelos de juego, serán prácticamente iguales entre las razas.[27]Steven Sharif

Digamos que, por ejemplo, posees el set Águila o algo parecido: El set Águila tiene un arte y un tema de diseño que incluirán ciertos complementos en la armadura. Esto incluirá una paleta de colores y un tema. Tendrá ciertos aspectos que lo definen como el set Águila. Sin embargo, cuando un elfo o un orco se pongan este set, obviamente tienes dos culturas muy distintas y no queremos pisotear esa cultura asignándole un aspecto de facto: "Este es el set Águila y así es como se ve para todos". Nosotros queremos que las influencias culturales jueguen un rol en cómo se ve el set.[27]Steven Sharif

Cuando preguntan "¿qué pasa si soy un orco pero quiero verme como un elfo y que mi set Águila tenga representación élfica?" Bueno, ahí el problema es que los orcos tienen un modelo orgánico diferente. Sus cuerpos son diferentes a los de los elfos. Entonces, desde un punto de vista de alcance, es una cosa añadir las diferentes influencias culturales a una armadura; y otra distinta es adaptar cada influencia para que pueda ser utilizada de forma universal. Desde una perspectiva de trabajo, es una tarea muy difícil de tomar para los artistas de personaje. Así que en vez de eso, nos decidimos por nuestro enfoque actual, con el fin de facilitar cierta variedad de representación cultural entre las razas, a la vez que permitimos que compartan distintos bienes como las armaduras, a las cuales les dimos representaciones distintivas de cada raza.[29]Steven Sharif

Gear enhancement

Las mejoras de equipo (piedras o runas de poder) se pueden aplicar a armas para añadir elementos o tipos de daño.[14][30]

We are very likely going to have a rune system and then we'll have the ability to sort of enchant weapons outside of that too... That's not always going to be like a vertical progression... Some of it's going to be giving up something to get something else; so maybe I do less physical damage but more magical damage, that thing.[30]Jeffrey Bard

It's not as though you're going to necessarily acquire these once and then you're set for your PvP enchantments, but instead you'll have to continually perform month after month in order to keep having those slotted enchantments.[32]Steven Sharif


Enchanting is not an artisan profession in its own right. Escribas create scrolls that can be utilized by different professions to create enchantments relating to that profession.[34][35]

You don't really push a particular item's level requirement or the identity of that item. You can enhance it, you can add enchantments to it, but it's still the item it is.[31]Steven Sharif

Weapon use ability

Alpha-2 greatsword weapon combo animation.[38]

Whenever you get stab hits on the third and the fourth hit, those are actually procs. So, if you connect with the second hit of that proc hit you'll receive the additional effects, but you actually have to connect with a monster or player to receive the effect; and I think the proc rate is at a static 25 percent right now. We're looking at other ways to scale that. Maybe it scales with a stat, or maybe it scales with additional nodes, but right now it's kind of low.[39]Brian Ferguson

A weapon combo system (also referred to as Weapon use combo, Weapon attack combo, Weapon combo, and Weapon use ability) is utilized instead of a traditional auto-attack ability in Ashes of Creation.[38][40][41][7][3][42][43]

Let's say for example you're using a two-handed warhammer or something and you have a number of weapon combos that play animation style based on how many combos deep you go into an attack with that warhammer. So the first is going to be like a forward swing. Second is going to be a back swing. The third is going to be swing down and the fourth is going to be some twirl that you do; and that's what we call the combo animation montage.[9]Steven Sharif
  • The number of steps and passive effects that trigger during weapon combos can be customized in the weapon skill tree.[45][46]
We wanted to have a combo length progression available to players so that certain builds could have longer weapon combos and other builds can have shorter weapon combos with more passive effects.; and this has been the result of our exploration. So, when you start out you've got a pretty quick four-hit combo, but whenever you unlock the additional hits you get the fifth and sixth hits, which are at approximately 50% to the overall combo length. But we found that that gave a pretty satisfying floor and ceiling to how long the combo can be.[45]Brian Ferguson
Depending on what your class skill choice has been those are going to have synergy effects with the weapon skill tree. So my skill called spin-to-win might do 30 additional damage on a staggered target. So I see when my proc occurs with the stagger effect on my first swing, like for me as a player I might be only interested in landing that first swing, so every now and then I'm gonna swing once and then I'm gonna use a skill and then I'm gonna come back and swing again because that'll play my first swing montage, because it's been interrupted. So I won't move to the second one because I'm really just wanna hit that stagger effect. So that's going to be how my rotation lines up. However I might have some skill that on a stun target it might be an immediate cast and it's like some power you push or power hit; and that does- it knocks back a stun target. So if the target's stunned when this skill plays, it has an added effect of knock down and now they're gonna get knocked down for an additional two seconds. Now I might spec into that and as a result I want to finish through: swing, swing, and then knock down. So I get my chance at stunning that target with that weapon skill.[9]Steven Sharif
You may have items or set bonuses that change at what level those proc occurs. So I may have a full set of battle armor that changes all third hit combo procs to second hit requirements and now I have a chance not only on my second hit to land that tapering slow but I also have a chance to land my one second stun proc because I have the full set that changes my weapon progression. So that's the way itemization works with your weapon skill tree, is you can enhance when those weapon skill trees become available in your combat montage and that can be a relevant factor in how your skill rotations come to play; and mixes with your weapon attacks.
  • Weapon skill choices and rotations will vary based on whether the player is more focused on Pvp or PvE.[9]
Right now some people might just say, "I don't care at all about my weapon attacks. I'm not going to invest a lot of points into that. And if I do, it's going to be primarily PvE focused where I'm more comfortable using just swinging my weapon, and I may not use them as much in PvP. I'm just going to be focused on skill rotations." That's okay, but the reason for those skill montages- back to your question- is they have a very relevant role in when certain procs come online from a weapons skill tree perspective.[9]Steven Sharif
  • Using a skill/ability other than a basic attack will in general reset the combo.[44]
    • The developers are considering specific abilities that might be able to be used without resetting the combo system.[44]
It acts similar in the sense of the core loop of what an auto attack is so to speak; where typically your other skills have a cooldown period, they have a rotation or whatever: Our combo system is a repeatable skill effect that you can continually attack with but it's a little bit more involved than what a traditional auto attack is; and it has components from a from an advancement standpoint when it comes to the types of procs that your weapon can have during that combo system... It's not going to have the quick time event that you guys saw early on in PAX and gave great feedback on, but it is going to have development with regards to the power of the weapon the type of weapon you're using, the additional proc effects that you can skill into: Those types of things are going to make it a little bit more complex of a system capture.[3]Steven Sharif


Template:Weapon use ability status

Objetos legendarios

Hay una pequeña probabilidad (RNG) de saquear objetos raros y legendarios o materiales de artesanía (crafting) de los enemigos en función del nivel, el estado y el tipo de enemigo. Esto también se aplica a la obtención de recursos con una profesión de recolección.[47]

At each stage from Gatherer to Processor to Crafter you are required to have certain prerequisites before those elite types of materials can be essentially gathered, processed, or crafted.[49]Steven Sharif

The amount of effort needed and interdependencies across the different types of players – between raiders and PvPers and crafters and even role players and the taverns and businesses: the processors and gatherers – all of those systems will likely have a component that lends toward creating or crafting that legendary item... We want to stay away from the highly RNGd system, and instead take our multiple progression paths that we are offering the players and put the construction components for achieving these legendary items within them so it encourages communities to work together because it's going to be difficult for just one person by themselves to gather everything. Not to say that they couldn't in an economic sense, by buying those components, that's possible. But achieving them from a time investment standpoint we want it to be considerably less RNG focussed.[50]Steven Sharif

Algunos objetos legendarios pueden estar limitados a uno por servidor en todo momento.[53][54]

  • Si el personaje del jugador abandona el servidor, el objeto volverá a estar disponible para su adquisición a través de cualquier medio por el que se adquirió anteriormente.[53]

There are absolutely legendary items and they're not items that are attained easily nor are they granted out in a volume. There might even be items that are single items that will exist on the server at any given time.[54]

Un arma legendaria se distingue facilmente por su estética visual.[50]

It will be a very ornate and detailed weapon, more so than any other weapon or piece of equipment in the game. It will also include some awesome looking effects that won't too gaudy, they won't be too bright and shiny so that it doesn't look good, but they will be subtle and people will notice it and know wow that guy has this weapon.[50]Steven Sharif

Los objetos legendarios no están diseñados para ser temporales.[55]

The fact there is only one of them... or very very few of them depending on what it is. I think that in and of itself is a balance component right and you need to make sure that the players who are striving for those legendary things and who are devoting the time energy, resources in order to achieve them are accurately rewarded... We do not intend on having legendary items that are temporary.[55]Steven Sharif

info-orange.pngParte de la siguiente información no ha sido confirmada recientemente por los desarrolladores y es posible que no esté en la hoja de ruta de desarrollo actual.

El descubrimiento de objetos legendarios desbloqueará más capítulos del Lore.[57]

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  1. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-04-30 (53:08).
  2. Entrevista, 2018-10-20 (2:53:52).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-01-30 (1:28:40).
  4. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-05-04 (45:37).
  5. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-06-30 (1:12:38).
  6. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-09-30 (53:15).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-09-30 (43:45).
  8. Vídeo, 2022-09-30 (24:49).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Pódcast, 2021-09-29 (47:57).
  10. Entrevista, 2021-02-07 (49:18).
  11. Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (53:59).
  12. Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:07:51).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-06-04 (1:11:19).
  15. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (1:29:39).
  16. weapon augments.png
  17. class weapons.png
  18. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-02-09 (47:05).
  19. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-05-04 (45:37).
  20. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-06-30 (55:31).
  21. Vídeo, 2020-09-30 (2:44).
  22. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-09-30 (47:47).
  23. Transmisión en vivo, 2019-07-26 (54:06).
  24. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-03-31 (4:57).
  25. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-26 (44:11).
  26. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-26 (20:46).
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Pódcast, 2018-08-04 (53:43).
  28. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-10-28 (1:41:06).
  29. 29.0 29.1 Pódcast, 2018-08-04 (55:17).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-06-04 (21:37).
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (1:15:57).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (14:22).
  33. Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (16:34).
  34. 34.0 34.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-05-27 (1:20:00).
  35. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-26 (51:37).
  36. Transmisión en vivo, 2023-11-30 (1:38:47).
  37. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-17 (58:55).
  38. 38.0 38.1 Vídeo, 2024-03-29 (50:16).
  39. Vídeo, 2024-03-29 (57:52).
  40. Vídeo, 2023-12-19 (10:08).
  41. Vídeo, 2023-04-28 (15:35).
  42. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-01-18 (22:46).
  43. steven-auto-attack-definition.png
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-02-28 (1:10:21).
  45. 45.0 45.1 Vídeo, 2023-12-19 (8:37).
  46. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-09-24 (1:19:17).
  47. Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:00:15).
  48. Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (8:43).
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 Entrevista, 2020-07-20 (21:57).
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-04-8 (PM) (55:49).
  51. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-07-25 (46:08).
  52. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (1:02:06).
  53. 53.0 53.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-03-31 (1:15:02).
  54. 54.0 54.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-15 (38:08).
  55. 55.0 55.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2018-07-09 (25:34).
  56. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-04-8 (PM) (51:49).
  57. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (44:18).