Corrupted Essence

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Corrupted Essence (commonly referred to simply as Corruption) is a negative aspect of La Esencia that was spread by Los Antiguos during the Apocalypse.[2][3]

Corruption is a representation of The Ancients' magic: The Ancients hatred. The Ancients desire to strike back at the creation of what their the gods who banished them to the void have tried to accomplish on Verra. And so corruption is this influence of The Essence that permeates around locations in the world and tries to pervert what that creation really is.[4]Steven Sharif
  • Corruption was brought to Verra by the Los Heraldos, which are comet-like celestial bodies powered by a very strong source of magic.[5][6]
What does corruption do as it seeps in through the world? It seeps in a way that's responsive to player progression. So as the nodes develop, as the world becomes more civilized by society, going out and standing up these cities and these nodes and whatnot, corruption responds to that. It is an equal pushback that it's trying to achieve. And it's up to players to thwart the advancement of that corruption through achieving certain story arc quest lines, through killing certain bosses, through, participating in content that relates to that corruption seeping into the world. But corruption is not all bad, because corruption changes spawners and it changes populations and it changes resources that become available- unique resources... So there is a relevance- meaningful component of why that corruption would want to be interacted with from the player's perspective. But it's a push and pull situation. That's really what corruption is intended to provide, push and pull between the advancement of society and what was there that's more feral.[7]Steven Sharif

La Esencia

The essence is a stream that exists across all planes of existence, but it exists at different levels of strength essentially at different levels that can be utilized; and the void is the furthest... There is a very minute amount of essence that can be found within the void. However the planes of existence that are in Ashes of Creation- they are connected across bridges created by the essence. So these ley-lines in a sense that exist within the different planes provide conduits of access and on Verra, which was a planet that was made after the ancient- the celestial battle.[6]Steven Sharif

La Esencia es una energía metafísica o fuerza vital (Chi) que puede manipularse para crear lo que podría verse como magia. Hay diferentes planos de existencia (reinos) con diversos grados de intensidad (de magia), en función de su proximidad a la Esencia. Los planos de existencia en Ashes of Creation están conectados a través de puentes creados por la Esencia[20][6]

  • Los Dioses existen en el plano de los dioses, que es el que se encuentro mejor conectado con la Esencia.[6]
  • El plano material no es el más alto en cuanto a proximidad a la Esencia. Verra existe en el plano material.[6]
  • El vacío es el plano mas alejado y menos conectado con la Esencia. Solo una pequeña cantidad de Esencia puede ser encontrada dentro del vacío.[6]
  • No ha habido una comprensión clara acerca de cuantos planos de existencia hay.[20]

Souls acting as conduits is a very integral component of some broader features in the storyline. If you think about souls being a conduit for Essence and you think of the gods as masters of the Essence: If you think of the Essence being separate from the Gods- let's say they're parallel to eachother- one didn't create the other, but they coexist in this almost symbiotic form with one another; almost to the point where their manipulation of the Essence is perfection: They can perfectly manipulate it and lesser beings; and I say 'lesser' in a sense of their alignment or closeness to Essence. They're still perfecting that manipulation and some never achieve perfection almost to the degree of ascendency or enlightenment- Essence being that sort of Chi that exists. In that regard, when a perfect being such as the gods- and I'm not saying 'perfect' as the correlation between sin and not sin, I'm thinking perfect in the sense of how you can control and manipulate the Essence: That control is perfection for them.[20]Steven Sharif

When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages; they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance.[20]Steven Sharif

Las almas son un canal para La Esencia para viajar entre los diferentes planos de la existencia. Esta idea está es un componente integral dentro de las propias características de la historia.[20]

  • Los dioses son maestros de la Esencia, pero se encuentran separados de ella. Ninguno fue creado por el otro, pero existen juntos, como una simbiosis; donde los dioses han logrado una manipulación casi perfecto de la Esencia y de los "seres menores" que existen más allá de la Esencia.[20]
  • La Esencia es tan poderosa que fluye a través de los planos casi como un río Los canales del alma ayudan a mantener e incluso lo magnifican. Los detalles que rodean todo esto no se han revelado, pero se dice que tienen algún sifnificado en la propia historia.[20]
  • El rey Atrax fue el primer gobernante de Verra en descubrir el propósito de La Esencia, permitiendo la manipulación de la material y el uso de la magia por cualquier medio..[21]
  • Los Tulnar tienen almas, y estás actúan como canales para La Esencia.[22]

Durante el Apocalípsis, Los Antiguos crearon monstruosidades y pervirtieron la naturaleza con corrupción, que es el aspecto negativo de La Esencia.[2]

  • El cambio de forma (changeling) se realiza a través de La Esencia centrándose en ese tipo específico de magia.[23]
Any form of changeling or shape shifting that's capable is done so through the Essence. There’s a few ways that a soul can become attuned to a specific type of magic in manipulating the Essence; and overtime as you manipulate the Essence in the same way, your soul can start to develop a tendency to gravitate towards that type of magic. So in that sense- those shape shifters and/or changelings that are capable of changing their form- they do so because they have mastered to a degree that type of magic; and their souls have become attuned to that type of magic.[23]Steven Sharif
  • Los propios Antiguos son más sedentarios en su forma física y menos capaces de formar instantáneamente. Sus manifestaciones físicas como tenientes, capitanes generales y jefes de incursión se perfeccionaron con el tiempo a causa de la perversión de La Esencia através de la corrupción.[23]
They are literally bred into a role and that role has perfected over time because through the delineation of specific subsects of the soul of the conduit that this race has, those different castes become attuned to different roles. That's why they are traditionally in a caste society.[23]Steven Sharif

Blood magic

Effects of Blood magic near the Tower of Carphin.[24]

Blood magic is a school of magic that creates a certain amount of corruption in the caster. This corruption can bleed over into the environment and other things that the caster draw Essence from in order to cast these spells.[25][26]

  • The curse of Carphin was born from blood magic.[27] This began with the blood sacrifice of Veric Pulsifer by Laria Lemonte, which started a ritual that led to the mass killing of the residents of Carphin, turning them undead.[28]
  • The ability to wield blood magic might be considered "illegal" by certain lawful citizens and nations of Verra. There may be ramifications when players discover and experience blood magic in the world.[25]
When we say that blood magic is "illegal", we're talking about in the context of a normal everyday player who's a citizen of Verra having come from Sanctus. You are adhering to the local laws and guidance from nation governments and/or node governments to be a good upstanding citizen of Verra. You adhere to these laws. The ability to wield blood magic might be seen in some storylines we'll see. That is left to the players to experience and discover. Those types of choices might have ramifications on your character and or ramifications within story lines... Whether players will be able to wield blood magic is up to the different story lines you all explore.[25]Steven Sharif
When we talk about how do we create a blood corruption setting, well what is the associated colors, what's the shape language of blood magic. This flowing river- you saw some of them in the VFX of the zone and Carphin- you saw the mist in the deep red saturation. Each of the environments and the magics and what we create has an associated style guide that includes color wheels and palettes across different influences.[25]Steven Sharif

Zonas corruptas (Corrupted areas)

Work-in-progress Alpha-1 preview corrupted area on Alpha island by Mia DelCasino.[9]

How the world reacts and changes to the nodes, you see these intrusions of corruption beginning to pervert and infest the lands; and these are obviously going to be sources by which NPC events are driven based on player progression within the world. And these sources of evil need to be addressed by the players, or else they'll grow out of hand.[29]Steven Sharif

All of our POIs and just the world in general can react to the node- we don't have to but we can- and this is one of those places where as civilization grows this will grow in contest with it.[9]Jeffrey Bard

Las áreas corruptas (zonas/puntos de interés) pueden evolucionar dinámicamente con la progresión de los nodos.[29][9]

  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[10]
  • TEstas son causas de eventos eventos que los jugadores deben abordar antes de que se les vayan de las manos.[30][29]
    • Los jugadores necesitan participar en estos eventos para detener la propagación de la corrupción y frenar la intrusión en el plano material.[10]
    • Si los jugadores no se ocupan de estas zonas corruptas, aumentará la frecuencia de los eventos contra su nodo. Estos eventos pueden provocar que los edificios y servicios del nodo queden inutilizados, aumentando la vulnerabilidad del nodo a los asedios.[31]
    It can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed; and that's the intent of corruption, is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and a problem over time.[31]Steven Sharif
  • Las áreas corruptas no confieren corrupción al jugador.[15]

There are certain things that can happen, such as the spawning of dragons or hordes of zombies that are going to come out and attack those installations, those nodes, those points of interest; and... communities that don't respond to those in an effective way might see the disabling of certain services, the reduction of certain quest lines for particular organizations. The idea is to keep this as part of a believable living response from world, so those can get pretty significant the bad effects that can happen for the community.[30]Steven Sharif

Corrupted resources

Corrupted resources are variations of resources that are necessary components for certain crafting recipes.[7][16][17][18]

We saw over the course of the last few months different types of resources that have altered states when corruption is present and it becomes a corrupt version of itself, which is a necessary component for certain types of crafting endeavors as well. So there is a relevance- meaningful component of why that corruption would want to be interacted with from the player's perspective.[7]Steven Sharif

Las Ruinas de Carphin

Las Ruinas de Carphin zone.[32]

Carphin was a large city of the Aelan Empire, which housed the Empire’s most prestigious university. At the university stood a tall tower used by the most prolific mages in their studies of the essence. That tower now serves as an expansive vertical dungeon with lost treasures and antiquities fraught with dangers and terror not for the faint of heart.[33]Steven Sharif

Las Ruinas de Carphin es una zona en el bioma de Riverlands.[32]

Carphin was one of the great cities of the Aelan Empire and it's now in ruins.[32]Jeremy Gess
It was a focus of the mages and study of the Aelan Empire. Carphin was a city that had a great mage population, so it had a university there. And things went bad there in the last days of the fall. They made some desperate measures in a really awesome quest series that Scott's written up.[35]Jeremy Gess
The story behind the tower at Carpin is that it is actually a part of the University complex that was initially brought to the Aela humans by the Pyrian elves; and they helped establish and taught the humans how to master The Essence and how to master magic; and this was one of the great universities of the Aelan Empire, so a lot of the experience and encounters there are going to be arcane in nature. They're going to be representative of that Essence magic and it's going to have some powerful foes.[36]Steven Sharif

The Tower of Carphin

The Blood Still Due story arc unlocking at The Tower of Carphin.[13]

A very terrible curse is remaining here after a desperate spell was cast during the Harbinger apocalypse. You saw a bit of that spell being replayed at the top of the tower there. But when the ancients were advancing toward the Aelan capital, where Carphin is strategically positioned, between where the Harbinger comet landed and the Aelan capital, the mages here- and Carphin was known throughout the empire for its magical prowess- the head mage here did a very desperate and dangerous spell to slow the Ancients' advance.[37]Skott B

The Tower of Carphin bridge.[38]

The story arc helped this bridge form. This bridge might also appear if you've leveled up Miraleth enough to create this pathway. Otherwise there's other ways to get there, but more dangerous ways.[39]Jeremy Gess

The Tower of Carphin is an open-world dungeon in the Wreckage of Carphin zone.[40]

Laria Lemonte

Laria Lemonte 3D turntable.[43][42]

Laria Lemonte is a powerful wizard who has unfortunately gone down a dark path.[43]

Laria Lemonte, Maestra Superior en la Universidad de Carphin, era una de las magas más importantes del Imperio Aelan cuando se produjo La Caída. Siguiendo el consejo de un ser desconocido, cometió oscuras y desesperadas acciones en un vano intento de salvar Aela, la capital de Aelan, de la destrucción.[44]

  • El sacrificio de sangre de Veric Pulsifer inició un ritual que culminó con la masacre de los residentes de Carphin, convirtiéndolos en no-muertos.[28]
The curse of Carphin was born from blood magic.[27]Steven Sharif
  • La voz misteriosa que la ayudaba e incitaba en su empeño, era de hecho el mismo Antiguo que pervirtió al Rey Atrax desde más allá del Vacío.[45]
  • La niebla corrupta que fluía de la torre retrasó a las legiones de Los Antiguos en su avance hacia la capital hasta que construyeron un artefacto que les permitió cruzar el río.[28]

La caída

Concept art showing the citizens of Verra escaping a besieged city through a divine gateway.[46]

In Ashes of Creation there is a primary antagonist that exists within the overarching storyline and these antagonists are The Ancients. When the Apocalypse occurred and the Harbingers arrived in on Verra and those conduits opened from the center of those Harbingers, the Ancients flowed out of these Harbingers and started really conquering the Verran planet. But more importantly their desire was to essentially manipulate and pervert the creation of the gods as an affront to their endeavors; and in doing so they created monstrosities essentially any portion of nature just was completely manipulated by their corruption, which is the negative aspect of Essence.[2]Steven Sharif

Hace mucho tiempo, el mundo de Verra fue azotado por una gran calamidad (también llamada La Caída, El apocalipsis, y El Éxodo), propiciada por los primeros antagonistas del mundo: Los Antiguos y Los Otros.[2][47]

  • El apocalipsis comenzó con la llegada de unos cuerpos celestiales similares a cometas llamados Los Heraldos. Los Antiguos surgieron de los caminos que abrieron los Heraldos y comenzó su conquista del planeta.[2]
  • Su deseo era pervertir la creación de los dioses (Los Siete) como una afrenta a sus esfuezos. Para lograrlo crearon monstruosidades manipulando la naturaleza con la corruption, que es el lado oscuro de la La Esencia.[2][3]

Gracias a la intervención divina de los Dioses de la Creación[48], gran parte de la población de Verra pudo escapar usando los portales divinos, buscando refugio en un mundo vacío de magia.[46] El mundo de Sanctus.[49]

Poco después del éxodo, los portales dejaron de brillar y quedaron desactivados. Los siglos se convirtieron en milenios, enterrándolas bajo un un sinfin de calamidades. A través de los eones, la historia se convirtió en leyendo, y entonces, las leyendas fueron olvidadas.[46]

Los Tulnar son una combinación de las cuatro grandes razas y varias razas menores que quedaron atrapadas en Verra después del apocalipsis.[52][53][54]

The Harbingers

Dillia's diary concept art.[55]

The Ancients and The Others they found their way to Verra at some point and they came through what we call the Harbingers, which are essentially these celestial bodies- these almost comet-like structures that were traveling through space to find the location of the new creation; and within those harbingers is a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between the Void and the Material plane where Verra exists.[6]Steven Sharif

Los Heraldos son cuerpos celestes parecidos a cometas, impulsados por una poderosa fuente de magia que actúa como puente entre El Vacío y el Plano Material donde se encuentra Verra.[6]

  • Los Antiguos y Los Otros se sirvieron de Los Heraldos para viajar a Verra, iniciando así El Apocalipsis.[6]
  • Los Antiguos surgieron de los túneles que se abrieron en el centro de los Heraldos y empezaron a conquistar Verra.[56]
  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[10]
    • Hay eventos que provocan la propagación de la corrupción y contra los que los jugadores tendrán que luchar. Los jugadores tendrán que participar en los eventos para ayudar a combatir la invasión.[10]

The worst thing that the Harbingers brought was not the Others, but the corruption that they spread. It twists and distorts everything it touches. It whispers in the ears of men, and guides their hands toward terrible ends. There does not seem a means to stop it - our prayers do nothing, our spells are ineffectual. The awful truth is that the Others could simply watch as we burned Verra to ash ourselves.[5]

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  1. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (9:32).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (9:51).
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ashes of Creation - A world with consequences.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-03-31 (54:22).
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Week 1, entry 1.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (0:00:00).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Entrevista, 2023-07-09 (47:05).
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-03-31 (53:30).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (22:53).
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (12:47).
  11. skotty-story-arc-2.png
  12. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (3:32).
  13. 13.0 13.1 Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (1:22).
  14. Vídeo, 2018-04-05 (35:01).
  15. 15.0 15.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (1:32:24).
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-03-31 (59:10).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (16:42).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 skotty-story-arc-1.png
  19. Entrevista, 2023-07-09 (49:48).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 Pódcast, 2020-11-15 (36:29).
  21. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (00:49).
  22. Pódcast, 2020-11-15 (40:24).
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Pódcast, 2020-11-15 (42:22).
  24. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (13:13).
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-04-07 (1:11:14).
  26. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (10:51).
  27. 27.0 27.1 steven-curse-of-carphin.png
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Transcripción, 2022-11-05 (23:24:07).
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (50:03).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-06-25 (1:13:30).
  31. 31.0 31.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-01-28 (1:17:12).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Vídeo, 2022-09-30 (9:29).
  33. steven-carphin.png
  34. Transmisión en vivo, 2023-02-24 (1:33:36).
  35. Vídeo, 2022-09-30 (9:59).
  36. Transmisión en vivo, 2023-02-24 (59:05).
  37. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (7:41).
  38. Twitter - Only a courageous adventurer would be daring enough to explore the Wreckage of Carphin!
  39. Vídeo, 2023-03-31 (8:57).
  40. roshen-carphin.png
  41. Transmisión en vivo, 2023-03-31 (49:50).
  42. 42.0 42.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-02-24 (1:01:33).
  43. 43.0 43.1 Twitter - Laria Lemonte is a powerful wizard.
  44. Transcripción, 2022-11-05 (23:09:23).
  45. Transcripción, 2022-11-05 (23:27:19).
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Unreal Engine Interview, 23 May 2017.
  47. Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (50:10).
  48. Entrevista, 2020-07-20 (13:33).
  49. Entrevista, 2018-04-20 (5:46).
  50. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-09-27 (6:22).
  51. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-10-31 (36:59).
  52. Entrevista, 2020-07-20 (15:18).
  53. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-04-08 (23:04).
  54. Kickstarter $2,500,000 New Player Race Achieved.
  55. Dillias diary.
  56. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (11:48).