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Dungeon bosses

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List of dungeon bosses

info-orange.pngEsta sección contiene información de las pruebas Alpha-1. Se actualizará cuando haya nueva información disponible.


Las mazmorras en Ashes of Creation variarán en tamaño y serán en su mayoría de mundo abierto.[5][6]

  • Las mazmorras de mundo abierto estarán pobladas para facilitar multiples grupos.[7]
    • 80% de las mazmorras serán de mundo abierto.[8][9]
  • Las mazmorras instanciadas también estarán presentes y servirán para misiones solitarias y de grupo.[7]
    • 20% de las mazmorras serán instanciadas.[8][9]

Habrá mazmorras lineales más pequeñas, más simples. Habrá mazmorras no lineales más grandes, más complejas. Entonces, es un poco de ambos. Queremos que el entorno sea un personaje. Para que el entorno sea un personaje, estos lugares deben ser interesantes y debe haber un dinamismo en ellos.[5]Jeffrey Bard

La mitad del problema no será solo resolver la mazmorra, sino también resolver a los otros jugadores.[7]Jeffrey Bard

La dificultad de la mazmorra aumentará cuanto más se aventure el jugador en la mazmorra.[10]

  • Las criaturas y sus mecánicas se volverán mas difíciles.[10]
  • Los peligros del terreno y ambientales aumentarán.[10]

Tipos de interacciones más profundas y oscuras se encontrarán mas profundo en la mazmorra.[10]Steven Sharif

Hay aproximadamente 6 o 7 mazmorras en Alpha-1.[11]

  • Una será casi de nivel raid de dificultad.[11]

Dungeon scale

The intention is that dungeons are going to be "massive" in scale.[13]

  • Massive caverns and open world spaces.[13]
  • Places to suit larger and smaller commitments.[13]
    • Where people with 30 minutes can participate.
  • Dungeons are vast and have room for multiple groups.[14]

Dungeon scaling

Los niveles, las estadísticas, o las habilidades no se escalarán para que los jugadores de bajo nivel puedan participar en encuentros con jugadores de mayor nivel.[15][16]

Mundo abierto

Alpha-1 open world dungeon entrance.[17]

80% of the content that will exist in Ashes of Creation is open-world and there's a specific reason for that. So because of the way that friendships and or enemies are forged in the game and people have the opportunity to create their own friends or foes. We want that to play out from a contesting standpoint as well. So a lot of these hunting grounds or raid bosses that people are going to have opportunities to kill, they're going to be essentially contested potentially by your your enemies that you've created in the game or you can work together to create alliances in order to defend those contested zones.[18]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation será una experiencia absoluta de mundo abierto.[6]

  • No habrá ni tiempo, ni pantallas de carga entre regiones.[6]

Más o menos habrá una proporción de 80/20 entre mundo abierto y encuentros instanciados.[18][8][9]

There will be some open dungeons that have bosses at the end of the dungeons. There will be some open dungeons that just have a multitude of dungeon bosses, not necessarily world raids or something; and there will be lots of different rooms and they'll be progressive in the sense that in the earlier parts of the dungeon they'll be lower level and then at the later parts of the dungeons deeper down they'll be higher level and more difficult; and that creates again I think an ecosystem of where players across a multitude of levels have an opportunity to coexist within certain areas of the world; and that's good from a social dynamic. It's good from a recruitment dynamic. It's good from just a liveliness and relevance of particular areas. So that you don't end up with these locations that once you pass a certain level like it's empty.[22]Steven Sharif

We're probably going to do instancing only in certain dungeons and in arenas. You probably won't see instancing too much anywhere else. What you see is gonna be what you get.[6]Jeffrey Bard

El sistema de PvP flagging favorecerá las oportunidades de pvp abierto.[24]

Q: When you reach the bosses in [open world] dungeons can you be jumped?
A: For the most part if there are bosses at the end of dungeons, it is possible for you to get jumped.[22]Steven Sharif

Ubicaciones de las mazmorras

Las mazmorras y otros puntos de interés se encuentran repartidos por todo el mapa entre las 85 ubicaciones de los nodos.[25]

POIs of this size do not normally attach to just a single node. Usually there are multiple nodes that can potentially influence a large POI. The theming within the node occurs around storylines or NPC spawns and events.[26]Steven Sharif

Listado de mazmorras importantes

info-orange.pngEsta sección contiene información de las pruebas Alpha-1. Se actualizará cuando haya nueva información disponible.

Los Heraldos

Dillia's diary concept art.[28]

The Ancients and The Others they found their way to Verra at some point and they came through what we call the Harbingers, which are essentially these celestial bodies- these almost comet-like structures that were traveling through space to find the location of the new creation; and within those harbingers is a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between the Void and the Material plane where Verra exists.[29]Steven Sharif

Los Heraldos son cuerpos celestes parecidos a cometas, impulsados por una poderosa fuente de magia que actúa como puente entre El Vacío y el Plano Material donde se encuentra Verra.[29]

  • Los Antiguos y Los Otros se sirvieron de Los Heraldos para viajar a Verra, iniciando así El Apocalipsis.[29]
  • Los Antiguos surgieron de los túneles que se abrieron en el centro de los Heraldos y empezaron a conquistar Verra.[30]
  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[31]
    • Hay eventos que provocan la propagación de la corrupción y contra los que los jugadores tendrán que luchar. Los jugadores tendrán que participar en los eventos para ayudar a combatir la invasión.[31]

The worst thing that the Harbingers brought was not the Others, but the corruption that they spread. It twists and distorts everything it touches. It whispers in the ears of men, and guides their hands toward terrible ends. There does not seem a means to stop it - our prayers do nothing, our spells are ineffectual. The awful truth is that the Others could simply watch as we burned Verra to ash ourselves.[32]


Render 3D de un teniente de Los Antiguos.[34]

Estos dos modelos en particular, con alfa uno, estarán animados y presentes como adversarios en algunas de las ubicaciones de las mazmorras dentro de Ashes of Creation.[31]Steven Sharif

Los jefes o bosses se dividen en los siguientes tipos, con niveles crecientes de dificultad y tablas de loot, requiriendo un mayor número de jugadores para matar.[25]

Ciertos jefes y encuentros contaran con pistas de sonido originales específicas compuestas por Bear McCreary.[36]

Los mobs/bosses con nombre suelen tener un aspecto de personaje único.[35]

Dificultad del PVE

La dificultad del contenido PvE, como raids y mazmorras se adaptará en función del rendimiento de la raid o el grupo contra los jefes anteriores en ese encuentro.[37]

Raid bosses are aware of the number of combatants within an area in proximity to them and that awareness is part of an indicator to which behaviors they're going to utilize as part of their behavior tree. So as it's assessing the types of combatants that are facing it, the number of those combatants, the position of those combatants, the abilities and totals of those combatants, it weighs certain actions in its behavior tree and then it acts on those actions; and in the scenario where you're bringing overwhelming odds to a particular fight, that might weigh heavier the AoE options that the boss has access to, where they're utilizing a lot more AoE abilities during an engagement due to that overage of of players. So in that sense it's a bit adaptive. It's a bit dynamic based on the encounter scenario.[38]Steven Sharif
Q: How challenging will raid boss mechanics be given the given that players may need to simultaneously fight other players while also fighting the boss?
A: It depends. The great thing about our encounter system is that it has a wide scalability from encounters that some might consider easy given their composition to encounters that some might consider impossible until they get their gear level to a certain stage. The level of interaction with other players is really predicated on the encounter itself. We may have some encounters that are in instances although the predominant portion of those will be in the open world, in which case they do have the potential being contested; and these encounters, especially the big ones that might land in contention, are giving some of the best-in-slot gear you can get in the game. So it's important that they are contested because it is a significant victory point; and one of our core pillars is risk versus reward: and the higher that risk the higher that reward should be. So those two things seem fitting and then in addition we do have the concept of winners and losers. Not everybody in Ashes of Creation is going to be a winner; and that sucks if you're not I guess, but there is opportunity for you to continue to excel and become one. But it gives much more meaning to an achievement when not everybody gets the achievement. That's our philosophy.[41]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 looting UI preview.[42]

In the group loot obviously there's a lot of functionality here that parties have the ability to customize. There can be loot master, there can be round-robin, there can be need/greed/pass that's applied on a per rarity basis depending on the party's choices.[42]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 vote to change loot allocation method UI.[43]

Ashes of Creation intends to use traditional loot rules, selected by the party or raid leader.[44][45][46]

  • Group loot rules are defined on a per-rarity basis.[42]
  • A majority of party members must vote to approve any changes to group loot allocation changes.[43]
  • The developers are considering using a double-tap interaction to loot all containers within a close proximity radius.[47]
  • There won't be auto-looting pets.[48]
  • It will be possible to kick a player from a party prior to them acquiring loot.[49]
Yes, technically it would be possible for you to kick a player prior to acquiring loot. However, again because we are a game that relies on social interactions, there are reputations to be had; and if you acquire a reputation as a raid leader, or as a party leader, of doing something dirty like that, then it's unlikely you'll be able to Garner the support of future party members and/or raids to lead efforts against these raid bosses.[49]Steven Sharif
  • Whoever is first to loot gets the loot.[44]
  • A master looter (or lootmaster) is a player designated by the party leader to decide how loot is distributed in a dungeon or raid party.[46]
Need or greed.[42][46]
info-orange.pngParte de la siguiente información no ha sido confirmada recientemente por los desarrolladores y es posible que no esté en la hoja de ruta de desarrollo actual.
Bidding system.[46]
  • Intrepid are investigating a potential bidding system, which allows players to bid on items instead of rolling for them.[46]
    • The highest bidder wins the item.[46]
    • The gold then goes into a pool that is split among the rest of the party members.[46]

Loot tables

Q: Can only one gathering artisan harvest resources from a single boss, or can multiple different artisans harvest different parts from a boss for different resources? For example, a lumberjack gets a special wood from Tumock's tree weapon, while a herbalist gathers the flowers from that same tree.
A: We don't have the concept of harvesting from bosses. NPCs follow a reward table format, where those reward tables are global. They're not unique to particular players. So, once the NPC is vanquished, you have access to the loot container that is its corpse; and it has a static value of either materials or items that get dropped; and whatever the party loot settings are that you might be a part of, or if you're a solo player you will be able to recover those things.[69]

Loot tagging

Looting rights (also known as Loot tagging) is based on a blended tag and damage done system.[71][45]

  • The first party to obtain a tag (on a mob or boss) will gain an approximately 5-10% edge over competing parties in terms of the total damage done when determining looting rights.[71][45]
    • These numbers will be balanced based on testing.[71]
  • At the end of the fight, the party with the highest damage done, including first tagging bonus, will be granted looting rights.[71][45]
We have a blended approach of damage done and a tag benefit. So if you tag the boss first, or you tag the loot- whatever the loot target is first- you're gonna get a benefit in the damage overall determination. So if you need to have 51% of damage done in order to qualify your raid, or the plurality of damage done if there's even three or four raids, then tagging first might give you a five or ten percent edge. We'll play with that number- balance it based on testing, but generally that's our approach in competing loot rights[71]Steven Sharif
Q: If looting rights are based on a blended tag and damage done system, will there be any mechanics in place to ensure roles like tanks and healers have an equal shot even when they haven't dealt as much damage?
A: That's the reason for the blended approach. The reason that we're doing a hybrid system between tag and damage done is for the purposes of those classes who may not be as DPS oriented as other classes. The tag system- all classes are going to have a sprinkling of immediate effects- of instantaneous casts and they can use that to tag a target, and that'll give them a modifier on the looting rights: So plus 10 or plus 15 will balance that, but it'll give them plus 10 to 15 on overall damage done if they tag the target and then their damage will make up the remainder of that percentage completion. So if I do 50 damage to a target but someone else has the tag I'm not going to be able to claim that looting right. They'll have done the other 50 plus 10 or 15.[72]Steven Sharif


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  1. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-22 (1:53:32).
  2. Twitter - The way is shut! Trapped in this dwarven crypt.
  3. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-01-18 (16:34).
  4. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-02-09 (4:42).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-06-01 (39:21).
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-22 (20:59).
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  11. 11.0 11.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (39:08).
  12. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:53:18).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-19 (23:00).
  14. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-02-09 (45:30).
  15. Entrevista, 2021-06-13 (24:14).
  16. Vídeo, 2018-04-05 (40:08).
  17. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-04-30 (1:05:34).
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  19. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-01-28 (17:50).
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  27. steven-dungeons.png
  28. Dillias diary.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (0:00:00).
  30. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (11:48).
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (12:47).
  32. Week 1, entry 1.
  33. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:58:18).
  34. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-08 (12:40).
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-01-27 (1:10:12).
  36. Entrevista, 2021-06-13 (11:15).
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (14:51).
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-01-27 (1:34:06).
  39. Entrevista, 2021-06-13 (22:20).
  40. Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (17:12).
  41. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-05-27 (1:20:35).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 Vídeo, 2023-01-27 (16:44).
  43. 43.0 43.1 Vídeo, 2023-01-27 (32:01).
  44. 44.0 44.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-30 (1:01:40).
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Transmisión en vivo, 2020-07-25 (1:24:56).
  46. 46.00 46.01 46.02 46.03 46.04 46.05 46.06 46.07 46.08 46.09 46.10 46.11 Group dynamics blog.
  47. Transmisión en vivo, 2023-01-27 (1:08:06).
  48. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-04-29 (1:04:52).
  49. 49.0 49.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2023-05-31 (1:07:45).
  50. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-11-30 (1:12:03).
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  52. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-24 (44:14).
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  55. Transmisión en vivo, 2021-03-26 (1:07:33).
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  57. Pódcast, 2017-05-05 (43:05).
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  59. Transmisión en vivo, 2017-05-03 (35:25).
  60. Entrevista, 2020-07-18 (1:00:15).
  61. Ashes of Creation Forums - Former Lineage 2 PvP'er wanting to discuss PvP loopholes.
  62. 62.0 62.1 Entrevista, 2020-07-19 (8:43).
  63. February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  64. Entrevista, 2020-07-20 (21:57).
  65. Transmisión en vivo, 2018-04-8 (PM) (55:49).
  66. Transmisión en vivo, 2020-12-22 (1:15:01).
  67. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-05-27 (1:14:46).
  68. Vídeo, 2022-05-27 (2:21).
  69. 69.0 69.1 Transmisión en vivo, 2024-02-29 (1:22:09).
  70. Pódcast, 2018-08-04 (1:44:54).
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 Transmisión en vivo, 2022-03-31 (1:23:06).
  72. Transmisión en vivo, 2022-06-30 (1:16:22).