Talk:2021-07-30 Livestream

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  • 0:04


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hello everyone and welcome to our ashes of a creation stream for july

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oh my goodness it has been another month we have been so excited and obviously alpha one has

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kicked off and um it's been crazy for us we're just trying to keep keep all the things moving and

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grooving and it has been crazy yeah um and love seeing everybody in chat getting

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excited um very very exciting stuff here whose idea was it to move back into the studio while the alpha one

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was going on he might be here on the screen other people might have said that it might not be a

  • 0:59

good idea yes it's true it's okay though um

  • 1:05

i think it's been exciting obviously the new office is looking awesome which we'll talk about in a little bit here but first and foremost i just want to

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get into the things uh what we're covering today is reminders we have studio update design update we have environment art

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and character art and we have our q a as per usual but we have a lot of goodies for you guys including a video in the design segment

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but i know what you guys are really excited about so i'm going to just get to it i already see you in chat freaking out we do have an announcement for a

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giveaway it's probably not even started yet because i haven't announced it but please if you are interested in

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winning an alpha one key uh go ahead and follow the twitch channel right here at

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Ashes of Creation super easy and type in the word alpha1 all lowercase

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in the chat and you will be in do it only once otherwise you could get booted out so

  • 1:52

just just one time should be good um and obviously we'll be keeping an eye on i know some people are

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concerned about like bots and stuff like that we'll be making sure that we draw a new winner if we see those things as issues

  • 2:05

um so if you see more keys being drawn that might be why as well uh and all winners will be notified at

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the end of the stream so just be active be in chat hang out with us and you will have a chance to win um

  • 2:17

how many keys are being handed out well it's dependent on our viewership so get more viewers in here and we'll have

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more followers more more giveaways um wow so yeah yeah uh

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and of course on the youtube side if you are watching this on youtube we do want to give you guys an opportunity to get in on it as well

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we are going to give out about 10 keys so all you need to do is subscribe to our youtube channel

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leave a comment as to why you think you deserve to win 8 alpha 1 key and then you'll be joining us

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on or we'll send you a message on august 2nd and then that means you'll be able to join us on august 5th for that

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that test and for and forever in the alpha one testing from there on

  • 3:00

so yeah how exciting exciting yeah i know that a lot of people are like well i can't

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afford enough of one pack and we totally understand that and like we've said before don't purchase if you are not you know

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if you can't afford it we really just want to have people who are interested in helping join us along the development and obviously you get

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some rewards in return for that um so i'm going to go quick into our reminders

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speaking of which we have our alpha one package that is up right now which


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is the zenith advent and that will be swapping over august 4th 2021 at 11 a.m so if you're

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interested in this package you know a little homage to the ducks for stephen oh that's so sad i know

  • 3:42

i totally that was out of my mind and now i remember looking at the little baby duck there

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they were so cute but they were cute they'll forever be with us now that we have that's true

  • 3:53

um yeah i like the little flower hat for the duckling too right i've just seen so many memes with that

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duck i was like we have to have a duck with a little flower hat it's too cute and of course if you're interested go

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ahead and check that out over on our website we also have our faq about alpha one in

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there if you're interested in reading that and also if you still have any further questions you can reach out to us

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through our support twitter or put in a cs ticket and we will assist you further on that front

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beyond that we've got our dev discussions we've been really enjoying seeing everybody

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leaving us comments and discussing things with us i know that we do also have a lot of uh alpha one discussion

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going but beyond alpha one we have a lot of things that we're working on like guild uh systems and things like that

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and so we're very interested in and obviously guilds are so important in an mmo so we really want you guys to get

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involved and so this one is a two-part question one is for guild members what kinds of information do you

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look for before joining a guild and for guild leaders what kinds of characteristics are you looking for in

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new guild members now what this is going to help us do is we do want to have a lot of recruitment

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systems within our game and on our website and so like this is going to help us make sure that we have all of the

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features for you guys in those systems so please please please leave us comments on that and of course

  • 5:12

oh sorry go no no i'm sorry go ahead hey are you sure you don't want to say anything yo i was just going to ask if have you ever let it killed margaret

Guild Discussions

  • 5:19

oh stephen have i ever let it killed here's the thing i have been in so many

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guilds where i'm like oh i'm just going to be a healer or i'm just going to be a i'm just going to do that

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and then i think you know me i'm just too much of like an ocd person to let

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processes go forward and be like why is this chaos and then i always end up becoming an officer

  • 5:42

and then people leave yeah what do they look for in guild members when you recruited for your guilds

  • 5:48

well i'm kind of i am one of those elitist people i'm i'm unfortunately so toxic

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i know i'm unfortunate because because all the guilts that i've really been in uh growing up maybe not so much now i

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feel like i'm more might be more casual no i don't know uh but previously when i've always played

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uh i've always just wanted to be world first right like be the best on the server be the best guild on the server

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i've always been in like the top guild or the second to top killed um and so from my perspective uh we're

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i'm always looking for people with high attendance people who meet our criteria in regards to like damage or healing or whatever it might

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be um and then obviously just people could follow directions because that is like the worst thing to be in a

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raid with people who just like are not paying attention and then obviously you know

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being able to hear and speak is or be able to like communicate yeah some some form of

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communication uh whether that's text or voice or whatever it might be we try to accommodate for

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all all people but you know you need to be able to always used to i always used to have like so in my

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guild that i led for gosh i don't know 16 years 17 years almost

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across many mmos i i would just recruit based off of like personality but i

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would have like contingents within the guild that were very elitist or were more casual or

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were like you know crafting and farming and that kind of stuff and i i wanted everybody but

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if they if they were like an elite kind of you know wanted to do world first and

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that kind of stuff they would be delegated off under a different office category

  • 7:26

exactly that would be like our strike team right and they would be like you'd have to have different types of

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tryouts to get into those to those departments we would call them essentially

  • 7:36

hey i mean that works too i think i think people do all kinds of things for instance when it came to like planetside for instance so that was a

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little different we definitely wanted as many people but we had departments right we had like our air

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our air our armor our infantry and even within those we had like very specific

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things that they were doing so i can see that working i think it just depends on like what type of guild you want right i always focused on like that end

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game rating content for me so i just wanted like a tight-knit crew that got done

  • 8:06

i guess is the best way to put it um did you have like a uh like a membership process so for

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instance like they had to apply first and then they had like a child so what would happen is um the

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usually either a recruiter who was reaching out or uh applicants that would want to join

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and you know saw us on the server or whatever they'd have to submit an application fill out a form on our website

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right and then one of our recruiters would kind of based off of their interests in the game would assign them to a

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particular officer of one of the departments and then they would go through that department's interview

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i know you think i'm bad like for example one of our coders uh

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alex cadoli he was one of my commanders and he led the mercenary team which

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essentially would like go out and seek like services from other guilds out on the server that needed

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either help escorting their trade runs or participating in sieges and helping along those things so he

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would like be an outreach person talk to other guild leaders and he would recruit people that was like

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you know they were typically ready at any given moment to participate in those types of events

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and he would put them through like pvp kind of testing and fighting the leaders and the officers and stuff

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and then based on that they would get initiated as a recruit and then eventually become a member and then they could see opportunities as a sergeant or

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an officer under him um and then i had multiple what i would call commanders that led each of the departments and

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they would have their own officer corps and then that's how kind of we split it up but keep in mind steven's guild was massive

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so that's why that's why they needed that much structure in order to keep chaos from i think we had like 17 000 people

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and i'm over here with like we've got like 40 50 people depending well i mean eq days you know obviously there's a lot

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more people but i think it depends on like the game that you're playing and how many people you need for to raid and then you need backup

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people just in case right um but yeah that's we're going off i love those

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discussions i love the guild discussion sorry i took us off on it no it's okay i like chatting about it too but i think me and

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you could talk about just game stuff but beyond that question our next one

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that's coming up next month is going to be about new player experience and this is so important i think especially if i know that we do have

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some people who are like this is going to be my first mmo really kind of give us as much information as you can or for those of

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you who have been through lots of tutorials or lots of gameplay experiences walk us through like what you think is

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important for a new player experience obviously we have things in mind but we want to make sure that we're uh you know on on key with what you guys

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think as well um and of course we also have our guild gatherings which are specifically about

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guild stuff because like as we said guilds are very important to community and obviously mmos are

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really all about guilds it's all about working together as a group um whether that's a small group like i

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prefer or a massive one that steven prefers well to be fair that we didn't have like 17 000 in one game right

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we were guild for 16 seconds years over across many different mmos and over

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that time you know the email list builds the forum group builds uh you know okay in that case yes i have

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been part of an organization like that there you go and we had different chapters based on the game yeah we did

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have that play certain games and stuff yeah okay that's different i i see what you're saying um no if we

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had 17 000 in a single server that'd be crazy yeah he would just take over the server

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so for guild gatherings we asked you what makes a problematic member for your guild and how do you handle situations

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as they arise what expectations do you set up front and what are the consequences for

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failing to meet them i think a lot of this um obviously guild conflict can be can be good things but it also can be

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not so great and on our front we want to make sure that we're providing you guys the tools that you need to um you know in game

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solve some of these issues as well which you know will be interesting i don't think there's a lot of games that do that so we definitely want your opinions toss

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those over to us over on the forums right now we'd love to see that and next month we'll be asking you

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about your ideal guild members so definitely stay tuned for that we're curious to see

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what you guys have to say on that front and moving on from there of course we

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want to remind you of the upcoming play test obviously right now we are in alpha one we are going

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until august 13th so we really appreciate you all joining us there's actually a play test right now going on

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thursday july 29th at 11 a.m it started and it will be going until monday august 2nd uh and then we'll also you know continue

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to have more testing up till august 13th and if you are an alpha 1 key holder you will be joining us post alpha one for

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like spot testing too so you know stay tuned it's not just for alpha one but that is kind of uh the

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gist of that i know people have continued to ask that it's in our faq as well um and to be fair just to expand on that

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topic a little bit while we will have specific spot tests for certain systems as we develop them

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post the alpha one month um it should be expected and understood that after this alpha one month there

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will be probably a significant amount of downtime where there won't be spot testing as we kind of break apart

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a lot of systems take what we learned from alpha one month and implement and iterate upon those

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learnings right um so there's there's gonna be several months probably worth of significant downtime where there will not be access

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to spot testing uh where we are going to go in and and and really rejigger a lot of systems

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yeah more excited uh and then you know when you get how when you hop in and play again it's gonna be a you know a new experience um of course

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if you have alpha one access be sure to check out our alpha one forums as well as discord that's gonna be where all the

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information is rolling we really try our best to be there for you and communicate with you almost 24 7

  • 14:01

so um well during the play testing definitely 24 7. toast and i have been doing our best and

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now we have a new homie on our community team as well so hopefully people are being kind and nice

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to uh vaknar who is our new junior cm as well um we're initiating him he's got he's

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downloading all the information and soon yes and a big big shout out

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and hearts in chat for margaret and sarah they have been a lieutenant toast and and

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luperza they have been an absolute unbelievable godsend they are working

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their butts off and doing an amazing job covering the testing periods taking crazy shifts i'm

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actually sad about the shifts that they're taking but but i'm glad now that they have uh they

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have cody uh to assist and uh they've been doing such a great job so amazing amazing work um to our community

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team really great job yeah we we know you appreciate us absolutely

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um and of course sarah and i we this is the stuff we love we love being able to like chat with you guys

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and hop in game and be there for you and support you um and answer questions like that's the stuff that's so funny

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i said hearts and chat right as i think sarah put slow mode on so nobody could put hearts

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way to go sarah i'm just kidding there you go i think she's released them didn't you

  • 15:28

slow them down again uh it's getting crazy in the chat that's for sure um which we love seeing we love seeing

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you guys all be very active um also a reminder that the nda has been lifted that means you can stream you can

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take screenshots you can create videos we've been loving watching all the content i have actually not been able to watch

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all of the content there's that much content right now i'm usually i usually watch every single

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thing and read every single thing that's posted um i have a huge backlog um of stuff but we're definitely putting

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together reporting uh for alpha one in regards to the content that's being created on our press side what's going on and

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obviously uh toast is has been putting together a lot of reporting and so has our cs team

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uh adam has been amazing uh putting together um reports for our development team in

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regards to you know all of the issues that you guys have been encountering all of your feedback and suggestions and we'll be

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doing some big reporting towards the end uh as well and we will do a recap i think

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people have continually asked us like when will we see the data and and what you guys are going to do

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um so we will be taught posting something after alpha one in regards to that it'll be kind of like a recap of

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what we what we learned um maybe some data for you guys some specific data uh and then also like

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what we're doing as we move forward towards alpha two so just stay tuned for that we'll definitely give you guys that information we've been very

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communicative on that front um and last but not least uh the last thing i have for quick

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updates here is uh just a reminder on the content creator program i know people have been

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asking about it the applications are now open so definitely go ahead and apply but we are not

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inviting new folks into the program yet we had so many people interested and obviously

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we want to support all of them and we want to give you guys as much love and support

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to help build our community and create content that we are actually hiring an influencer relations specialist to help

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with us they'll also be helping with a sub um program as well that is called the

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content creator training academy and that academy will be allowing people who maybe aren't quite

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in the content creator program but we know that they could be we want to give them an opportunity to help them get to the point where they

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are able to and obviously not everyone's even going to make it into that and but we will message you whether you get into the

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program whether you're in the training program or whether you don't make it and what you need to do to be able to

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reapply again so we will get back to you apologies for the slow i've been interviewing people like crazy

  • 18:01

um i'm actually in a second round of interviews because the first round uh did not supply me the what i needed

  • 18:07

so our recruitment staff has been like yeah we have a recruiter now which is awesome uh it has two

  • 18:12

yeah too it's been exciting um they've got me some new recruits and i've been just powering through

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interviews i have like a bunch next week as well so we're trying our best to get those going as quickly as possible um and once

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we have them on staff we'll start we'll start churning it out um i think that's all i got

  • 18:30

on reminders steven walk us through the studio update the studio update i think as of

Studio Update

  • 18:38

yesterday all workstations in the new studio are completed and set up and constructed

  • 18:47

so that's exciting that was it was touch and go there for a moment because we had some delays with

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the furniture and we had some uh so nice like the stand-up desks i'm

  • 19:00

so excited for it okay funny story so so this is a very i mean it's

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it's it's an interesting start so we have multiple conference rooms across you know the studio right i i don't know

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i think there's like one two three four five six seven there's like seven or eight conferences yeah

  • 19:20

yeah seven or eight conference rooms across studio one of the conference rooms the construction crew was finishing up

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like glass touches and adding some of the windows and stuff and they accidentally removed the door to the

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conference room on one of the sides so it only has like one door that's accessible from the entrance lobby and i walk over there and

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i'm like that's strange shouldn't there be a door i mean how do you get into this conference room unless you go outside

  • 19:46

and like from the entrance do they put a wall there they put a wall there

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i said somebody get me the designs i need to see why they put a wall here and then they got me the designs from

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the architects and sure enough there was a wall that was placed there and i was like oh no now we're going to

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have to have the demo crew come out and make the the door again but it's been some interesting it's been

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some an interesting process some delays in the furniture some interesting construction stuff but happy

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to say everything's looking great all of the workspace stuff is in now we're just waiting on kind of the ancillary furnitures the couches and the

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cafeteria tables um and the game lounge area and some of the conference tables but um

  • 20:34

everything's looking great very excited i think uh we have about 40 or so people uh it's part of our

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exercise regiment you have to walk around to get to them yes exactly

  • 20:45

we have about 40 people that are currently in the studio and then everyone else should be phasing in over

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the next i would say two to three weeks um i know that zim is hard at work getting everything planned

  • 20:57

there that guy is a absolute powerhouse stud um he is amazing zim is

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couldn't give more kudos to zim he has done a lot of work and and um he has been bearing a lot of like

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a load of 15 years 15 years now probably wow yeah he's awesome he's just a great dude too like outside

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of being a badass woman and a great a great d d player i mean just

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he's so funny i feel so bad for him he plays and he plays in a d d campaign with me and he has a rogue who just in combat

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just rolls daddy once like crazy and he just rolls with it i feel so excited

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he like is great for the party does a lot of awesome stuff i think the the last uh session we had in pathfinder his

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character was a um i think he was a human rogue as well

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and yeah he got knocked out well he got knocked out and was like captured by a pirate crew and was on a ship

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and then the ship got attacked by like some kraken and i think he's like in the middle of the sea somewhere right now but

  • 22:00

anyways um sounds like zoom i can see that exactly but uh no things are going great on the

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studio move in things are also going good on the recruiting and hiring front we've had

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multiple new employees starting over the last month alone um some great new faces

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on the team that we're very excited to have and then also looking forward um you

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know alpha one has been going very good we've been getting a lot of data a lot of information a lot of areas that we want to focus on uh

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post well we're starting to focus on already but also post alpha one um that we have some great ideas to sit

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down with the design teams um and and take a look at at some of our

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um systems and mechanics and documentation and and and reevaluate some things

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um and employ some changes so things are going really good on the studio front uh it's an exciting time to be at

  • 22:51

intrepid yeah it's very exciting i i've been it's been cool for me to be

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able to see you know all the new folks as well um because we're you know we've been in lockdown forever

  • 23:04

so meeting people face to face is so weird even my own staff like we've been on camera obviously but like

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we've kind of got to meet a little bit at the you know fourth of july party so finally

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being able to at least see something oh that fourth of july party was fun it was so nice um and our team has just

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grown even from last time it's crazy half the people are like new people um

  • 23:27

but on that front uh let's move on to design as you kind of segued over there

  • 23:33

yeah i know we have a video but maybe you want to talk a little bit about alpha 1 and what data has been like helpful for

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the team and kind of how you guys are utilizing that and making changes yeah absolutely

  • 23:44

so i mean as many of you know because we've spoken about this so often you know alpha 1 is not intended to be a

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content test so on the content side there's there's really um not a lot that we we are gleaming uh out of alpha one

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however on a mechanics and systems standpoint um you know there is a lot of information

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that we've been taking uh player feedback from kind of digging through a lot of the content creators

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videos that they've created watching streams um watching all of the logs and the data that we collect from the test sessions

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and kind of iterating upon that not just you know planning for post alpha one but also making changes

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uh during alpha one that for example the video you're going to see here in a little bit there's a short video but i wanted to record it this morning

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um just to give you an idea of you know how we take feedback and we incorporate change right so for

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example um on the combat front obviously this was an important thing that we wanted to start revamping

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um uh the engineering team and and our design team specifically um you know adam pippich

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and um and trad thompson and brian ferguson and um you know they've been working to

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kind of test some things out that we're going to probably deploy next week with next week's test session

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um we were hoping to have it done this week but for those who who you know may not understand kind of

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the process of how like development works and promotion from different branches of the development

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stream you know works uh first we have to deploy a particular change or changes that we're making uh

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in the game to a development branch and then it moves up based on you know the qa testing to a stage

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branch and then to a production or release branch and then that's when the players start to get to

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to get a feel for things we want to make sure that qa's had time to kind of vet the changes that they're not impacting

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um you know different uh areas of the game or causing crashes or uh you know having

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kind of bad performance right so um one of the changes uh we're going to see next week is

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on melee combat and we've gotten a lot of feedback from players that you know it's not as desired for um you

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know combat to lock a player in place as they're performing their melee attacks now some of you who have been

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watching following along of the Ashes of Creation project will remember back in the apoc

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days we initially tested with not having root motion as part of the

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melee attacks and a lot of the feedback we got was that things felt very floaty and not impactful that didn't feel like

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there was a lot of weight to the melee attacks and so that's when we kind of changed gears a little bit back then

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back to or to a root motion kind of based um uh combat attack um and

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uh we got some positive feedback there we incorporated some kind of lunging attacks and whatnot

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now that we have um uh you know the current melee um attacks in alpha one we're getting

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feedback again that we want that kind of ability to move so just to give you preface to this video it's gonna give you a preview kind of

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next week of what players in alpha 1 are going to have hands-on testing and we've presented it in such a

  • 26:55

way that it's more a b type testing so that players who are participating with melee combat can

  • 27:02

press a hotkey to go back and forth between root motion or this more free flow

  • 27:08

attack animation and kind of give us feedback on that difference and this kind of

  • 27:14

helps us to tune kind of the combat to get a better idea and a sense of direction on more of the

  • 27:20

front-facing changes we should see now a lot of the changes though to combat i will say have been on the back

  • 27:26

end and the engineering team has done an amazing job and design has done a great job kind of

  • 27:32

converting a lot of the abilities and skills over to this new combat system in the back end next step for that is going to be

  • 27:38

transitioning all of the npcs and ai off of the old combat system and on to

  • 27:43

the new back-end combat system which should drastically improve performance and

  • 27:48

and expand upon the kind of types of functionality that design wants

  • 27:54

to see and have the ability to utilize when designing encounters and types of npcs

  • 28:00

in the ai and how they kind of interact with the players so this little video is just going to give you a

  • 28:05

a um it's like seven minutes long or whatever but it's going to show you some of the changes between what the old

  • 28:10

comment with remotion was and what the new comment that we're going to be testing next week will look like specifically with regards to melee

  • 28:16

weapons right i will go ahead and play that we'll see you guys in a moment hello glorious ashes of

New Combat Changes Footage

  • 28:24

creation community and welcome to another video inside alpha one i'm

  • 28:30

excited to show you a little bit of stuff that we've been working on on the combat side you are currently looking at

  • 28:35

the development branch of Ashes of Creation for those who don't know ashley creation has multiple

  • 28:40

branches of development um we call our combat environment our development

  • 28:47

branch our stage branch our production release branch um for

  • 28:53

alpha one and those of you who are participating in alpha one as testers you're currently on our release branch

  • 28:58

that's where changes have seen the most amount of quality assurance testing and are solid and stable for us to

  • 29:06

put out to the public and get feedback on get testing on but today i'm going to

  • 29:12

show you something that has not yet been promoted up to the release branch and is still

  • 29:18

under significant testing but i want to show you some of the directions that we're taking based on feedback

  • 29:23

from the community with regards to combat specifically with regards to melee combat

  • 29:31

so for those of you who have been watching some of our amazing content creators out there who are

  • 29:37

streaming and creating youtube videos around Ashes of Creations alpha one you may have noticed that with melee

  • 29:43

combat uh when a player attacks they move forward what we call root motion

  • 29:48

um let's see if i can demonstrate this there you go so you'll see here as i'm clicking my uh

  • 29:55

q attack i am swinging and moving forward with the attack now

  • 30:00

this essentially creates a little bit of weight for the combat for the melee weapons but

  • 30:07

at the same time it restricts player input for the ability to kind of change

  • 30:12

directions and move with a particular target right now i can change kind of the direction i'm

  • 30:18

moving in when i'm in the middle of these types of attacks but i don't have complete control over

  • 30:24

my character as the promotion is occurring um so one of the changes that we are playing

  • 30:30

with right now is actually going back a little bit a couple of years to apec

  • 30:36

excuse apoc combat um which was the ability for the character to

  • 30:41

kind of have complete control as they were moving now back then when we tried this we got a lot of

  • 30:46

feedback that it felt very floaty that wasn't as impactful he couldn't really feel the weight and

  • 30:51

we're gonna be playing with some of the dials that help to communicate that weight such as the visual effects

  • 30:57

the audio screen shake um the animations the kind of uh torso

  • 31:04

twisting and movement um and we're going to try to to make that more impactful

  • 31:10

but right now we want to get players feedback on this change which will probably get

  • 31:15

rolled out next week into the live environment into the release branch of Ashes of Creations

  • 31:21

alpha one but i'm going to show you a little uh sneak peek of it today and those of you who are watching and tuning

  • 31:27

in to the stream can give your feedback in twitch go to the forums go on reddit

  • 31:32

go on discord chat about this and let us know your thoughts on it so when it gets rolled out to players

  • 31:38

next week um what we're going to do is we're going to include a hotkey that can be used and players can kind of

  • 31:44

a b test between the root motion melee attacks and the non-root motion

  • 31:50

melee attacks so by pressing comma you'll be able to move forward while

  • 31:56

swinging your weapon and this will allow you complete control

  • 32:02

uh over your weapon attacks uh for melee so let's see what we can do against this

  • 32:07

little crab little crab dude hey buddy how you doing come on over oh

  • 32:14


  • 32:25

and just have complete control over my uh over my character while attacking

  • 32:32

this crab guy there we go now let me actually switch over

  • 32:40

um let me switch over to action there we go and let's see if we can find

  • 32:47

another crab person or not person but creature sorry actually little known fat crab crab creatures are

  • 32:54

actually people in ashes i'm just kidding there we go

  • 33:23

all right so let's do one um oh wait actually there's like a

  • 33:29

corrupted dude over here he might be a little a little much for me um but i can still

  • 33:35

play with it uh oh i keep doing that i'm so sorry

  • 33:40

all right here we go

  • 34:02

[Music] oh oh yeah he's doing damaged

  • 34:25

um okay so i hope you guys enjoyed a little demonstration of some of the work that's being done currently on the combat system some of the

  • 34:32

changes that are being made based on player feedback from alpha one uh the testers have been doing a great

  • 34:37

job over the past few weeks uh showcasing not only to the community what the progress has been on the

  • 34:42

development of Ashes of Creation but also um helping to illuminate to us some good ideas and some changes that we want to

  • 34:48

act on always you know taking into consideration the player feedback is such an important part of the development process and we

  • 34:54

appreciate everybody chiming in for that and with that i will see you back on stream shortly

  • 35:03

all right well hope you all enjoyed that getting a little sneaky seeing stephen

  • 35:09

continuing into his alt buttons i know unfortunately alt is my push to talk key

  • 35:16

i was trying to target the creature so it all tapped me i saw a lot of comments in chat not really many questions necessarily but um

  • 35:22

you know in regards to like a lot of feedback if you do have feedback definitely go send that over to us on the forums like

  • 35:28

steven said you can post any any platform we are checking all of those things but the forums is is the best way for us because toast

  • 35:34

puts together these amazing reports and it just makes it easy for us because we own that platform we can like see the data a little easier than if we're

  • 35:41

trying to like access data from like a social platform but obviously we do take feedback from everywhere um

Design/Engineering Combat Backend Discussion

  • 35:47

something that you did mention prior to playing the video was that these combat changes or the comment changes that you guys are working

  • 35:53

towards are going to help performance can you go into a little bit more detail about like what types of changes help

  • 36:00

with performance and like maybe how the players will experience that change

  • 36:06

yeah um it's a little it's a little bit on the more technical side at least when

  • 36:11

discussed that's true it kind of has to do with

  • 36:16

how um how combat previously we used to create a lot of

  • 36:22

actors in the game world and that can be a pretty expensive thing to do and we moved away from that

  • 36:28

predominantly when it comes to specific abilities and you know obviously

  • 36:34

there's still a lot of work to be done to continue to propagate those changes across not just

  • 36:40

from the pc ability standpoint but also on to the npc side as well and that's something that's going to be done

  • 36:47

post alpha one from the design team and from engineering so that engineering no longer has to support the old ability

  • 36:53

system and combat system um within with regards to npcs um so this specifically when there's a

  • 36:59

lot of players in a specific area and the servers having to process you know rpcs and and kind of the generation of these

  • 37:05

abilities uh it's not as taxing on the network side um uh to send these these

  • 37:14

this this traffic so to speak um so without getting too technical into it you know generally from a performance standpoint

  • 37:20

we're looking towards massive you know players participating in castle sieges and we have to design the ability system

  • 37:27

the combat system to be most performant in those scenarios so you may not notice

  • 37:32

any performance change per se on a like single creature or in a group environment i mean my you might feel it being more

  • 37:39

responsive you know quicker um essentially on activation and and

  • 37:44

seeing it chug a little less but it's really going to be something that's apparent especially for those of you who

  • 37:49

participated in testing over the past like eight nine months as we were leading up into alpha one uh

  • 37:55

you've probably seen what you're experiencing now in larger battles and when we did some

  • 38:00

castle sieges a few weeks ago that the responsiveness there was no lag between

  • 38:06

key input and the activation of particular abilities um and that it is it is performing in a

  • 38:12

in a much more um level way and the noise is my gardener

  • 38:18

in the background like it sometimes falls on the livestream day so i'm just like there's nothing i could do about it

  • 38:24

homies um but i try to mute myself otherwise um but thank you for for giving some more detail to that i think

  • 38:29

people love here you know the hot like the minor details then uh just kind of like

  • 38:34

overarching stuff um now obviously um the video that you're seeing and that stephen went over

  • 38:40

that's not completely done not final we still have a lot of changes that we would make and if we do decide to go

  • 38:46

with the the new changes there's like some animation changes and things like that that we'll be making as well

  • 38:51

to make it look even better as we move forward so yeah keep that in mind it's important to note

  • 38:56

that like what you're seeing here again is kind of bare bones implementation of this non-root motion melee attack

  • 39:05

and it doesn't have a lot of the ancillary components that we call bells and whistles so to

  • 39:10

speak on the on the base system um so that includes like um you know the

  • 39:18

visual effects and the weapon trailing and the impact effects and the camera very minut camera shaking

  • 39:25

and the uh audio uh and the audio attenuation and the split body

  • 39:31

animation and the torso moving and the um you know there's a lot of components here that need to get you

  • 39:37

know touched up essentially or continue to be polished and implemented upon and that's what's really going to make

  • 39:44

the combat stand out even more so at least on the front end the visual front end of that thing

  • 39:49

um so right now we're just trying to get a feel from the testers like which do you

  • 39:56

prefer which is the preferred method of melee combat do you like having that you know

  • 40:02

constant control over movement at any given point in time or do you like the more weighted feeling

  • 40:09

of that root motion attack and i think that what we've seen predominantly as feedback from players

  • 40:17

is they like that more constant control over their character movement and part of the reason why we're

  • 40:23

utilizing alpha one to collect information and feedback from the testers and not just testers but from

  • 40:29

the audience from people who are watching um the streams and the and the content creators create content around alpha one

  • 40:36

is to have people go on the forums go on discord go on reddit go on twitter

  • 40:42

and let us know your thoughts on this because right now is a very formative part of

  • 40:48

the creation of the game and the more players express their opinions on thing the better

  • 40:54

we're capable of gleaning insight uh from the preference of our player base and that's such an important part

  • 41:00

of the creation of a game right because at the end of the day we're making this game for you guys so you might as well kind of for us

  • 41:07

too you know well you know yes it's my dream game it's our dream game you know it's our passion but at the end of the

  • 41:13

day we're doing this for you guys the community so being involved and convincing your friends to get

  • 41:18

involved in the discussion you know not saying they have to come and buy the game or participate in the alpha but just

  • 41:23

watching the updates watching the development and having that cool component of having a voice in

  • 41:30

something rather than just waiting until it's done and it being shoved down your throat like you get to give feedback here and

  • 41:36

that's an important part yeah i think that like the the new changes

  • 41:41

will be something that pvp players really will really like too because it's a lot more control over your character

  • 41:47

um we'll see well we'll see because we used to have it previously and then we moved to the other one

  • 41:52

afterwards so yeah you know we're constantly making changes constantly uh you know doing

  • 41:58

iterations now let's talk a little bit about the future um going into alpha 2 heading forward

  • 42:06

can we talk a little bit about we've already had some of our teams working towards alpha 2 already can you talk a little bit about

  • 42:12

what those things are and then also kind of like after alpha one is complete what folks can uh what they can expect

  • 42:20

from us i know you talked a little bit about how we're going to take time but maybe go into more details about like what that time is going to be

  • 42:26

spent doing and then going forward what they can expect beyond that yeah so um you know typically when you think

  • 42:33

of the term alpha right you're you're thinking that all core systems are in place and we've kind

  • 42:39

of split up our alpha into alpha one and alpha two alpha 1 not quite having every core system in

  • 42:46

place but having some of the more integral core systems uh kind of present and available to be

  • 42:54

tested early um so that and the reason for the reason why we wanted to do it that way

  • 43:01

is because many of our systems are very interdependent they're very connected to

  • 43:06

one another and there are some very centralized systems such as the node system combat um

  • 43:13

you know general ai the open world aspect of an unreal engine 4

  • 43:18

game the massively multiplayer networking components um performance related server

  • 43:26

setup and architecture the distribution of of server processes across an open world

  • 43:31

like those are very fundamentally core systems that we wanted to get in the hands of players in

  • 43:38

live testing earlier rather than later in waiting for all of the other ancillary systems

  • 43:44

that are also core to be present and that's typically what an alpha refers to right as having all core

  • 43:50

systems in place but that's really what alpha 2 will be intended to be so that some alphas have just gray box

  • 43:56

stuff right well those yeah we would we we would really call those more

  • 44:01

um technical alpha or vertical slices of a particular system

  • 44:08

right this is this our alpha 1 is a bit more than that obviously but it's but it's not quite a full alpha

  • 44:15

in the sense of having every core system in place and that's why we have an alpha 2 because the alpha 2 is intended to have

  • 44:22

pretty much every core system in place to some degree or another not fully fleshed out not fully contentized

  • 44:29

so to speak but as we leave alpha 1 and start the trek towards alpha 2. that's

  • 44:35

when you're going to start seeing more of the content flow in that's when you're going to start seeing systems flesh out a little bit more

  • 44:41

that's when you're going to start seeing those systems appear in a little bit more of a polished state and that's when you're

  • 44:46

going to start getting to this idea of having a kind of fully fleshed out world because that's the last

  • 44:53

opportunity in the game's development lifespan before we're hitting those beta milestones and and really that's

  • 45:00

when all the content uh should be in place by those betas um and and being tested and and and um you know

  • 45:08

localized for different markets and whatnot um so as we kind of leave alpha one

  • 45:13

we're going to spend some time as i said previously tearing things apart iterating based on

  • 45:19

the feedback and the data that we collected over the month long alpha we might have some

  • 45:24

spot tests after that breakdown period so to speak where we invite the alpha 1 testers back to spot test and

  • 45:31

then we might even have some lead up testing by alpha two players where they join in prior to alpha two then the same way

  • 45:37

that our alpha one players did for alpha one um that's kind of the expectation uh

  • 45:42

that should be had awesome and like i said uh we will be doing a recap uh

  • 45:48

article that will go out uh so if you just check out our website

  • 45:54

news um we will be putting out a recap after after alpha one give us a little time because we wanna

  • 45:59

compile the data and stuff like that and we will kind of provide you guys information in regards to

  • 46:04

what data we gathered what that's going to what things we're going to be changing and how we're and how it's going to affect that and then also

  • 46:11

moving forward what we're going to be working towards obviously stephen gave you just like a gist of it but we do

  • 46:16

want to give you a little bit more detail as well um going forward but with that

  • 46:21

if you're ready and i just i just want to say one other thing um it's very important to note that you

  • 46:27

know our development takes a a little bit different of a course than probably

  • 46:32

other developments you're accustomed to seeing i know i've said this multiple times in the past

  • 46:37

in the past in the past in the past but um uh you know we're not beholden to

  • 46:45

an investment group we're not beholden to a publisher so at the end of the day our focus is

  • 46:51

making a very good product and that takes time um and you know early on in our in our in our company i

  • 46:59

i made some miscalculations on what that time was going to be but at the end of the day i always said we would take the time necessary

  • 47:06

in order to produce a product a game that answers the call of players and makes you guys proud as well as us

  • 47:12

and hopefully along that time period over the progress of our development because we do monthly literally every

  • 47:20

month we've done development updates where you get to see the progress and now you're at a state

  • 47:25

where you get to play the progress and or you get to see others play the progress that's an important part of keeping you

  • 47:30

guys assured that hey we are doing the work that's necessary and we are taking the feedback that you

  • 47:36

guys are giving in order to create a very good game and we're showing you every step of the way especially now with the nda having been dropped

  • 47:43

you don't have to see curated video even though i never really we never really curated videos yeah

  • 47:48

all the videos that we've shared are pretty much just live plays of us playing that's why whenever anyone says like oh they're

  • 47:55

going to render it i was like yeah just that's how you render a video but that's not

  • 48:00

like yes we don't edit anything this is just clearly the alpha one trailer i don't see a lot of

  • 48:07

people put out trailers with actual gameplay footage it's usually all like cinematic stuff we showed like actual gameplay to

  • 48:14

youtube i remember i remember uh when we did that dragon video and we were i was introducing people and um

  • 48:20

uh peter was like uh good as too and then he was like are we gonna re-record and i was like nope we're

  • 48:26

going with it and he was like oh okay we're doing it i was like yep but remember that oh gosh that was the

  • 48:34

i remember the video before that or i don't even know if it was that video but like i recorded once and the recording failed

  • 48:40

recorded twice the recording failed three times recorded the fourth time i was like please please

  • 48:46

let this recording work yes so was the rest of us because that was four hours later

  • 48:53

i know but i mean i hope you guys see we go through sometimes painstaking efforts to keep you guys updated with the

  • 49:00

development process and give you guys a look and and uh and by recording the being the problem it was not the game

  • 49:06

it was literally receiving my recording steven's recording program it was my recording software it was

  • 49:11

unfortunate but uh anyways no we we go through painstaking process and and maggie and and sarah and the

  • 49:18

community team do a great job in in in helping to especially uh

  • 49:24

offload the bulk of this work from prior to hiring maggie and sarah oh my gosh

  • 49:29

let me tell you that was another source of a headache for me and just a monumental task

  • 49:35

and it's only grown way you want to stephen you want like people to have like this this

  • 49:41

interaction with everyone like you want like every person to be answered and i'm like you

  • 49:46

personally cannot do that please let us know let us take that out

  • 49:53

but yes anyways um just to let you guys know like this process this time that it takes to build a game

  • 49:58

um it's it's done so in a way that ensures the quality of the product at the end stage is going to be where you

  • 50:05

want it to be so um appreciate the patience appreciate you guys um you know giving your feedback and and following

  • 50:11

along you know these years uh and know that we're in the going in the right direction and i think we're

  • 50:18

we're creating a a beautiful masterpiece at the end of the day so and please be kind to the community team

  • 50:23

you know uh peter on social adam and cya sarah and cody on the community front they are

  • 50:29

the frontliners for us and i think you know just be kind to them they're definitely trying their best to

  • 50:34

interact with every single person that's out there um and you know i do my best to just kind of manage everything so

  • 50:40

we're doing we're doing what we can and we hope that we give you guys even with you know our small team like

  • 50:46

uh a triple a experience that you yeah you don't get from anywhere else um all right gonna move on to all the

Environment Art Update

  • 50:53

amazing art that our teams have been working on so first and foremost we're going to head on over to environment

  • 50:59

which you know first up we have concepts art now here's the thing you're going to

  • 51:05

look at this concept art and then you're going to see the models coming up afterwards and you'll be like what's the

  • 51:10

difference that's how amazing our artists are because here's all the concepts okay

  • 51:15

they're going to just keep rolling in and then i'm going to show you what the actual models look like so these are like our fountains our

  • 51:21

brazers our weapon racks banners like the banner posts that you're going to see

  • 51:27

gallows i think that's the gallery there the podium and a riser and stuff like that so these

  • 51:32

are all things that are going to help make the world feel you know more like a world and obviously when it comes to nodes and how nodes

  • 51:39

build up we really want them to not be the same you know every time you go in there like

  • 51:44

you have like different buildings being placed different like uh types of layouts and things like that so

  • 51:51

really what we need to do is be able to create a lot of these things now if you haven't just be clear did you say gallows

  • 51:57

gallows as in like where people are like executed holy smokes that's dark i know

  • 52:05

well there's also some but don't they just get reborn at the nearest respawn point

  • 52:10

maybe i don't know is there a way to like forever for permadeath you know like yeah that's

  • 52:16

a good question in some ways galaxies yeah yeah uh

  • 52:22

i forgot where i was going with that i'm sorry yeah so like the nodes basically we want

  • 52:27

to make sure that you know the world feels different every time and i think that what goes into that is really building up all of the

  • 52:33

different buildings and items and objects that get placed um and some of these you'll be able to place yourself in your own house or on

  • 52:40

your own freehold so keep that in mind as well you might see variants of this that are for players as well

  • 52:46

on that front if you haven't checked out our dev diaries we do have a dev diaries that goes over how buildings are created and how and

  • 52:52

also how our nodes are systematically on the back end tech wise so if you're interested in that kind of

  • 52:58

nitty-gritty stuff go check those out we're going to be bringing some more dub diaries in the future as well which i'm really excited about we've

  • 53:04

been preparing the like the storyboards for those uh for when we're all back in the office so we

  • 53:10

can start recording again i missed that that was so fun um i know so now i'm going to show you the actual

  • 53:16

assets so this is um a junior fence so you know a lot of

  • 53:21

people are asking like how will i corral my creatures or my my mounts and stuff like that

  • 53:26

you're going to have fencing that you can place down yeah exciting different structures based on

  • 53:35

the advancement of a particular animal husbandry component of a freehold system

  • 53:40

and that's going to advance as you advance the freehold building for animal husbandry which expands the types of

  • 53:47

creatures you'll be able to actually husband wait husbandry

  • 53:53

breed i think

  • 54:00

and then here are the banners and the banner posts uh these are uh junior ones and imperium ones and you

  • 54:06

saw the concept art now look tell me what the difference is between the concept art and this 3d model like i

  • 54:12

just don't know they're so good

  • 54:19

we're not going to see any actual people hanging from the gallows in this right no no no oh okay very good here very

  • 54:25

good not in this video but the next video maybe i'm just saying well we have shown like

  • 54:30

oh i know we've shown mummified spider eaten people yeah steven was very uncomfortable about

  • 54:36

it i was like bacon no oh they're in the world you can see them i know uh next up we've got

  • 54:43

some cool uh fireplaces brazers candle holders and these are i believe

  • 54:49

klar and imperium versions so oh look at that little fireplace good idea what if when people get banned for

  • 54:57

botting or like rmt or gold buying or selling that they get hung on their character when band is

  • 55:03

hung on the gallows in like the center of town square for like a day or something

  • 55:08

no i'm just saying like that's that's not a bad idea the chat's like yes yeah that's not a bad idea i'm telling

  • 55:15

you we gotta think the problem is then people will do that just so they can get that notification you realize well

  • 55:24

yeah see you're true yeah they're promoting this is why we shouldn't promote yeah

  • 55:30

that's a whole lot what if their name is not shown so they don't get the notoriety but they're characters there

  • 55:36

i don't know i don't know okay well we'll have to think about that talk about it

  • 55:43

here's also some statues these are really beautiful um

  • 55:48

so i believe these are kayla statues but stephen you can correct me if i'm wrong yes those are kayla yeah

  • 55:57

very nice they're so pretty great statues who did these statues uh i don't have the user joined your

  • 56:04

channel oh um user left your channel

  • 56:09

i'm gonna guess for a moment i'm gonna guess how how that's my guess

  • 56:16

but i don't know uh and then we have some miscellaneous ones here i'll put in my notes in the

  • 56:23

future who made each other so like i can have the answer for you did somebody join our live stream yeah

  • 56:28

it was tuan he meant to join the live ops channel

  • 56:33

uh so we have empyrean uh podium these amazing windows which are also imperium windows look how gorgeous those

  • 56:40

windows are i never thought i'd be talking about how gorgeous windows are but they're gorgeous and then we have the klr bridge and oh

  • 56:46

the weapon rack but you're seeing some of these things like in-game versus the model and honestly i can't

  • 56:51

tell or versus the concept art i can't tell the difference so great job to our environment teams they are

  • 56:57

killing it amazing job to our concept art team who has just been pumping out concept art

  • 57:03

left and right some of these are work in progress obviously so keep that in mind as we're

  • 57:08

you know moving forward you're going to see different iterations of these uh but i always like showing you guys

  • 57:13

kind of like the process moving on to character art

Character Art Update

  • 57:19

this guy's so cute this is the dredgehorn this part's my favorite

  • 57:29

i like the little hairs on his skin yeah i was like i want him to have little spiky bits like little

  • 57:35

hairy frog hair bits look at him he's so cool i love like the

  • 57:42

i love that how it turned out it's just so freaking good

  • 57:48

his neck reminds me i told you of the salon from like lizardmen yeah i used to play warmer

  • 57:54

fantasy a lot of tabletop and the salons were like the

  • 58:00

big mages of the armies or whatever and their neck kind of looks a little bit like that

  • 58:06

next up we've got the polywagon which is a different type of frog and you can kind of see like the body is a little different but we're

  • 58:12

using like the same it kind of allows us to use a similar body like body shapes and animations which

  • 58:17

helps us make more creatures faster but this this is looking sick i can't

  • 58:23

wait to see the animation for him with that caravan on his back yeah the caravan i don't know or he likes sticks

  • 58:29

like sticky legs yeah i have to do probably the sticky leg yeah sticky leg physics might get a little weird if he's honest he starts

  • 58:35

hopping but it could be fun to like be like a little like bouncing around yeah that'd be rough ride it'd be a

  • 58:42

rough ride it would be a rough ride um next up we have our hefty kaplan ooh you get a booty

  • 58:48

shot to start with here um i can't tell the difference between this and concept art really like

  • 58:54

is that a booty do do mushrooms have butts do they have like i don't know but he looks like he's got a booty

  • 59:00

maybe that's just uh his root system like he has two different roots two

  • 59:05

different booty roots yeah booty roots i like him though he's cool he's

  • 59:12

adorable i was like i want him to be like evil looking but cute and i think because he doesn't have

  • 59:17

a mouth yeah the cap is cool he does he looks like he has a little tiny mouth right in the

  • 59:23

center of his eyes nope no no no what is that is it just the nose that's

  • 59:29

just the speckles they're just a speckle yeah he's got little speckles uh next up we have the terror bird

Steven Elegantly Describes the Terror Bird

  • 59:36

um and if you don't mind kind of chatting a little bit about this guy i'll be right back really quick yeah

  • 59:42

sure not a problem yeah um so this is a bird and he's definitely a terror like

  • 59:49

he's scary to a degree um you can tell he's a bird because he has

  • 59:55

some feathers there um feathers on his like as hands right uh also his beak

  • 1:00:03

is a kind of bird-like so it's a beautiful bird um

  • 1:00:09

but it's like if a dinosaur had become a bird but not quite yet a bird fully you know so it's still kind

  • 1:00:15

of dinosaurisque which is the terror part of the bird so he's a terror bird because of the dinosaur-esque

  • 1:00:21

elements and that's a very important part of being a terror bird uh

  • 1:00:28

but you'll also notice that he has a saddle and some reins and uh that's important because then people get to ride the terror bird and

  • 1:00:34

that makes him a mount so he's a mount terror bird um so there you go

  • 1:00:41

yes yes i've successfully explained the entire concept of how he's a mount terror bird while you were gone oh gosh i'm gonna

  • 1:00:47

have to re-watch that uh but i love seeing like the different uh iterations of the creatures and like

  • 1:00:54

i think this is this is so cool looking no it is it is very cool looking god i believe jensey did this yeah i think

  • 1:01:02

this is yeah i think this is jizzy is just no i i really one day we'll get her on the stream i love the colors

  • 1:01:08

to be fair though when i see its wings i think of like buffalo wings like i would eat that you know what i mean so almost i'd want

  • 1:01:14

to hunt this creature uh but at the same time it's very beautiful so i would want to capture it as well

  • 1:01:20

you know what why don't we have in our culinary you know stuff we have like little tear

  • 1:01:27

tear wings oh that's a good question spicy taverns might have some spicy tear rings

  • 1:01:32

who which race would make the spicy tear rings though probably either the tulnar or the vek

  • 1:01:40

i would say interesting beck really i feel like becker like very smart and sophisticated oh they are very smart but um they might

  • 1:01:47

have a thing against terror birds because um you would imagine that having kind of

  • 1:01:55

been um localized to the more mountainous regions and areas they probably are at odds with many of

  • 1:02:02

the avian species right and because of that you know they

  • 1:02:07

might have vendettas to to to serve so to speak against those

  • 1:02:12

avian species of all kinds uh particularly those who derive from more uh

  • 1:02:17

dinosaur-esque looking backgrounds because they likely ate some vec i don't think this guy ancestor no he

  • 1:02:24

definitely doesn't but he's going there you know they want to prevent that species from continuing

  • 1:02:29

to evolve into an avian predator that might then pluck them off the tops of these mountains and eat them yeah um so yeah

  • 1:02:37

awesome moving on to the next one here we've got our crystalline revenant now this i

  • 1:02:43

believe is still work in progress but uh look how cool he's looking he's looking

  • 1:02:48

pretty cool it looks like he got hit with a fireball he's missing his because it's a little gem thing that's in there i think it's

  • 1:02:54

gonna be particle effect probably oh nice so he's like an iron man-esque looking uh i probably shouldn't say that but

  • 1:03:02

he doesn't look like iron man at all so i think no i know but people get the confidence missing a thing in the chest

  • 1:03:09

this was part of one of our december sets that i helped design and it's cool he looks cool he looks chill yeah

  • 1:03:16

he looks like chill i'm imagining him as like a little pet so cute he looks like a walking ice

  • 1:03:21

cave true like you could just live inside his chest live inside of his chest maybe

  • 1:03:26

he's big enough that you can just be coddled inside the chest cavity can you imagine like a little

  • 1:03:32

have like little reins where you'd like control him inside yeah that'd be kind of cool that would actually be kind of cool now i

  • 1:03:38

want like there to be like a uh like a golem or something what is that like a siege at like a

  • 1:03:43

castle siege you could summon a giant version of this as a golem and like as the summoner you just climb

  • 1:03:48

up into the cavity and just like direct the thing too don't get me excited that's not just like slams into the wall

  • 1:03:55

oh that'd be so cool well now we have to do that that sounds

  • 1:04:00

awesome uh so this next one this next creature is one that everyone

  • 1:04:06

calls the snores but it is called the wisp welcome and now you're going to see it being created

  • 1:04:13

the snores the snores uh i thought you were going to be like no

  • 1:04:18

maggie what are you creating this monstrosity you're actually excited about it yeah

  • 1:04:24

because originally um this is like a win-win i was like i want a horse and a snail to have a baby and the great

  • 1:04:31

thing from a production standpoint is this can use the skeletal rig of the horse with some adaptation but

  • 1:04:38

um that's always a good thing i'm sure the animators were very happy with that

  • 1:04:43

they were excited i know to see what would come of this we actually we actually have a turntable of this as well obviously in a t-pose

  • 1:04:50

that's why his tail is like sticking out i just love the idea of and i've talked about this before of

  • 1:04:55

just like seeing something like slugging along and then all of a sudden and you get up to it and it just stands up and starts

  • 1:05:01

chasing you it just sounds horrifying and i love every bit of it i really want the like uh space bar

  • 1:05:08

animation for this guy to be where he kind of sits down on top of his legs to the point where they disappear yeah and he just looks

  • 1:05:14

like a snail without the legs yeah that'd be cool like space bar animation and then he like stands up and you're

  • 1:05:20

like and then he stands up and you're like what is this monstrosity and like

  • 1:05:25

you know how slugs or snails like leave like a little trail behind them they've got it's gotta leave like a little

  • 1:05:30

gross gross slug trail behind it yeah all right anyways moving on from

  • 1:05:38

there uh we're gonna move into some costumes so we've got our wrath's legacy

  • 1:05:44

um here and it's looking pretty amazing i think this is from like

  • 1:05:50

2018. a while yeah this was a while ago but it's looking

  • 1:05:55

great don't we have like a little does he like does it turn side to side a little bit

  • 1:06:01

oh there it goes yeah i have a turntable too of it so i'll share that in a moment i just wanted to share the style i love i love the horns

  • 1:06:09

uh the helmet i don't want to mention what it reminds me of but it reminds me

  • 1:06:14

of something and um i think it looks really cool it's extremely cool look how awesome

  • 1:06:23

that is pretty sick i can't wait to see like npcs in the world that we place uh utilizing some of these and some

  • 1:06:30

variants of them oh yeah and last did you say i'm sorry what and some variants of them what variants

  • 1:06:38

okay thank you i'm sorry go ahead did i say did i say it no you said it right but i don't think

  • 1:06:45

you've seen it yet so go ahead i'll tell you i'll tell you

  • 1:06:50

after the stream okay i'm scared everyone else is laughing i'm such an innocent

  • 1:06:55

soul i don't know what's happening right now it's neither innocent nor guilty it's

  • 1:07:00

just okay all right um next up we have here uh

In-Game Achievable Armor T5

  • 1:07:06

this beautiful armor piece this is a kailar plate armor i believe it's tier five but it's still

  • 1:07:11

work in progress so it's not going to happen this is an important one because this is an example

  • 1:07:17

of in-game achievable armor sets and i know many times people say you

  • 1:07:24

know we've seen a lot of the cosmetic development and production and that's because we have a significant backlog

  • 1:07:29

obviously of those things and they're important part of making the world right but here's an example of player

  • 1:07:36

character armor that can be achieved in game just to give you an idea comparatively of what these armors look like against

  • 1:07:43

the cosmetics and it's a very important aspect that when we offer these cosmetics that these skins that can be

  • 1:07:49

applied to armors that the in-game achievables are actually the best type of looking armors you can achieve

  • 1:07:57

right or are comparable at least at the very least because a lot of times in the games that i played

  • 1:08:03

you know they incentivize people to make those cosmetic you know shop purchases by making the

  • 1:08:10

in-game achievables trash-tier-looking um and this is that is not the case with ashes so

  • 1:08:19

uh here's an example you can take a look one of many that will soon be coming out we'll be showing more of

  • 1:08:24

we've shown it we've shown quite a few yeah i know we've shown a lot we don't want to show you too much too because we do want you guys

  • 1:08:30

to like get excited and experience things too in the game yes but that's important because

  • 1:08:35

as i go across reddit and i read people who are uninformed about the game they're like oh there's so many cosmetics and it's going to make the

  • 1:08:41

in-game stuff look you know cheap and not good that's not the case you see it here there are 4 600 people watching the

  • 1:08:47

stream right now when you see other people say that you can clip this or you can point to this image

  • 1:08:53

you can say that's not the case exactly we've shown off a few um but yeah that's

  • 1:08:59

not the case i mean have you seen our artists i don't think anything they make it's gonna be bad that's true

  • 1:09:04

that's true that's true but yeah i love i love this this looks so cool i like the cloak how it has like that

  • 1:09:11

too like a little like tear you know i the the face does remind me a little bit

  • 1:09:17

of shredder yeah but i'm saying that i know but to be fair i thought shredder looked badass so that's

  • 1:09:23

okay that's true it does the armor itself overall looks very different than that but i can see where people are going with it and now i

  • 1:09:29

know what people were talking about previously and no i have not gotten to see that yet because i've been working on alpha one

  • 1:09:34

crazy hours so that is a shredder no that was like 20 years ago no no the

  • 1:09:40

previous oh oh oh i see yes yes that's true okay

  • 1:09:45

um i think that's it for for this so we're going to move into our q a segment and we'll just play the video that um

  • 1:09:51

stephen had provided us for the design segment we'll we get through these questions um so i think how many questions do we

  • 1:09:58

have because we might ten questions ten questions okay i'm going to try to wrap it around the questions


  • 1:10:03

i will ask them quick rapid round let's see how quick and if i make any mistakes i'll correct them afterwards

  • 1:10:09

sounds good sunscript from the forum wants to know about note buildings what happens to materials gathered and

  • 1:10:15

contributed to build a node building if the mayor decides to scrap the project they are lost next question

  • 1:10:22

dave n wants to know keybinds will we be able to trigger skills with combinations of different keystrokes and

  • 1:10:29

reuse the same keys as part of different combinations yes diego mf wants to know about

  • 1:10:36

corruption if i damage a fellow player but then let the mob their fighting finish them off

  • 1:10:43

will i gain any corruption no this is an exploit people have been like

  • 1:10:48

asking um so it's important to note that the idea is going to be that unless a

  • 1:10:56

player is in your party alliance guild or raid that you will not

  • 1:11:01

have definitive knowledge of their exact hit point values so when you do something that's sketched

  • 1:11:08

like that where you want to bring them close to death and let a a monster finish him off

  • 1:11:14

you are taking the risk of overhitting and actually gaining the corruption um so that's but it's something

  • 1:11:19

obviously we're going to test yeah and right now you can see everyone's health bars systemically

  • 1:11:25

which won't be what it will be like correct uh token wants to know about sprinting will sprinting be based on stamina slash

  • 1:11:32

time or will we be able to run forever like in the current alpha one testing um

  • 1:11:37

i've instructed design to incorporate a mana consumption that's percentage based for sprinting

  • 1:11:42

so it'll be a similar amount of time that each class regardless of their mana

  • 1:11:48

values will have in order to sprint and it will not be accessible while in a combat

  • 1:11:54

so that will be implemented later and again something we will be testing with and no dallas wants to know and of

  • 1:12:00

course i'm sorry if i pronounce anyone's names wrong about fishing do you plan to keep fishing location-based find the

  • 1:12:06

sparklies like other harvesting we've seen during alpha one or will i be able to fish anywhere in any water

  • 1:12:13

so it's important to note that there will be multiple types of fishing there will be a more sports oriented fishing which may

  • 1:12:19

include some type of mini-game as part of in order to fish that will have higher rewards and

  • 1:12:24

those will be primarily location based sparklies that are currently you seeing in a

  • 1:12:29

in alpha one the whole gathering component of alpha one is not the intended gathering for

  • 1:12:35

the actual game you will not be seeing sparklies on resources and out in the world that's just a a a

  • 1:12:41

kind of gap measure right now so that we can indicate to players because we haven't had time to implement the actual ui

  • 1:12:47

and the actual uh gathering systems in place so there won't be sparkles and then

  • 1:12:53

additionally uh there will be a type of fishing where you can fish with any water but that will be a much

  • 1:13:00

more lower form of fishing that will yield much lesser types of rewards

  • 1:13:05

yeah i think we've kind of answered some of that in the past as well uh maybe not that specific question

  • 1:13:10

though um frog and knight song gur wants to know about religion will we

  • 1:13:15

be able to worship the others and build temples for them in divine

  • 1:13:21

in a divine node not well no you won't be able to build temples and no you won't be able to temple to the

  • 1:13:27

others and divine notes and you will not be able to worship in them in the same way that the primary

  • 1:13:32

religions have worship uh however there will be quest paths that do take you

  • 1:13:38

along a more darker route which can lead to uh certain types of

  • 1:13:44

of worship for the others all right alex xavier wants to know

  • 1:13:50

about projectiles will projectiles be separated from their respective weapons example will i need

  • 1:13:55

to buy such craft arrows for my bow that is a good question that we're still discussing in design so i don't have an

  • 1:14:02

answer yet for you okay and magic man wants to know about ships how early into our adventure will

  • 1:14:08

we be able to own a ship um that's a good question i i would say

  • 1:14:14

probably around like level 10 or 15 you may have certain quests that that

  • 1:14:19

navigate you towards creating a small personal vessel uh one of the smallest types of ships

  • 1:14:25

that you can have um i would say that's probably around the time frame that we would introduce characters to naval

  • 1:14:31

gameplay and revuda wants to know about item transfers

  • 1:14:37

are players restricted from transferring materials slash resources between alts through freehold storage similar to

  • 1:14:43

the restrictions on warehouse storage um if the question is with regards to

  • 1:14:49

materials i would say no you will be able to

  • 1:14:55

have alts be part of your access requirements or

  • 1:15:02

or settings on um housing and or storage within that housing

  • 1:15:08

okay cool and jalon wants to know combat pets but again to be clear i'm sorry to be

  • 1:15:13

clear that storage is localized so it's not going to be advantageous in the sense that

  • 1:15:19

i could then use an alt to transfer or move materials by accessing it from another

  • 1:15:24

storage container so yeah go ahead thank you for clarifying

  • 1:15:30

jalan wants to know about combat pets if you have to invest some portion of your power into having a

  • 1:15:35

combat pet how soon after it dies will that power be returned to you

  • 1:15:42

that's a good question i think the power gets delegated as the combat pet is summoned

  • 1:15:48

right as a combat pet is when it when it despawns you would presumably and again this is

  • 1:15:54

subject to testing you'd presumably be receiving that uh power back immediately and you know

  • 1:16:00

summoning a pet you can't just like insta right uh and one last question is from

  • 1:16:07

kibs or kibbis and they want to know about gear what are your plans to keep old gear relevant useful after new expansion

  • 1:16:14

releases and i like this question yeah so a big component of gear usefulness or relevancy as either

  • 1:16:21

you're progressing or as expansions come out or whatnot is that there is a deconstruction method

  • 1:16:26

associated with gear and that deconstruction can provide very specific and necessary crafting materials

  • 1:16:32

that can only be achieved through deconstruction of certain types of gears and then additionally you know as we

  • 1:16:40

kind of consider expansions and and additional um

  • 1:16:45

itemization paths and and tiers going forward the all gear is going to remain relevant

  • 1:16:51

within the tiers that they exist right so from a progression standpoint as you achieve access to different types of

  • 1:16:57

tiers those gears are still going to have relevancy within that tier awesome and that is going to wrap it up

  • 1:17:03

you did pretty good it was pretty quick stephen yeah got it you did a good job um

  • 1:17:09

and with that we're going to be wrapping up our live stream for july it has been a crazy month for

  • 1:17:15

us we're very excited to have lots of people testing with us we know that we have a long journey ahead of us towards you know alpha 2

  • 1:17:21

as well and we appreciate all of the feedback that you guys have sent us continue to send us feedback on the

  • 1:17:26

forums and all of the social platforms you can find us at Ashes of Creation everywhere if you're watching live right now we are

  • 1:17:32

going to wrap up the giveaway so thank you for joining the giveaway you got your last few seconds all you

  • 1:17:38

have to do is type in alpha1 and be following us right here and you will get dmd we'll be dming the

  • 1:17:43

winners here shortly if you don't win there don't worry we also will have an opportunity on youtube

  • 1:17:49

or if you didn't get to watch this live if you're watching right now on youtube uh leave a comment down below on why you

  • 1:17:54

think you deserve alpha one um key and alpha one key and also make sure that you're subscribed to

  • 1:18:00

our channel so that we can grant you the uh the reward on your account um we'll be picking 10 winners on august

  • 1:18:07

2nd in regards to that and you'll be able to join us starting august 5th for our alpha 1.

  • 1:18:12

um remind you that we do have a new dev discussion and guild gathering coming up in august and we really really implore

  • 1:18:17

you all to give us your feedback um we'll be also compiling uh the feedback from those other threads from

  • 1:18:23

july coming up here soon so get your feedback in as quickly as possible so that we can snag those up and of course the august cosmetics are

  • 1:18:29

going to be swapping over on august 4th at 11 a.m pacific for the new set

  • 1:18:35

um i did tease a little bit of one of the the items and people seem really excited

  • 1:18:40

about the pet for next um next month it's very nature themed and of course uh there's an alpha one

  • 1:18:47

play test happening right now reminder that alpha one will continue until august 13 at 11 a.m pacific

  • 1:18:52

so please please join us if you can and if you can't come watch other people's content a lot of people there's no longer an nda you can watch

  • 1:18:59

on youtube you can watch on twitch uh give us your feedback just from as a viewer perspective too uh we would love to hear what you have

  • 1:19:05

to say and like what kind of feedback you'd like to send our way uh that's one of the reasons why we lifted the nda is because we do want

  • 1:19:11

other people to be able to see you know genuine experience from players who have been helping us test

  • 1:19:17

and with that thank you we'll be putting this video up on youtube as well as it will be right here on twitch as soon as we wrap up and uh

  • 1:19:24

you know just follow us in all of the places at Ashes of Creation super easy to find us and we will see you next month for another

  • 1:19:30

update as well as some some goodies along the way so stay tuned at ashes of

  • 1:19:36 news thanks everybody thanks everybody bye have a great weekend

  • 1:19:50
