Raft caravan initiation

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Las caravanas navales son capaces de transformarse en caravanas terrestres y viceversa en el punto de intersección de tierra y oceano.[1][2][3]

  • Habrá una demora de uno o dos minutos mientras se genera una estructura de conversión y la caravana hace la transformación. Esto genera un pequeño momento de vulnerabilidad.[1][2]
  • La estructura de conversión no se beneficia de la reducción de puntos de daño de las caravanas terrestres o navales, por lo que es una posición muy débil.[4]

At the point in which your character or model intersects with an ocean it will spawn a conversion mesh or a conversion structure; and there will be a period of time, up to several minutes depending on the capacity of the caravan with the resources and/or materials that is necessary for the conversion to take place; and then the raft caravan will be available; and you can intersect that line again with land to try to convert back to a land-based caravan[1]Steven Sharif

Raft caravans

Alpha-1 Niküa raft caravan 3D render.[5]

Caravans are capable of transitioning from land to raft caravans. So if you start out as a land-based Caravan and you move to the coast and you want to move into the water there's gonna be a little transition period there; it's gonna be a little construction site: You're not gonna have to do anything it's just gonna be a timer right so that you can't quickly move between land and water. It's gonna be probably in the matter of a minute to two minutes. There's a little bit of vulnerability in that regard.[2]Steven Sharif

Las caravanas navales (barcos comerciales/barcos mercantes) son parte del contenido naval de Ashes of Creation.[6] Las caravanas navales permiten el transporte de mercancías comerciales.[3]


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