Cajas de impacto (Hitboxes)

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Los desarrolladores están probando diferentes enfoques para dar cabida a diferentes hitboxes entre las razas.[1]

  • Puede que haya una única hitbox común con algunas excepciones o reglas de colisión especiales, en lugar de tener hitboxes de diferentes tamaños.[1]

More than likely we'll have some sort of unified or unified-ish hitbox. But again it's going to probably have a unified hitbox with some exceptions or some special sort of collision rules based on them as opposed to just making it smaller for one and not the other.[1]Jeffrey Bard

En el MMORPG Ashes of Creation no hay categorías separadas de hitbox como en Ashes of Creation Apocalypse.[1]

We don't have separate types of hitbox categories, for example. There's no head hit box in the MMORPG like there was in APOC. So from a critical standpoint you're not going to see a greater risk of critting for a larger hitbox.[1]Steven Sharif