The Greyshore Company

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The Greyshore Company (also known as Greyshore Transporters) is a social organization in Ashes of Creation.[2][3]

Greyshore Transporters is a renowned shipping company, originally founded in pre-Exodus Verra. The business fled Verra during the Harbinger Apocalypse. After surviving, and even flourishing, during the Sanctus Interregnum, they returned to Verra with one of the first waves of expatriates. Now fully re-established on Verra, the company’s extraordinary expertise with planning, conveyance, and logistics, and its unparalleled familiarity with ground, sea, and air transportation methodologies have made it one of the most successful businesses transplanted from Sanctus. To the Transporters, it is never a question of if their client’s cargo will reach its desired destination, only of how quickly it will make the journey, and how much it will ultimately cost.[3]

List of Greyshore NPCs

Doren Greyshore

Cientos de años antes de que apareciera el primer Heraldo en el cielo de Verran, bajo el gobierno del rey Fentis Lyneth VIII, vivía un gran explorador de Aelan llamado Doren Greyshore. Doren navegó los primeros barcos a las costas de Erinthia, donde estableció uno de los gremios más ricos que los 10 mares hayan visto: The Greyshore Company. Su lema, hasta el día de hoy, sigue siendo válido: "Las velas de la diplomacia son impulsadas por los vientos del comercio, dentro de los mares de las oportunidades."[4]

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