Los Antiguos

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A Lieutenant of Los Antiguos 3D render.[1]

This is one of the lieutenants that exists of the Ancients; and you can see they have an almost alien look to them and that is because they have deviated over such a long period of time from their original creation, which looked something very very different: more akin to the Elven and Human races that we have now. But over time through their manipulation of the Essence and the corruption that has ensued within their race, they have taken the form that you can see.[2]Steven Sharif

Suffering Wanderer 3D render.[3][4]

You're going to see really a dark, more insidious creature that's present as the primary antagonist within the storyline of Ashes of Creation. You know they don't have the typical physical attributes you come to expect from a bipedal species like eyes and a mouth, but more something alien- that exists something that is just not natural in its appearance.[5]Steven Sharif

Los Antiguos (las creaciones originales de Los diez dioses) y Los Otros (los dioses desterrados) son los principales antagonistas dentro del lore; son los que profanaron y pervirtieron toda la creación[1][6][7]

  • Los Antiguos aprendieron de Los Otros como usar La Esencia para lograr la inmortalidad. Esta era una forma pura de inmortalidad, más parecida a la divinidad que existe entre el Panteon. Esta inmortalidad les prohibía abarcar la "no-muerte" tal y como hizo el Rey Atrax.[8]
  • Los Antiguos estaban imbuídos con todos los rasgos de los Dioses, mientras que las cuatro razas de Verra tenían esos atributos repartidos entre ellas.[9][10][11]

If the Verran races were combined they’d be the ancients.[11]Steven Sharif

  • Los Antiguos llegaron a Verra a través de Los Heraldos, que son cuerpos celestes similares a los cometas, alimentados por una fuente de magia muy poderosa que actúa básicamente como un puente entre El Vacío y el Plano Material donde existe Verra.[1][6]

You're going to see lieutenants, captains, generals, and raid bosses and they're all going to take different forms because their whole perversion of Essence through the corruption is to take creation on the material realm, that the Pantheon of good Gods did, and twist and bend it to the corruption that exists within the Essence, because they view that as a more powerful form, a more raw and arcane form of what magic is meant to be used for. There's no point in these false constructs of morality when utilizing and harnessing the power that comes from the Essence. That is a social construct that was created by inferior gods, according to the Others; and it limits the ability of their creation to really capitalize on what the Essence is to be used for in its pure, innate nature.[13]Steven Sharif

  • La raza de Los Antiguos ha sido pensada con formas tan variadas porque La Esencia tiene un profundo efecto biológico, físico y visual en la apariencia de las criaturas que la manipulan y que son corrompidas por ella.[14][13]
    • Los Grunts son los peones o soldados rasos de las líneas del frente que están específicamente equipados para el combate, la utilización de la magia, o para entornos o climas específicos.[14][13]
    • Los tenientes tienes una fisionomía alada y más asimétricos.[14][13]
    • Capitanes y generales son rangos en el sistema de castas.[13]
    • Los grandes jefes de raid y/o los jefes de mundo tienen una apariencia monolítica, y no se parecen a las criaturas normales. Son enormes e imponentes.[14][13]

The gods... wanted to represent their qualities, their characteristics, their attributes within creation with the creation of something, so they started with a race that are now known as The Ancients; and they imbued them with all of their qualities. Essentially now that that turned out to be a mistake because with those types of qualities all in one species there was a a pride that happened- a desire to become more; and that led a little bit of conflict between the Ancients; and actually there was a partition created between some of the gods within the pantheon that embraced the idea of introducing the Ancients as part of essentially their plane of existence and teaching them the ways of the Essence, in all of its facets: not just what can be used for good, but also what could be used for evil as well. And three of the gods split off and went against the quorum that was established about not interfering with the Ancients after they started this down this road of learning more of the essence and how to manipulate it; and these three gods are known as The Others. So the others really embraced teaching the Ancients knowledge of the essence that they had learned through their eternal existence; and this caused a celestial battle to occur; and the pantheon of the Seven were able to defeat the others; and they banished the Ancients and the Others from the material plane and from the plane of the gods to the void which is the furthest from being connected to the essence.[6]Steven Sharif