Corrupted resources

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Corrupted resources are variations of resources that are necessary components for certain crafting recipes.[1][2][3][4]

We saw over the course of the last few months different types of resources that have altered states when corruption is present and it becomes a corrupt version of itself, which is a necessary component for certain types of crafting endeavors as well. So there is a relevance- meaningful component of why that corruption would want to be interacted with from the player's perspective.[1]Steven Sharif

List of corrupted resources

Item Icon Type Profession Rarity Level requirement
Blood-Boiled Spiritbloom Corrupted resource Herboristería
Corrupted Ash Wood Corrupted Ash Icon.png Corrupted resource Tala
Corrupted Barley Corrupted Barley Icon.png Corrupted resource Herboristería
Corrupted Blood Corrupted Blood Slot.png Corrupted resource Tala
Corrupted Oak Corrupted resource Tala

Zonas corruptas (Corrupted areas)

Work-in-progress Alpha-1 preview corrupted area on Alpha island by Mia DelCasino.[5]

How the world reacts and changes to the nodes, you see these intrusions of corruption beginning to pervert and infest the lands; and these are obviously going to be sources by which NPC events are driven based on player progression within the world. And these sources of evil need to be addressed by the players, or else they'll grow out of hand.[6]Steven Sharif

All of our POIs and just the world in general can react to the node- we don't have to but we can- and this is one of those places where as civilization grows this will grow in contest with it.[5]Jeffrey Bard

Las áreas corruptas (zonas/puntos de interés) pueden evolucionar dinámicamente con la progresión de los nodos.[6][5]

  • Los Heraldos que existen en Verra como mazmorras son los lugares desde donde Los Antiguos son capaces de entrar en el Plano Material. Pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la apariencia de los estragos de la corrupción a medida que se extiende.[7]
  • TEstas son causas de eventos eventos que los jugadores deben abordar antes de que se les vayan de las manos.[8][6]
    • Los jugadores necesitan participar en estos eventos para detener la propagación de la corrupción y frenar la intrusión en el plano material.[7]
    • Si los jugadores no se ocupan de estas zonas corruptas, aumentará la frecuencia de los eventos contra su nodo. Estos eventos pueden provocar que los edificios y servicios del nodo queden inutilizados, aumentando la vulnerabilidad del nodo a los asedios.[9]
    It can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed; and that's the intent of corruption, is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and a problem over time.[9]Steven Sharif
  • Las áreas corruptas no confieren corrupción al jugador.[10]

There are certain things that can happen, such as the spawning of dragons or hordes of zombies that are going to come out and attack those installations, those nodes, those points of interest; and... communities that don't respond to those in an effective way might see the disabling of certain services, the reduction of certain quest lines for particular organizations. The idea is to keep this as part of a believable living response from world, so those can get pretty significant the bad effects that can happen for the community.[8]Steven Sharif

Corrupted Essence

Corrupted Essence (commonly referred to simply as Corruption) is a negative aspect of La Esencia that was spread by Los Antiguos during the Apocalypse.[12][13]

Corruption is a representation of The Ancients' magic: The Ancients hatred. The Ancients desire to strike back at the creation of what their the gods who banished them to the void have tried to accomplish on Verra. And so corruption is this influence of The Essence that permeates around locations in the world and tries to pervert what that creation really is.[14]Steven Sharif
  • Corruption was brought to Verra by the Los Heraldos, which are comet-like celestial bodies powered by a very strong source of magic.[15][16]
What does corruption do as it seeps in through the world? It seeps in a way that's responsive to player progression. So as the nodes develop, as the world becomes more civilized by society, going out and standing up these cities and these nodes and whatnot, corruption responds to that. It is an equal pushback that it's trying to achieve. And it's up to players to thwart the advancement of that corruption through achieving certain story arc quest lines, through killing certain bosses, through, participating in content that relates to that corruption seeping into the world. But corruption is not all bad, because corruption changes spawners and it changes populations and it changes resources that become available- unique resources... So there is a relevance- meaningful component of why that corruption would want to be interacted with from the player's perspective. But it's a push and pull situation. That's really what corruption is intended to provide, push and pull between the advancement of society and what was there that's more feral.[1]Steven Sharif


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