Node-to-node reputation

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Node-to-node reputation activities include trade agreements and wars between nodes.[2][3]

Trade agreements

Alcaldes can enter into trade agreements with other nodes to facilitate trade between the nodes.[5][6][7]

  • There are a limited number of trade agreements that a node can have.[5]
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Mercenary guilds will be a viable way forward for different organizations. I think there will be a lot of business to be had with that; and one of the systems in our trade agreements is creating an escrow for those particular type of arrangements that we're looking into.[8]Steven Sharif

Rutas comerciales

Caravana consistorial iniciada por un alcalde para establecer una ruta comercial con otro nodo.[6]

For example: this node over here might have access to cotton as a resource and when that node processes that cotton it might be some very nice type of linen that only that node, or very rarely nodes would have access to. So when you initiate a trade route, you're bringing its supplies that the mayor has requested because they're trying to build, let's say a specific type of service building, or they're trying to unlock a blueprint that they have access to now to build up their node.[9]Steven Sharif

Las rutas comerciales en Ashes of Creation se refieren a :

  • Los caminos por donde pasan las mercancias a través del sistema de caravanas.[10]
    You might have a mountain pass and during winter that mountain pass is always closed and so the trade routes on land change with caravans and that's something that can not only exist on a cyclical level but also dynamically based on player activity.[10]
From a diplomatic standpoint the ability for the mayor or citizens to set up NPC routed trade routes between nodes as a trade agreement or as a diplomatic process.[9]Steven Sharif

Guerra de nodos

El gobernante del nodo puede declarar la guerra a otro nodo e involucrar a los ciudadanos en la causa.[7]

  • Esto marca a los ciudadanos de los nodos en guerra, incluyendo a sus aliados, como combatientes.[13]
  • Un nodo vasallo no puede declarar la guerra a su nodo madre o a cualquiera de sus vasallos.[14]
  • Las guerras entre nodos se podrán declarar en cualquier momento, pero los objetivos solamente aparecerán durante el "prime.time del servidor".[15]
    • Los jugadores podrán matarse unos a otros en cualquier momento durante la guerra (no solo durante el prime-time del servidor).[15]
We have conditions that you can set between nodes with regards to either nodes being friendly with each other and acting trade alliances, or they can declare war on nodes similar to how guild wars may function in different games, where those citizens become hostile to each other based on the player government that's elected in the particular node. So those systems all cater to allowing a conflict that's meaningful and that also provides a non-imbalanced relationship between stronger guilds and not as strong guilds.[16]Steven Sharif

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