Faster travel

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Faster travel in Ashes of Creation refers to the use of player ridden mounts and automated creatures that connect certain nodes.[1][2][3][4]

There will be connection points between certain nodes via the use of like flying automated creatures that you can use.[4]Steven Sharif

Duración estimada de los viajes

So why is travel important? We've talked about this in the past, the reasons why. We've all existed in games where teleportation is very easy to use and sometimes that can be a detriment because you may have activities like a caravan run that's happening and one person sees you from a certain guild and they do the raid callout to their guild "everyone open your portals and come here within a split second and we're going to just mob this group". No, well instead that opportunity doesn't exist. If you want to provoke or to gank an operation of another guild, you need to have foreknowledge. You need to prepare. You need to place your forces around that area; and that is an important aspect. In addition, it makes that travel meaningful. If you are having to spend time to move to a location, you're going to think about what can I do along the way? Why am I moving to that location? How is it more beneficial for me to be in that location versus where I am now? This is also in association with the fact that you are a citizen of a particular node and that node needs your assistance within its vicinity; and if you want to move outside of that vicinity there should be a really good reason for that and there's lots of great reasons for it.[8]Steven Sharif

Tipo de viaje Corriendo.[9] En montura.[9]
De un extremo a otro de un nodo de Metropolis (fase 6) 2.83 minutos 1.67 minutos
Desde el centro de un nodo hasta el centro de su nodo vecino 5 minutos 3.5 minutos
De los puntos más septentrionales a los más meridionales de un continente 75 minutos 50 minutos

Fast travel

Fast travel is limited in Ashes of Creation. None of these fast travel methods allow transportation of gatherables or materials.[5][10]

There is very little teleportation in the world. Some of that does get unlocked through metropolises of a certain type. Additionally there are mounts that are faster travel and there are services that are fast travel between nodes.[7]Steven Sharif

Faster travel in Ashes of Creation refers to the use of player ridden mounts and flying automated creatures that connect certain nodes.[4]

Family summon

Skill Icon Origin Description
Family summon [[]] Long duration cast (30 seconds to a minute) with an approximate 30 minute cooldown that slowly summons each of your family members to your location (up to eight members).[15][16] Players cannot be summoned in the following cases:
This will be tested in Alpha-2.[19]


Alpha-1 early preview roading.[20]

Our road system in-game is essentially driven by pre-placed routes that lead to this main artery of what was once the ancient highway system of Verra; and from there there are roads that become exposed when nodes advance; and we call those veins. They come off the main artery and then as nodes advance there are points of interest as Jeff was discussing earlier. These POIs that exist around the world and some of them share coverage with multiple nodes, but depending on which node advances to the stage that activates the point of interest it'll create these capillary roads so to speak that then stem off of the node itself. So you go from the main artery ancient road that's large- that runs through different zones and whatnot- and that breaks down into the veins that lead to the specific encampments and villages and towns that then spawn off separate capillaries that lead to the points of interest in these areas that are hunting grounds. Those are not exposed initially and they come online as players advance the world.[21]Steven Sharif

Caminos ajustandose a la progresión del nodo adyacente.[22]

As nodes advance, these pre-laid road spots that exist connecting every possible route between certain node structures is going to adjust and adapt, both its material presentation, the type of roadwork that's present: It'll move from dirt road type, to perhaps a brick road, to perhaps some super ornate beautiful metropolis style road that will adjust around the world according to how these node structures begin to populate and advance.{[22]Steven Sharif

Los caminos en Verra estan pregeneradas e influenciados por el jugador.[21]

  • Los caminos más grandes se denominan arterias. Estas son los remanentes de lo que una vez fue el antiguo sistema de carreteras de Verra.[21]
  • A medida que avancen los nodos, los caminos más pequeños, llamados venas, conectan las arterias con los nodos.[21]
    • Los caminos mejorarán con el avance de nodos. Los diferentes caminos establecerán la velocidad y el tipo de caravana requerido (dentro o fuera de camino).[23]
  • Dependiento de la etapa del nodo, los puntos de interés estarán conectados a los nodos mediante pequeños caminos.[21]
  • Las carreteras o caminos no se erosionan por el tráfico reiterado en la misma área.[21]

Distintas estaciones y eventos pueden afectar el acceso a varios caminos.[24][25][26][27]

  • Los caminos que estén abiertos durante el verano pueden estar bloqueados durante el invierno .[24][27]
  • Los efectos estacionales pueden causar obstáculos o bloqueos en el transporte de mercacías con caravanas.[24][25][26][28]
    • Algunos eventos pueden causar que ciertos caminos queden bloqueados.[25]
    • Pueden aparecer obstáculos, como barreras, en los caminos que los jugadores deben eliminar para permitir el transporte de mercancias.[24][27]
  • El agua se congelará en invierno, lo que permite a los jugadores caminar sobre el hielo, sin embargo, se bloqueará el acceso a lo que hay debajo.[27]
    • El hielo hará que los caminos estén llenos de baches y sean resbaladizos.[29]

Las rutas del Reino Subterráneo estarán abiertas o cerradas de manera dinámica (según el estado de los nodos).[30]

  • La ubicación de las entradas del Reino Subterráneo en todo el mundo suelen estar alrededor de estrechamientos naturales que existen en la superficie. Esto proporciona rutas alternativas subterráneas que pueden usarse para caravanas, raids, y otras actividades del jugador.[9][30]
  • No todas las entradas del Reino Subterráneo estarán abiertas al mismo tiempo. Estas pueden cambiar dinámicamente (según el estado de los nodos) lo que causa que rutas distintas se abran, la cuales, pueden ser más ventajosas o menos que otras rutas.[30]

Las parcelas no podrán colocarse cerca de los caminos.[31]

Public transportation

There are multiple types of public transportation services where players can go AFK and be driven somewhere.[6][12]

One of the nodes has the idea of an airship that can go from node to node and I'm certain that we will have harbors that do similar things with other node types... It might be something that could be player-driven... We're sure to have a taxi system where you load up a couple people and you drive them somewhere while you AFK.[6]Jeffrey Bard

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